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White Garage Wall Storage Panels

Over the weekend we completed our latest installation of White Garage Wall Storage Panels. After several months of discussion with Stephen in Chelsea, we organised the installation of StoreWALL Brite White Wall panels across the back wall of his double garage.

The back wall of Stephen’s garage was 8m wide (which included a door) and 2.4m high. It was a plastered wall backing onto a rear Hebel wall (most likely formed part of his backyard.

White Garage Wall Storage Panels

White Garage Wall Storage Panels – Garage Wall Design

Based on pictures sent through by Stephen, we designed a StoreWALL installation with 3 Brite White panels across the length of the wall to cover the 7000mm plastered area. With a 2.4m total height, we used 7 Standard Duty panels to reach a height of 2150mm.

Finding the Studs

I use two different battery-powered Stud Finders. They both deliver different results. They are both wrong a lot of the time. It is always easier to drill a few holes and then use 450mm or 600mm spacing to test if the next stud is where you expect it. You usually need to drill a few more holes to ensure you find the actual outer edges of the studs.

With Stephens garage, the studs were 550 or so apart but there were some different spacings as well.

Garage Wall Vertical Spacing

Stephen’s garage was about 2.4m in height. The wall had a 150mm skirting board. This left us a total wall height of about 250mm. We split this allowing about 125mm at the top and the same above the skirting board. This is where we started our first Installstrip.

With just over 7000mm in length we marked out where each wall panel would start and end, ie 0, 2438, 2439, 4876, 4877, 7000mm. The first and second panel landed in between two installstrips so they didn’t require any additional support. The third (last panel) started a little too far from its closest Installstrip. In this case, we added an additional installstrip using metal screw-in fasteners.

Stacked Wall Panel Formation

For most Installations I have completed for customers, I have opted for the brickwork design. I have always thought it looked the nicest. It does however come with some challenges when joining wall panels. The issue is that the joins show. Some just have a thin line, others have a heavier one. This can come from the cut that was made to the panel (factory or manual). It can also be due to an uneven wall.

For Stephen’s installation, I opted to try the Stacked Wall formation. We used a Wide Trim at either end of the wall and a smaller joining trim along the wall at the two points where the panels would join.

I can say that using the stacked wall formation is easier than making the brick pattern and the look is just as good. I think having the joining trims on either side of each panel also gives them a little more support.

The joining trim we used was about 3m in thickness. We allowed for this when laying out our panels.

Power Outlets

Stephen’s wall had two power outlets. One was a power switch beside the door, at the beginning of the first panel. The second was a 4-gang PowerPoint at the beginning of the 3rd and final panel along the wall.

You can manage power outlets in 2 ways.

  • You can screw the outlet over the panel. To do this, you can cut a hole in the panel at the location of the outlet. The hole needs to be large enough to pass the power outlet through it.  Once you pass it through the hole, you can use longer screws to screw it back into its original bracket in the wall.
  • You can cut around the power outlet. Using a multi-tool or a jigsaw, you can cut a hole large enough so that it fits around the power outlet. This means you don’t need to unscrew it. You might want to use the joining trims to create a border around it.

For Stephen’s wall, we cut around the power outlet and added trim on the top and bottom of the hole we cut so that it framed it.

Labour Effort

In total, we installed 21 panels for this wall. It took two of us (myself and 15y/o child) about 7-8 hrs to complete the wall. We installed over 32 installstrip, each with 12 screws.

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Garage Slatwall Options

Garage Storage Options

Garage slatwall systems are becoming more and more popular in Australia. This is because storage decisions for homes (even new ones) are often underestimated. This article is about your “garage slatwall installation” and how much of your garage wall(s) you should consider covering with slatwall.

We receive calls every week from customers who have landed on our website and like the idea of a wall-panel garage storage system. It makes good use of walls that otherwise may only hold some hooks and maybe shelves. It looks great and is mould proof and provides many options regarding the types of accessories that can used, from baskets to hooks, brackets, bins, and bags.

The question many people have, however, is how much of my wall(s) should I cover with slatwall panels?

Measuring your wall area

The first step is to determine how much wall space you have. From this measurement, you can then start to work on how much wall space you want to apply slatwall panels to. This will be determined by how much you have to store and your budget.

Measuring your walls is as easy as width x height. Just use a measuring tape on all available wall areas. Consider the two side walls and the back wall.

How much slatwall area do I need?

If you are storing adult-sized bikes, ladders, large gardening tools, and water sports equipment like surfboards and canoes/kayaks, you will require one or even two walls.

Consider that adult bikes whether stored horizontally or perpendicular to a wall are about 2m in length and 60cm in width (handlebar width). Multiply this by the number of bikes you are storing, and you might quickly fill an entire wall with bikes.

Kayaks are long and need to be stored up high and out of the way.

Do I panel a full wall or part wall?

This is a decorating/design question rather than one about storage. Some people like the fact that their entire wall looks the same, ie it has the same look/texture from top to bottom. In this case, they will panel it all from the top of the skirting board to below the cornice.

From a storage perspective, it is not necessary to slatwall your entire wall. The area 1m from the skirting board (ie your floor) and say 30cm from your ceiling can be left as is. This is because you are unlikely to hang or store items that low or high. If budget is a consideration, this is a great way to reduce total panels and therefore material and labor costs.

There are some exceptions. Whilst I write this, I can also reflect on some homes we have installed StoreWALL in, which have paneled their entire wall and used much of it. In those high areas close to the ceiling, customers have installed shelving and stored items that are irregularly used. For those lower areas close to the floor, they have hung bags and baskets.

Working out your costs

Most people starting their slatwall journey are just after a simple quote that will give them some guidance as to how much the project will cost them. Knowing your wall’s dimensions helps. This information can then be used with our Panel Estimator to calculate the potential cost. Alternatively, you can also email us @ these dimensions and we can quote you.

Below is an example of such an email:


I am interested in your product to instal on my garage’s wall in order to organise my tools including power tools (domestic not professional):

The following are the relevant measurements:

wall number 1 the right section on the photo:height: 180 cmwidth: 117 cm
wall number 2 the left section on the photo:height: 139.5 cmwidth: 149 cm



This is what the customer received from us:

Garage Slatwall Installation

Below are examples of full and part garage slatwall installations. Some of these have been completed by us here in Melbourne and some by customers in other states. Both approaches work and have given customers with enough wall space to manage their storage needs.

In summary, your garage slatwall installation is down to your personal design preferences and your budget. We can help guide you with both of these so that you make the best choice for your storage needs.

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Garage Organization Ideas

kayak storage racks

A local Victorian town house builder was telling me this week the Victorian Building Association is requiring him to include bike storage in a new set of two town houses he is building. It seems the Victorian Building Association is ensuring some form of garage organization enter all new Victorian homes.

Garage Organization

If the average Australian family home owns two vehicles, then new homes should be built with three car garages not two. Two spaces for the vehicles and one for storage. Walk past most new homes today and you will see one car parked in the garage taking up half the space. The other half will be filled with storage items laying on the floor and up against the walls.

Too Much Stuff

The problem for young families is that between all of the furniture that you are expected to buy and all of the toys you accumulate there is just not enough room to store it. Effectively storing everything is a lose lose predicament.

Get rid of it

Having 3 young children of my own, I have experienced the buying, using and storing that we all go through. I still have a kid’s bed in my garage that turns into a couch/bench which my partner expects to one day use in a bigger home we may own. It isn’t easy to move stuff on. Throwing it out is painful, giving to someone for a small price or free is much easier. Atleast you know it might get a second or third use. Gumtree, eBay and Facebook’s marketplace are ideal for this. You will be surprised how quickly some stuff goes particularly if you have looked after it.

Storing what is left

My work with StoreWALL has allowed me to share time with hundreds of customers who have purchased or considered purchasing StoreWALL. The key to effective garage organization is prioritising space for the things you use regularly. This is a task no one can really help you with.

If your family enjoys bike riding then, this is a priority. Same applies to ball sports or kraft activities. It may also include tools for your work around the home or garden or even your car(s). Prioritising also includes considering the actual cost of some of your “stuff” and looking after it. Keeping a $300 drill in bucket or just lying on a bench/table is not safe nor a great way to protect your investment.

Garage Organization – Height

Consider using the full height of your garage space. If you have a 2.4m height, then look to make the most of this. Look at storage options that allow you to store the least used items in locations that you may only need to access once a year. Shelving is ideal for this. So is overhead storage.

Garage slatwall panels can make this easy by allowing you to panel the height of your wall and then offer versatility in how you use it. Add brackets to your slatwalls and create your own shelving. These shelves can then be moved lower as your needs change.

Overhead storage is also very popular today and can be placed in most locations on the roof of your garage. Once installed they can be difficult to move, so you need to get the location right.

Garage Organization – Walls

garage organization
Garage organization ideas

I mentioned garage slatwalls above and this is obviously our specialty. Wall panels are great because they give you options. Once the wall is panelled it can be used for Hooks, Baskets, Shelving, Bins and Bags. Best of all, you can move it around over time as your needs change.

Using your walls is also great because it allows you to use the length and height for those odd, shaped items like ladders.

Compared to just buying a shelfing unit from your local hardware store, garage wall panels might seem expensive. Over time you will come to appreciate the flexibility your choice offers you that a basic shelf will never deliver.

Here is an example of what I mean. If bike storage is a priority for you, slatwall panels allow you to add a bike hook anywhere on your wall. You will then be able to easily access your bike as well as your car. If your priorities change over time and you no longer need the bike, you could remove the bike hook and replace it with a Tote Bag for sporting balls or some shelving. If you ever needed that bike hook again, you could easily move the shelving higher (making it bigger or smaller) on that wall or in another location and re-introduce the bike hook.  

hanging bike storage

Garage slatwall panels need to be seen as an investment not just a garage storage option. If you eventually decide to sell your home, they will add to its value and will give your prospective owners a new ready to use garage. Alternatively, they can also be taken with you to your next home.

Garage Organization – Depth

I don’t want to underscore the value of shelving units because not only are they affordable they also give you depth. If you garage space is long and narrow, you can add a shelving unit at the back of it allowing you to maximise the space between your vehicle and the back wall. Depending on the height of your garage, shelving units can also allow you to use the full height of your garage.

The one challenge with a deep shelf is accessing everything stored on it. This is where some forward thinking of what you need occasionally and what you need regularly comes into play. Ideally you don’t want to have to sort through stuff each time you want to use the vacuum cleaner.

Fixed shelving units can be found at most hardware stores plus many online retailers.


garage organization - cabinets
Source Just Pro Tools

Cabinets are another very useful option if you have the space. A lockable cabinet can be a great way to secure those expensive tools or that equipment which you don’t want others looking at each time they enter the garage. Cabinets come in lots of shapes and sizes and combinations including bench space and drawers.


Bench space is important if you have the real-estate. You can accomplish this with a moveable bench (on wheels) or something that is fixed to your wall. It can also be something that you build yourself (YouTube is great for this).

First things first

Clean out your garage and get rid of the stuff you know someone else may be able to get more use from.

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Rendered Brick Garage Wall

A few months ago, I received the below email from Andrew who lives in Sydney “Looking at the StoreWALL system, and am wondering if you’ve come across a Sydney based installer who can install on a rendered brick garage wall? It looks more complex than a standard install, so would rather go to someone who has previously done this”. Shortly after I received a call from him as well and we chatted in more detail about his project.

New Home New Garage

Andrew had done quite a bit of work to his home and he had now turned his attention to his garage. His garage was quite big in terms of height. Both side walls where made from brick and rendered. He also had pillars between sections. Andrew wanted a garage storage system which allowed him to make use of his new garage walls.

After researching storage wall panels, he came across StoreWALL and discussed the installation process with his carpenter. His carpenter recommended installing battens to the walls first and then installing the StoreWALL InstallStrips to these battens. There was a fear that some screws may not hit mortar and not brick and so the installation would not be as secure as it could be.

His Carpenter had a valid point, however StoreWALL’s InstallStrips (one 900mm pieces with 3 sections) have 12 screw holes each. Therefore, it was unlikely that if they used all 12 screw holes that they would not secure the wall well enough.

Rendered Brick Garage Wall

Following our phone call, I sent Andrew an email with some photos of a previous installation we had done which was also on a rendered brick garage wall. To assist him I also provided Andrew with contact details of a carpenter I knew in the Sydney area who had installed StoreWALL in the past.

“Thanks for the chat Andrew. This is a picture of what the Installstrips look like on a brick wall. I know this carpenter has done installations on brick walls before, however I am not sure on his rates.

As I explained I don’t think you need the battens.

Please send through your measurements and I can quote the materials for you.”

rendered brick garage wall
InstallStrips on a rendered brick garage wall

Andrew replied with detailed pictures of how he envisaged his wall looking and the size of panels he would require.

“I have a couple of rows of large shelves going up above (600mm deep), therefore I’m going to use a height of 1830 for StoreWALL which I based on 6 panels.

I’m thinking if I get the 2.4m panels, I can fit some of the leftover cuts in the smaller space under the window that you can see.”

Rendered Brick Garage Wall Sydney
Sydney Brick Wall Installation
Small Brick Wall in Garage

Brick walls are challenging for most home owners. This is because screwing into the walls seems harder and most people think that a brick wall gives them less storage options. To be perfectly clear, brackets with shelving is what most people focus on.

My recommendation to Andrew was the following:

Garage Storage Solution Design

Garage Wall 1

  • 6 pieces cut to 1680mm (comes in 10mm on each side)
  • This will leave you with 6 x 758mm left over. (These can be used under the window).
  • In terms of Installstrips I would have 4 columns (each 2 installstrips high). Total of 8 Installstrips.
  • Panels cut to size. No charge.

Garage Wall 2

  • 6 pieces cut to 1730mm (comes in 10mm on each side).
  • In terms of Installstrips I would have 4 columns (each 2 installstrips high). Total of 8 Installstrips.
  • You will need to also cut around the power outlet on the left. This needs to be done on site.
  • You will have 6 x 708mm pieces left over. These can be used elsewhere in your garage.
  • Panels cut to size. No charge.

Garage Wall 3 (under window)

  • You can use 4 x 758mm leftovers for this. 4 Panels will give you a height of 1219mm.
  • You will need 1 column of InstallStrips on either side (4 sections high). Total of 3 InstallStrips.

StoreWALL Required Materials

  • In total you need 12 x 2438 pieces (3 cartons). You also need a minimum of 19 Installstrips. You will still have left over panels and depending on what you do with these you may require additional InstallStrips.

It turns out that Andrew had an additional wall area which could also be covered with the remaining off-cut panels. In the end there was no waste at all and Andrew had covered as much of his wall as was possible.

StoreWALL on Rendered Brick Garage Wall
StoreWALL on Rendered Brick Garage Wall

Once the order was received I got started cutting the panels and packaging them all up for Andrew. They were couriered to Sydney within a few days along with a small accessories list.

If you check out the end result, you will see he also had the shelving installed above the panels which enabled his to make great use of the height of the garage wall. I don’t have the exact measurements, but Andrew’s garage is super tall.

Garage Storage Accessories

In terms of accessories, Andrew started with a small quantity to manage some key items in his garage and once this was ready would re-evaluate.

He had some foldout chairs he wanted hung, some bikes and a ladder. To start with the accessories list looked like this:

  • 4 x HD Universal Hook
  • 4 x Rotating Bike Hook Mountain Set
  • 1 x 190mm Single hook
  • 2 x 300mm Universal Hook
  • 1 x Large Tote Bag

StoreWALL on a Rendered Brick Garage Wall

Rendered Brick Garage Wall
Rendered Brick Garage Wall
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The Organised Garage

slatwall messy garage

2020 is a year many of us will never forget. COVID-19 has locked a lot of us in our homes with plenty of time on our hands to look around and want to mend. The organised garage is something that has been talked about in many households when I consider the amount of enquiries we have received since the lockdown began.

We have covered how to organise your garage in several previous articles on our website, but I thought a top 10 (or 11) list of how to start and what to do would be useful.

The Organised Garage

the organised garage

Whilst there are plenty of extreme garage photos out there, your typical garage will have some order about it. However, what then tends to happen is larger items start to take up space, the shelves you purchased fill up or don’t fit larger items (anymore) and things start to accumulate on the floor. Before you know it, you start to use the floor more and more until it’s impossible to move around and find anything quickly or safely.

Step 1 – Empty it out

The best way to start re-organising your garage is to clean it all out. Everything off the walls, the floor and the ceiling needs to come out. Start in the morning so you have the day ahead of you and begin the clean-out.

Step 2 – Group it

When its all out on the garden lawn or driveway, start to group it. One of the keys to attaining the organised garage is the organising bit.

When I look at what is inside my garage I have the following categories:

  • Tools
  • Sports Gear
  • Bikes
  • Food (cans/packets and excess food I store)
  • Xmas tree and decorations
  • Beach gear (boogie boards)
  • Party gear (decorations, plastic cups and plates)
  • Old kids furniture
  • Bins of books
  • Old clothes
  • Keep sake items

Step 3 – Sweep it out

Give your garage a good clean out. This includes sweeping and even hosing it down. Get all of the dust and dirt that has accumulated in the corners out. You will need to remove all the furniture to do this.

You should also look at the walls and ceiling and wipe it all down. Either by hand or with a broom. Get all of the cob webs down.

Step 4 – Keep, Dump, Not Sure

Once your sorting is done, you need to go through everything and decide to either keep it because you will use it or it has some sentimental value. Dump it because you will never use it and you know someone else will get better value from it. Or, put it into the “Not sure” list to be decided upon over the coming days.

What you decide to get rid of could go to a Salvation Army store for them to sell (and make a few dollars from). It could also be sold on Ebay or Gumtree if you have the patience. Alternatively, you could give it away to a friend/family. Finally, when hard rubbish comes around you could throw it out then.

The items that you are not sure about, should be put to the side to be looked at over the coming weeks and decided upon. Don’t add them to the Keep list unless you are certain that is where they belong.

Step 5 – Floor Plan

The floor plan is really important because it offers a way to design your layout and use of the space you have. Consider the furniture you have, its size and potential use.

Think about how you use your garage. Is it just for storage or do you do work in there. As an example, I exercise in my garage, so a certain area needs to be dedicated to my training equipment.

What about your car? Do you need to park your car in the garage? If you have bikes, think about where they can be parked or hung.

If you use the space as a workshop, consider what you will use as your bench or table.

You don’t need special software for this, a few pieces of paper will do it. However spend time thinking about the space, the objects and how you want to use it all. Think about your doorways and how you access the garage (main garage door, side door, back door).

Consider the location of the items you will keep but only use a year and those that you want to access regularly. If you have little ones accessing bikes or sporting gear, think about how they can safely move in and out of the garage.

Step 5 – Group it (part 2)

The second part of grouping relates to organising your items in tune with the garage floor plan you have designed. If you read through the many blogs on organising and watch the videos, there are tons of tips on the best approach.

With any space you are working on within your home you need to prioritise based on what you want to use the space for. If part of the space is for working, then making enough room to work is key, so is using the right furniture like a desk or bench.

Bikes, if you are regularly in and out of the garage to get a bike(s), then having these placed in an easy access area even when the car is in the garage is important. You don’t want to have to move the car to get the bikes each time.

Tools, if you are using tools or a regular basis then having your tools visible and accessible is key. This can include your smaller hand tools and all types of power tools.

power tool storage

Items which are regularly used should be easy to access. For you and the rest of your family members. Items which are used once a year (xmas tree) should be out of the way. These items can be stored high and in a harder place to access.

Remember that this step is not a once-off. Organising and re-organising happens all of the time within the house. It should be the same in the garage. The organised garage is not born overnight.

Step 6 – Using Walls

Whether your garage space is small or large using your wall space is important. Most people confuse shelving with maximising use of walls space. Sticking a few shelves on the wall is a start, it’s not the end.

Having open spare wall space in a garage is wasted space. Solutions like StoreWALL give you the ability to use your wall and change its use as needs change. Unlike a shelf which is large and can’t be easily moved around, Garage Wall Storage can change a wall from shelving to holding power tools in a matter of minutes. Accessories are unlocked and moved around as needed.

the organised garage

Use wall storage around shelving, cupboards and other furniture.

Step 7 – Use the height of your room

Use the height of your space to store larger items that you seldom use. It gets them out of the way and the lower easy to access areas are used for more frequent use items. Wall storage allows you to create shelving across the top of your wall.

However there are other garage storage options which create shelving across the ceiling of your garage.

Step 8 – Re-use old furniture

If you have furniture that can be re-used for storage, it makes sense to give it a second life. Why buy another piece of furniture if you can change its look with some paint and move it into the garage. This isn’t always practical but it can work. An old desk in the study can become a useful workbench in the garage.

Step 9 – Labelled Bins & Tubs

We all have them, coloured or clear plastic tubs with lots of stuff in them. They should be organised and clearly labelled. Some clear information on the outside of the tub will save a lot of time sifting through them all looking for that old book.

Ensure your tubs have lids and they are shut tight so that contents don’t collect dust.

Step 10 – By the Door

Keep your frequently used items by the garage door. This is the main garage door you use.

In my garage, the frequently used items are my tools, food and my gym equipment. They are all by the back door to the garage.

Step 11 – It’s not a once off

Just like any other room in your garage, it may take you a few goes to get it right. Over this time you will likely throw more stuff out and learn more about how you want to use the space you have.

Your version of “the organised garage” doesn’t need to look like what is in some of pretty staged pictures of garages. It needs to work for you, your stuff and the room you have.

If in 6 mths your needs or items may change, so should your garage.

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I need a Garage Organiser

garage organisers

I was speaking to a group of friends recently who both recently completed a major home renovation. One had just completed building a brand new home and had just moved in. The other had completed an extension to their home and had been living in the house for over a year. The common discussion point for both of them was the state of their garage and needing a garage organiser.

It is not uncommon that the garage is the last space in the home to receive any attention. It will usually take place 12 or more months after the owners have resettled. I happened to be at the home of one of the couples talking about the need for a garage organiser. We inspected their garage to take a look at what they had accumulated during and since the renovation. As expected everything was on the ground. It was a two car garage, one side had the stuff, the other the car.

I talked them through their garage organiser options and explained that there are several options depending on what type of help their thought they needed and how much they wanted to spend on the garage.

garage wall storewall garage organiser

Organising Expects

Search the net and you will quickly find the multitude of organising expects offering their design services. Most of them focus on design alone and then recommendations on how to un-clutter the area, prioritise what to keep and what to let go. From here there are recommendations on what type of storage the owners can invest in. Be it Shelving, Storage Containers, Wall Hooks, Cupboards, or Overhead Storage. The key service offered is the consultancy around advice and design.

Garage Organisers

In a similar vain, garage organisers also offer the consultancy piece but they have a focus on implementation of select storage options. By this I mean they will usually sell a range of storage equipment which is either their own or that of one or more other suppliers.

This type of garage organiser will review the space that is available and much like a kitchen designer will deliver a design and the cost to build and install.

In terms of price, the Organisers Organising Experts would tend to be more flexible with what services they can offer and therefore can cater for a lower budget easier. It’s not that the Garage Organiser is more expensive, its more that they usually offer the full deal of design, build and install.

garage organiser

Garage Solutions

The final category are services like StoreWALL, StorEase from Bunnings and many others. These services offer a more Do It Yourself option. The solutions range from full garage solutions, to basic shelving options, to wall storage solutions like that from StoreWALL. Home owners can pick and choose combining solutions to fit their space and budget. Much of the responsibility around design and even installation mainly sits with the home owner. Note that several of these solutions (including StoreWALL can also organise installation for the home owner).

Whilst it’s unfortunate that the garage is so often left as the final room of the house to be renovated, it’s important to view the garage like the kitchen. It might not warrant the same budget but it does require some design and investment. If you need a garage organiser, hopefully this article will guide you as to where you need to invest your time seeking advise on possible solutions.

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StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas


When you are investigating options for reorganising your garage storage area its important to see working examples others have completed. This week I have searched the web and found several examples of StoreWALL garage installation ideas.

maximising your garage walls

Two Wall StoreWALL Garage Installation

This is a busy garage on the left has much of the wall area installed with StoreWALL. They have implemented a large range of hooks as well as shelves to manage their many tools, brooms and other gardening equipment. Notice the use of StoreWALL’s specialist pole hanging hooks. They are both secure and can hang multiple poles from the one hook. This approach saves space on your limited wall.

StoreWALL Stairwell Installation

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

This is a much smaller fit out of StoreWALL. It’s also not in the garage but inside the home. Making better use of your smaller storage areas is ideal use of StoreWALL accessories. In this small area they have lined the wall with StoreWALL panels. The use of accessories has enabled this family to hang and store all sorts of cleaning tools. Each item has its rightful space and so can be returned once used. This eliminates that cluttered cupboard which most of us end up with.

StoreWALL Sporting Garage Installations

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

This StoreWALL garage installation has been built on only one side of the garage. To the far left we have brackets for storing the bikes horizontally. As you can see this method of storing and hanging bikes is effective but takes up one third of the space. This garage has also combined a range of hooks for helmets and other sporting gear. They have kept all of their sporting balls within tote bags which enables them to see what is held in the bag and easily grab it. In addition you also have box hooks for gardening scissors as well as hooks for smaller ladders and electrical cables.

StoreWALL Fitness Room Installation

Whilst this isn’t your typical garage, many people (including myself) have converted part of their garage area or an internal room into a workout area. This example is rather large but it shows how you can hold weights whether in dumbell form or as free weights using StoreWALL accessories. Baskets and shelves can also be used to hold much of the smaller equipment like skipping ropes, grips and weight gloves. Hooks are then used to hold your boxing gloves, belts and weight balls.

Part Wall StoreWALL Garage Installation

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

This example shows how you can use StoreWALL for only part of your garage wall and still allow for what is hanging to be removed from the floor. Floor space can be used for heavier items that need to be accessed frequenlty. This garage has installed StoreWALL on the rear wall but has only used StoreWALL on half of it. StoreWALL is installed about 600mm from the ceiling and about 1000mm from the floor. In total you have about 3 panels of StoreWALL running horizontally across the wall. Interestingly this garage wall also has smaller cupboards at one end. StoreWALL has been cut to size around this cupboard to create a clean and professional wall and garage setup.

Complex StoreWALL Garage Installation

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

If you are looking for a great custom build for your garage then this example will provide you with some inspiration. The owners of this garage have combined 6 sets of mid sized cupboards, two sets of drawers, bench space, built in shelving and a full wall of hanging accessories. This is a very busy wall.

StoreWALL is used end to end on the wall and in-between each of the pieces of furniture, including in between cupboards. The main tool section is above the bench space and in-between the two cupboards. One end of the wall has been lined with hooks to hang a range of garage items from sporting to gardening equipment. They have also added additional StoreWALL shelving to hold baskets and some bags.

Wall to Wall StoreWALL Garage Installation

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

This is a great example of having StoreWALL from floor to ceiling across the entire garage. Two walls are shown in this example. The garage floor is nicely tiled. StoreWALL’s slatwalls then butt up against the lower tile to create a really clean finish for the wall.

This garage combines tall cupboards, bench space with cupboards as well as hanging cupboards. The range of accessories is minimal at this stage but they combine brackets for the biles and baskets for the larger items.

Notice they also have power points on the wall which they have cut around. Similarly they have trimmed StoreWALL around the windows.

StoreWALL Bike Installation

StoreWALL Garage Installation Ideas

This basic bike installation was included because we have been inundated with calls regarding bike hooks for the garage. You can see the StoreWALL bike hook in this example holds the bike vertically from the tyre. The rear tyre is either touching the floor or also suspended. If it is not touching the floor then it is likely to be touching the wall.

This garage has combined a range of hooks and baskets to cater for helmets and other bike related gear.

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Garage Organisation Starter Kit

storewall small angle basket

As part of our year rate payment, our local Council also runs its yearly hard rubbish collection. This annual ritual (which is bi-annual for some suburbs) sets a range of household activities linked to better garage organisation. A few weeks prior to the annual collection, households receive a reminder that it is approaching and then week after week, surrounding suburbs begin to place their hard rubbish out for collection.

Garage Organisation

Whilst hard rubbish collection is not just about your garage and garage organisation, it seems to set off a string of spring cleaning activities within my household. Most of these activities have to do with inside the home but we eventually also end up outside in the garage, re-organising, cleaning up, and throwing out.

Garage shelves are emptied, tubs are opened, benches are cleared so that we can see exactly what we have stored since the garage organisationprevious clearance and what we no longer need nor want. As the family grows up its a lot easier to determine what needs to be kept for the kids. Certain furniture and toys are just no longer needed and better off with others. Seeing it all once again makes it easy to simply remove it and place it out for collection.

Easy Access

Much of our garage storage is made up of garage racks and shelves. They work a treat by holding lots and allowing lots to be buried away (out of site and mind). This is a problem in itself however. When you store tools and work related equipment on shelves, seeing what you have and finding it becomes really difficult. It uses up precious time and generates frustration. Having your tools hanging or stored via a slatwall rack can be a lot more practical.

Slatwall panels are a wall panel with grooves that allow accessories to securely hook into them. You can then use the accessories to hang and store your equipment on. What I like about slatwall panels is that they allow your tools to stay visible and most importantly accessible. This is unlike a racking or deep shelving system.

Garage Organisation Starter Kit

Hard rubbish collection in my neighbourhood isn’t until August but I have already begun to review what can and can’t go this year. To help you with the garage reorganisation part of your clean up project, StoreWALL has launched its StoreWALL Starter Kit. The idea behind the kit is to bundle a selection of accessories that inspire you to see what you can achieve with your garage as well as how StoreWALL can help you get organised.

To help you get started, StoreWALL offers a simple bundle of accessories which can be added to your StoreWALL slatwall panels.

The Starter Kit comes with these accessories:

  • 1 x StoreWALL Square Shallow Basket
  • 2 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Universal Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Crade Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Utility Hook

You will obviously also need the slatwall panels and we make these available as single sheets as well as in packs of 6 or 4. The packs of 6 are 1.2m in length and the pack of 4 are 2.4m.

When you are ready to get started with your next garage organisation project, give us a call so we can help you with ideas and pricing on how our garage solutions can solve your storage problems.

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Organising your garage into Zones

rganize the Garage into Zones

Whether your garage is big enough to hold one or two cars, organising your garage is not easy and over time with more and more “stuff” filling it, the task seems almost impossible to start. Giving your garage an almighty clean and declutter is one thing, setting it up to stay organised means you need to create a garage organisation plan. The best way to get started is by organising your garage into zones.

A simple redesign of your garage can make all the difference.  Try assigning “zones” to each section of the garage.

First of all, what are storage zones?

Storage zones are areas in your garage where certain (similar) items should be stored. Sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised at how many garages just evolve over time with items all jumbled in together instead of being gathered together in certain designated areas.

Below I have listed a range of Zones or categories which comprise most of the items found in a typical garage. They will give you a head start to create your own Zones for the items that make up your garage.

Zone 1 – Household items

These are mainly items you will use at some stage within your home. You’ll want to store bulk items like laundry detergent, toilet paper, pet food, extra pantry supplies, brooms, mops and buckets, the vacuum and any other items you are likely to use inside your home in this area. Keeping these items close to the interior door leading to your garage allows you to grab them quickly and easily.

Zone 2 – Backyard tools and garden supplies

These are all outdoor items and will be needed when you are working in the backyard. This particular area should be kept toward the front of the garage since you’ll want these items to be handy while the front garage door is open and you’re working on the lawn.

Zone 3 – Workshop space

Keep your hammers, pliers, nuts, bolts and clamps in the area of your workbench. Keeping these items together will make any “fix it” project much easier to manage if all of your tools are all easy to find and access.

Zone 4 – Sports Equipment

Cricket bats, soccer balls, bike equipment, even a surfboard! Keep these items together for quick grab-and-go availability. Look at how high you want to store them so that even the kids can grab them on their own.

Zone 5 – Holiday Decorations

Plastic storage bins and bags are a great way to organise this type of stuff. These items are not accessed often, so can be stored on shelves up and out of the way. Be sure to clearly label all bins to make locating particular items an easy process.

Depending on the types of items you have and your particular interests and hobbies, you may have several more zones.

The single most important thing to remember is to group “like” items together.

Life works so much better when it’s organised!