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Summer Cleaning: Transform Your Garage Into an Organised Oasis

White Garage Slatwall

As the warmer months emerge and we start to spend more time outdoors, it’s the perfect time to tackle that long-neglected space – the garage. Over the colder months, garages often become a dumping ground for all things seasonal, leaving us with a cluttered and chaotic space. This spring/summer, let’s embark on a journey to reclaim our garages and transform them into organised oases of functionality. Follow these steps to efficiently clean out and transform your garage.

transform your garage

Set a Clear Goal

Before diving headfirst into the cleaning process, set a clear goal for your garage. Determine how you want the space to function and what items are essential to keep. Whether it’s creating a workshop, a storage area, or a home gym, having a vision will guide your decisions throughout the cleaning process.

Empty Everything Out

To effectively clean and organize your garage, start by removing everything from the space. This allows you to see the extent of your possessions and provides a clean slate for reorganization. As you empty the garage, sort items into categories – keep, donate, sell, or discard. Be ruthless in your decision-making to prevent unnecessary items from finding their way back into your newly organized space.

Deep Clean

With the garage emptied, take the opportunity to give it a thorough cleaning. Sweep the floors, dust surfaces, and consider pressure washing if needed. Check for any signs of pest infestations or water damage that may have occurred during the winter months. Addressing these issues early on will contribute to a clean and healthy environment.

Evaluate Storage Solutions

Assess your storage needs based on the categories you’ve established. Invest in shelves, cabinets, and storage bins to keep items off the floor and neatly organized. Utilise vertical space to maximize storage capacity and create a designated area for each category of items. Clear storage bins are particularly useful, allowing you to see the contents without having to open each one.

Organise and Label

As you begin to reintroduce items into the garage, organise them based on frequency of use and functionality. Create zones for specific activities or types of items, such as gardening tools, sports equipment, and seasonal decorations. Labeling bins and shelves will make it easier to locate items when needed and maintain the organization over time.

Create a Maintenance Plan

To ensure your newly organised garage remains clutter-free, establish a maintenance plan. Schedule regular cleanouts and decluttering sessions to prevent items from piling up. Encourage family members to adhere to the organisation system and designate specific places for frequently used items to be returned after use.

Donate, Sell, or Dispose

Dispose of unwanted items responsibly. Donate usable items to local charities, sell items online or at a garage sale, and dispose of non-recyclable or non-donatable items properly. Recycling centers and waste management facilities often have specific guidelines for different materials.

Embarking on a spring/summer cleaning journey for your garage may seem like a daunting task, but the rewards of an organised and functional space are well worth the effort. With a clear vision, strategic planning, and a commitment to maintaining order, you can transform your garage into an oasis of efficiency and accessibility. This spring/summer, reclaim your space and enjoy the benefits of a tidy and well-organised garage.

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Securing Your Slatwall Panels

Securing Your Slatwall Panels

StoreWALL’s garage wall panels are designed to be installed with Installstrips. Installstrips are what we use to effectively secure your slatwall panels.

I was told earlier this week, that another local supplier of PVC slatwall panels (no affiliation with StorewALL) recommends that they be secured to the wall using Liquid Nails or a similar professional adhesive. Maybe I had misunderstood. I hope so.

Securing Your Slatwalls with Adhesive

Let’s assume it is correct, what is wrong with this approach?

If all I was hanging on my slatwall panels were lightweight screwdrivers, paper rolls, and maybe some clothing, it would probably be OK. However, you must consider what you are securing your Slatwall panels to. If your wall is plastered which most are, then the adhesive is secured to the paper face of the plaster, nothing more. You might add a few screws here and there but all you still have is the paper holding onto the PVC slatwall panel. Not good.

What about securing your slatwall panels using adhesive to a brick wall? This is better, but still not great. At least the brick wall surface is the actual brick wall, not an outer layer that can peel away.

What about the holding capacity of the slatwall panel? The adhesive might hold the panel to the wall but does it do anything to help hold the weight, 12 months from now, 3 years from now?

I would also add that any specifications listed by the supplier for wall panel strength and storage capacity needs to be retested for this novel installation method.

What makes installstrips better?

Installstrips are made from steel. Each one holds a minimum of 12 screw holes. You screw through the installstrip and onto the stud behind the plasterboard. Or you screw into the actual brickwork. Therefore not only do you have the strength of the installstrip supporting the slatwall panel, you also have the fastener and its grip on the wooden stud or brick.

Securing Your Slatwall Panels
Installstrips on a brick wall

Securing Your Slatwall Panels
Installstrips on a plastered wall

Removing Your Slatwalls

Should you ever need to remove your slatwall panels, installstrips allow you to do this with very little effort. You don’t even need a screwdriver. When installed with Installstrips, the panels hang on the installstrips, so they can be lifted and removed. You won’t damage the panels and they can be returned when your work is done.

Let’s assume you used adhesive to secure your slatwall panels, and at some stage you needed to remove one panel? If that panel was at the bottom, the whole wall would need to be ripped off the plasterboard or brickwork. A disaster!

Check Before You Buy

A garage renovation just like any enhancement to your home requires an investment. Before you order your slatwall panels or agree to have a company install them for you, check how they will be installing them.

If the supplier doesn’t use Installstrips, then ensure that they will still fasten the slatwalls to your wall using screws or brick fasteners.

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Black Slatwall Panels

Black Slatwall Panels

Over the next month (June/July 2022) we hope to introduce our latest slatwall colour – Black Slatwall Panels.

StoreWALL panels in black are a highly sought-after colour, especially from retailers fitting out their stores. StoreWALL in the US recently introduced Black Slatwall Panels in the Standard Duty range.

Ensuring our Australian customers are always able to access everything StoreWALL in the US offers plus more, we are now also stocking Black Slatwall Panels in Australia.

Black Slatwall Panels – 1219mm and 2438mm

Both 1219mm and 2438mm cartons in Black are now in stock in Australia. The Black range is currently only available in the Standard Duty. At this stage, there is no additional information if it will also be made available in the Heavy Duty range.


These panels will be priced the same as our Brite White and Weathered Grey panels which are also available in the 1219mm length.

Panels will only be available in cartons of 4 panels. They will not be sold as individual panels at this stage.


Interestingly, most Australian garages are painted white. Therefore most StoreWALL Australia customers purchase Brite White panels to match their white walls. Second in line is our Weathered Grey colour. I definitely think that many customers who want a contrasting colour in their garage, workshop or office will consider Black.

When you couple the Black panels with our Grey accessories, I believe you will end up with a very complementary colour combination for your storage area.

We will be sure to share some photos once our first customers start using the new Black Slatwall colour.