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The Evolution of Slatwall

the evolution of slatwall

From Retail Staple to Home Organization Hero

Slatwall, a familiar sight in retail stores for decades, has evolved significantly since its inception. Originally designed to maximize display space and flexibility in commercial settings, slatwall has transcended its initial purpose, finding new applications in home organization, particularly in garages and workspaces. Let’s explore the evolution of slatwall from its humble beginnings to its current status as a versatile and essential storage solution.

The Birth of Slatwall

Slatwall, also known as slotwall or slatboard, was first introduced in the 1960s. Its creation was driven by the need for a flexible, durable, and aesthetically pleasing display system for retail environments. The design featured horizontal grooves or slats that allowed for the easy insertion of various accessories such as hooks, shelves, and brackets. This modular system enabled retailers to customize their displays quickly and efficiently, adapting to changing inventory and promotional needs.

the evolution of slatwall

Slatwall in Retail: The Early Years

During the 1970s and 1980s, slatwall gained popularity across various retail sectors. Its ability to display a wide range of products in an organized and attractive manner made it a go-to solution for store owners. Whether showcasing clothing, electronics, or sporting goods, slatwall provided the versatility needed to create eye-catching displays that could be reconfigured without significant effort or expense.

The Evolution of Slatwall – Innovations and Improvements

As slatwall’s popularity grew, so did the innovations surrounding it. The materials used for slatwall panels evolved from basic wood composites to more durable and aesthetically pleasing options like medium-density fiberboard (MDF) with laminate finishes. This development not only enhanced the durability of slatwall but also expanded its aesthetic appeal, allowing it to blend seamlessly with various store decors.

Additionally, a wide array of slatwall accessories emerged, further enhancing its functionality. Specialized hooks, baskets, and shelving units were designed to accommodate specific product types, making slatwall even more adaptable to different retail environments.

Slatwall Enters the Home

While slatwall continued to dominate the retail display market, its potential for home organization began to be recognized. The late 1990s and early 2000s saw a shift as homeowners started to adopt slatwall systems for personal use, particularly in garages, workshops, and home offices. The same attributes that made slatwall a favorite in retail—versatility, durability, and ease of customization—proved invaluable for home storage solutions.

The Garage: A New Frontier

Garages, often the most cluttered and underutilized spaces in a home, became the perfect canvas for slatwall’s capabilities. Homeowners began using slatwall panels to organize tools, sports equipment, gardening supplies, and more. The ability to easily rearrange hooks and shelves meant that the storage system could adapt to changing needs, whether it was a growing collection of tools or seasonal sports gear.

Manufacturers responded to this growing demand by creating slatwall panels specifically designed for residential use. These panels often featured more robust materials to withstand the rigors of garage environments and came in a variety of finishes to suit different aesthetic preferences.

Beyond the Garage: Slatwall in Modern Homes

Today, slatwall has expanded beyond garages and workshops, finding its place in various areas of the home. In home offices, slatwall panels provide a customizable organization system for office supplies, files, and gadgets. In laundry rooms, they offer a practical solution for keeping cleaning supplies and laundry essentials neatly organized. Even in kitchens, slatwall can be used to create an adaptable storage system for pots, pans, and utensils.

The Future of Slatwall

The evolution of slatwall continues as new materials and designs emerge. Innovations such as metal and PVC slatwall panels offer enhanced durability and resistance to moisture, making them suitable for outdoor applications as well. As the trend towards home organization and optimization grows, slatwall is likely to remain a popular choice for both retail and residential environments.

Moreover, the rise of smart home technology presents new opportunities for integrating slatwall with digital storage solutions. Imagine slatwall panels equipped with sensors that help you track inventory or find misplaced tools with the help of a smartphone app.


From its origins as a retail display system to its current status as a versatile home organization solution, slatwall has come a long way. Its evolution reflects the changing needs of both commercial and residential spaces, adapting to new challenges and opportunities along the way. As we continue to seek efficient and customizable storage solutions, slatwall’s legacy of flexibility and innovation ensures it will remain a staple in our homes and businesses for years to come.

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The Evolution of Home Storage

home storage solutions

Trends and Innovations

Home storage has come a long way from the days of simple shelves and boxes. As our lives become busier and our homes more compact, innovative storage solutions have become essential. This blog post explores the evolution of home storage, highlighting the latest trends and innovations that are transforming how we organize and optimize our living spaces.

The Early Days: Simple and Functional

In the past, home storage was all about functionality. Basic shelving units, closets, and cabinets were the go-to solutions for keeping homes tidy. While effective, these options often lacked versatility and aesthetic appeal. The focus was on practicality rather than design, and customization was minimal.

The Rise of Customization

As the need for more personalized living spaces grew, so did the demand for customizable storage solutions. Homeowners began seeking storage options that not only met their practical needs but also complemented their home decor. This shift led to the development of modular storage systems, which allowed for greater flexibility and personalization. StoreWALL, for example, offers a range of accessories and panels that can be tailored to fit any room, style, or purpose.

The Influence of Technology

Technology has played a significant role in the evolution of home storage. Smart storage solutions have emerged, integrating technology to enhance functionality and convenience. From automated closet systems to app-controlled storage units, technology is making it easier than ever to organize and access our belongings. Innovations such as motorized shelves, RFID tracking, and IoT-enabled storage devices are revolutionizing the way we think about home organization.

Space Optimization: Making the Most of Small Spaces

With urban living on the rise, optimizing small spaces has become a key trend in home storage. Creative solutions like wall-mounted systems, under-bed storage, and multi-functional furniture are gaining popularity. StoreWALL’s wall-mounted storage panels, for instance, provide a sleek and efficient way to maximize vertical space, keeping floors clear and rooms clutter-free.

wall mounted storage

Sustainable Storage Solutions

Sustainability is another important trend shaping the future of home storage. As more people become environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly storage options. Companies are responding by using sustainable materials and manufacturing processes. StoreWALL is committed to sustainability, offering durable, long-lasting products that reduce the need for frequent replacements, ultimately minimizing waste.

Aesthetic Appeal: Storage as Decor

Modern storage solutions are designed to be both functional and visually appealing. The idea that storage should blend seamlessly with home decor has gained traction. Stylish storage units, elegant shelving, and decorative baskets are now integral parts of interior design. StoreWALL’s products are available in various finishes and styles, ensuring that storage solutions enhance the overall aesthetic of any room.

The Future of Home Storage

As technology continues to advance, we can expect even smarter storage solutions that anticipate our needs and adapt to our lifestyles. Additionally, the emphasis on sustainability and design will likely continue to grow, offering homeowners more options that are both eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

The evolution of home storage reflects our changing lifestyles and growing needs for efficiency, personalization, and sustainability. From simple shelves to smart storage systems, the journey has been marked by continuous innovation and improvement. At StoreWALL, we are proud to be at the forefront of this evolution, providing cutting-edge storage solutions that meet the demands of modern living. Whether you’re looking to optimize space, enhance your home decor, or invest in sustainable options, StoreWALL has the perfect storage solution for you.

Explore our wide range of innovative storage solutions at and transform your home today. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on storage trends, tips, and exclusive offers.

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Wall Mounted Storage for your Garage

compare garage storage solutions

Maximizing Your Space Efficiently

Are you constantly battling with clutter in your garage? Do you find yourself struggling to locate tools, sports equipment, or holiday decorations when you need them? If so, wall mounted garage storage could be the game-changer you’re looking for. By leveraging the vertical space in your garage, you can significantly increase your storage capacity, organize your belongings efficiently, and create a more functional and accessible workspace. Let’s delve into the benefits of wall mounted storage solutions and how you can implement them in your garage.

The Advantages of Wall Mounted Storage

  • Maximized Space Utilization: One of the most compelling reasons to opt for wall-mounted systems is the ability to free up floor space. This approach allows you to store items off the ground, making it easier to clean the floor and move around.
  • Enhanced Organization: Wall-mounted systems often come with a variety of shelving, hooks, and bins that can be customized to suit your storage needs. This means you can have a dedicated spot for every item, from garden tools and sports gear to automotive supplies and woodworking equipment.
  • Improved Accessibility: By keeping items off the floor and at eye level, garage wall systems make it easier to find and retrieve what you need without digging through piles or boxes.
  • Visual Appeal: A well-organized garage wall storage system can significantly improve the look of your garage, transforming it from a cluttered catchall to a tidy and efficient space.
wall mounted storage

Implementing Wall Mounted System in Your Garage

1. Assess Your Needs: Start by taking inventory of what you currently store in your garage. Group items by category and consider how often you use them. This will help you determine the type of storage solutions that will work best for your space.

2. Choose the Right System: There are several types of garage wall storage systems to choose from, including:

  • Slatwall Panels: These are great for versatile storage needs, allowing you to attach hooks, shelves, and bins that can be easily repositioned.
  • Track Systems: Ideal for hanging larger tools and equipment, track systems offer sturdy support and can be customized with various hooks and accessories.
  • Shelving Units: Fixed or adjustable shelving units are perfect for storing boxes, bins, and larger items that don’t hang well.

3. Plan Your Layout: Before installing any system, plan your layout carefully. Consider placing frequently used items at arm’s reach and seasonal or rarely used items higher up or in less accessible spots.

4. Installation: While many wall-mounted systems are designed for DIY installation, ensure you have the right tools and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. It’s crucial to secure storage systems to studs in the wall to provide adequate support for your items.

5. Organize and Label: Once your storage system is in place, organize your items logically and consider labeling shelves, bins, and hooks to make it easy to find and return items to their rightful spot.

wall mounted storage system

Garage Wall System – Conclusion

Wall-mounted garage storage offers a smart and effective way to tackle the clutter in your garage. By taking advantage of vertical space, you can create a more organized, accessible, and visually appealing space. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, a sports fanatic, or just looking to declutter, there’s a wall-mounted garage storage solution that can meet your needs. Start planning your garage transformation today and enjoy the benefits of a well-organized space.

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Reclaim Your Garage

slatwall messy garage

In Australia, the garage has traditionally been a multifunctional space, serving not just as a shelter for cars but also as a storage area for a myriad of household items, tools, and occasionally, even as a workspace or recreational area. However, a common observation across many Australian homes is that garages tend to be particularly cluttered and messy. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, ranging from changing lifestyle patterns to architectural design and consumer behavior. This article delves into the reasons behind the messiness of Australian garages, shedding light on the underlying causes and potential solutions. It also introduces a range of solutions that can assist you to reclaim your garage.

reclaim your garage

Shifting Lifestyle Patterns

One of the primary reasons for cluttered garages is the evolving lifestyle of Australians. As people acquire more possessions, from sports equipment to seasonal decorations, the garage often becomes the go-to storage space. The rise of hobbies and home improvement projects has also contributed to the accumulation of tools and materials, often stored in the garage for convenience.

Lack of Adequate Storage Solutions

Many Australian homes, especially older ones, were not designed with sufficient built-in storage. As a result, garages become the overflow space for items that do not fit inside the house. Without proper organization systems such as shelving, cabinets, or racks, these items can quickly accumulate, creating clutter and disorganization.

The Consumer Culture

The surge in consumerism, driven by the ease of online shopping and the allure of sales, has led to an increase in household belongings. Many Australians find themselves purchasing items on impulse or in bulk, which, due to lack of immediate use or space inside the home, end up in the garage. This consumer habit exacerbates the issue of clutter, making garages appear messier than ever.

Multipurpose Use of Garage Space

Garages in Australia are increasingly being used for purposes other than parking cars. They serve as workshops, home gyms, and even entertainment areas. This multipurpose use, while beneficial, contributes to the clutter, as it introduces a variety of items into the space that are not always neatly organized or stored.

Procrastination and Lack of Time

The task of cleaning and organizing a garage can be daunting, especially when the clutter has been accumulating over time. Many individuals postpone this task due to its overwhelming nature or due to a busy lifestyle. This procrastination, combined with a lack of dedicated time to tackle the mess, results in garages remaining cluttered for extended periods.

reclaim your garage

Architectural Design and Planning

The design of some Australian homes does not prioritize garage storage efficiency. Garages are often designed to meet minimum size requirements for vehicles, with little consideration for storage or organization. This lack of foresight in design contributes to the challenge of keeping garages tidy and well-organized.

Seasonal and Infrequently Used Items

Garages often house seasonal items such as holiday decorations, winter clothing, and sports equipment, which are not used year-round. These items take up valuable space and contribute to the clutter, especially when not stored properly.

Reclaim Your Garage – Solutions and Strategies

Addressing the messiness of garages requires a multifaceted approach. You can adopt various strategies to mitigate this issue so you can reclaim your garage:

  • Implementing Efficient Storage Solutions: Installing shelving, cabinets, and overhead storage can maximize space and reduce clutter.
  • Utilise your walls: Wall storage solutions allow you to maximise the height and width of your walls as storage areas. Garage wall storage solutions enable the use of hooks, baskets, and shelves to safely store everything from sporting goods to power tools and even work boots.
  • Regular Decluttering: Setting aside time to sort through items and dispose of or donate those that are no longer needed can significantly reduce clutter.
  • Designating Spaces: Assigning specific areas within the garage for different types of items can help maintain organization.
  • Investing in Multipurpose Furniture: For garages used as multipurpose spaces, furniture that offers storage can be particularly useful.
  • Embracing Minimalism: Adopting a more minimalist approach to possessions can prevent the garage from becoming a catch-all storage space.

In conclusion, the cluttered state of Australian garages is a multifaceted issue influenced by lifestyle changes, architectural design, and consumer habits, among other factors. By acknowledging these causes and implementing practical solutions, you can reclaim your garage, transforming it into an organised, and functional space.

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The Allure of the Australian Man Cave

australian man cave

Understanding the Popularity of Personal Sanctuaries

In recent years, the man cave has evolved from a trend into a staple of the modern home. These personal sanctuaries offer men a retreat from the pressures of daily life, a space to unwind, engage in hobbies, or socialize. This article explores the multifaceted reasons behind the rise in popularity of the Australian man cave and its significance in contemporary culture.

Origins of the Man Cave

The concept of a man cave is not entirely new. Historical precedents include the study or library of a Victorian home, where the man of the house retreated to ponder important matters or indulge in reading. Today’s man caves, however, have expanded beyond these early iterations into fully realized personal spaces that serve multiple purposes.

The Psychological Appeal

Identity and Self-Expression: Man caves provide a canvas for personal expression. In a world where individuality can often be compromised, these spaces offer men the chance to showcase their interests, collections, and tastes without compromise or judgment.

Stress Relief and Relaxation: They serve as a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation. The therapeutic nature of a space where one can detach from the stressors of work and family life is invaluable for mental health and overall well-being.

Autonomy and Control: Within the household, decision-making is often a shared responsibility. A man cave gives its owner complete autonomy over one defined area, fulfilling a desire for control and independence.

Australian Man Cave: Whilst the Australian man cave shares all characteristics of the universal man cave, it does have some unique features including a collection of sporting memorabilia, a pool table, a weights or gym area, a collection of water sports equipment, and a fascination with power tools.

australian man cave

Social and Cultural Influences

Evolving Gender Roles: As gender roles continue to evolve, the man cave has become a space that respects the need for personal time and space, reflecting a modern understanding of balance in relationships and family dynamics.

Entertainment and Hospitality: Man caves are often equipped for entertainment, with large-screen TVs, gaming consoles, and bars. They serve as an informal setting for social gatherings, sports viewing parties, and a relaxed atmosphere for camaraderie.

Rise of Hobbyist Culture: With the growing popularity of hobbies such as gaming, homebrewing, and collecting, man caves offer the necessary space to engage in these activities without encroaching on communal living areas.

Economic and Real Estate Factors

Home Value Addition: A well-constructed man cave can increase the appeal and value of a property. It is seen as an attractive feature that adds functional living space to a home.

Cost-Effective Leisure: With the rising costs of leisure activities outside the home, man caves offer a cost-effective alternative where one can enjoy similar experiences without recurring expenses.

The Way Forward

Man caves are no longer just a fad but a reflection of the modern man’s desire for a space that caters to relaxation, hobbies, and social interactions. They represent the importance of personal space in today’s fast-paced world and underscore the need for environments that support individual pursuits and mental well-being.

As society continues to recognize the importance of personal space and time, the man cave will likely remain a popular and enduring feature of the contemporary home, evolving with the changing tastes and technologies that define personal leisure and entertainment.

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PVC Slatwall Panels

pvc slatwall panels

The Benefits of PVC-Based Slatwall Panels

In the realm of modern storage and organization, PVC slatwall panels are becoming increasingly popular for their versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. These panels offer an ingenious solution to cluttered spaces, particularly in retail, workshops, and garages. This article explores the numerous benefits of PVC-based slatwall panels and why they are an excellent choice for both commercial and residential storage needs.

Durability and Longevity

Resistant to Wear and Tear: PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is known for its strength and durability. PVC slatwall panels can withstand significant wear and tear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas or spaces that require storing heavy items.

Moisture and Rot Resistant: Unlike traditional wood or MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard) panels, PVC is impervious to moisture and humidity. This resistance to water ensures that the panels do not rot, warp, or swell, maintaining their structural integrity over time.

Versatility in Usage

Customizable Storage Solutions: PVC-based wall panels are equipped with horizontal grooves that can accommodate a variety of hooks, shelves, bins, and racks. This versatility allows users to customize their storage setup to fit their specific needs and can be easily reconfigured as those needs change.

Wide Range of Applications: From displaying products in retail stores to organizing tools in a garage, PVC slatwalls are adaptable to a multitude of environments and purposes.

pvc garage wall panels

Aesthetic Appeal

Sleek and Modern Look: PVC wall panels offer a clean and modern look that can enhance the aesthetic of any space. With a variety of colors available, they can be seamlessly integrated into any interior design scheme. Checkout our garage gallery for examples of Australian homes using StoreWALL’s garage wall panels.

Hide Clutter Effectively: By providing a designated space for each item, these panels help maintain an organized and clutter-free environment, which is visually pleasing and easier to navigate.

Space Efficiency

Maximizing Wall Space: PVC garage wall panels are an excellent way to utilize vertical space effectively, especially in areas where floor space is limited. By organizing items vertically, these panels free up valuable floor space. Think about ladders, bikes, tubs, and sports equipment. Off the floor and onto the wall makes good sense.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Simple Set-Up: Installing PVC slatwall panels is relatively straightforward, making them a viable option for DIY enthusiasts. The panels can be cut to fit any space and are generally easy to mount.

Low Maintenance: PVC garage panels require minimal upkeep. They are easy to clean and do not need any special treatments or coatings to maintain their appearance and functionality.


Affordable Storage Solution: While offering a multitude of benefits, PVC slatwall panels are also cost-effective. Their durability means they can last a lifetime, and their flexibility reduces the need for additional storage furniture or systems.

PVC Slatwall Panels – Verdict

PVC-based slatwall panels present a compelling solution for efficient, durable, and aesthetically pleasing storage. Their adaptability to various environments, combined with the ease of installation and maintenance, makes them an ideal choice for both residential and commercial spaces. As storage needs continue to evolve, PVC slatwalls stand out as a practical, stylish, and economical option that meets the dynamic requirements of modern organization and display.

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Best Garage Storage Solutions for 2024

Best Garage Storage Solutions for 2024

As we approach 2024, homeowners are increasingly seeking innovative and efficient ways to organize their garages. The modern garage serves multiple purposes: it’s a place for cars, a workshop, a storage area for tools and outdoor equipment, and sometimes even a recreational space. Finding the best garage storage solution is key to maximizing this versatile space. This article delves into the best garage storage solutions for 2024, focusing on functionality, efficiency, and adaptability.

Smart Modular Storage Systems

What’s Trending: In 2024, smart modular storage systems are at the forefront. These systems are designed to be customizable and adaptable, catering to the ever-changing storage needs of a garage.

Key Features:

  • Customization: Configurable shelving units, cabinets, and wall-mounted panels.
  • Versatility: Suitable for storing everything from small tools to large equipment.
  • Integration with Technology: Some advanced systems include smart features like climate control sensors or inventory management apps.
Best Garage Storage Solutions for 2024

Overhead Storage Solutions

Space Maximization: Overhead storage racks are a game-changer in 2024, especially for those with limited floor space. These systems utilize the ceiling area, perfect for storing seasonal items, sports equipment, or rarely used bulky items.

Innovation in Design: Modern overhead systems are incorporating advanced features like motorized lifts, allowing for easy access to stored items with a push of a button.

Wall-Mounted Slatwall Panels

Why It’s Popular: Wall-mounted slatwall panels offer a flexible approach to wall storage. They accommodate a variety of hooks, shelves, and bins, allowing homeowners to customize their storage based on their specific needs.

2024 Innovations:

  • Durable Materials: Newer materials are more resistant to moisture, wear, and weight.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Available in various finishes to enhance the look of your garage.

High-Density Cabinet Systems

Efficient Storage: Cabinets provide a clean, organized way to store tools, gardening supplies, and automotive equipment. High-density cabinets in 2024 are designed to offer maximum storage with a minimal footprint.

Advanced Features:

  • Security: Enhanced locking systems for valuable tools.
  • Customizability: Adjustable shelves and modular designs.

Mobile Storage Solutions

Flexibility is Key: Mobile storage solutions, such as rolling tool chests and portable storage caddies, are increasingly popular for their versatility.


  • Portability: Easy to move around for various projects.
  • Space Efficiency: Compact designs that fit snugly in underutilized spaces.

Eco-Friendly Storage Options

Sustainability Matters: Eco-friendly storage solutions are gaining traction. These include recyclable materials and sustainably sourced wood products.

Integrated Workbenches

Multi-Functional Space: Workbenches with integrated storage are a must-have in 2024, offering a workspace combined with storage for tools and equipment.

2024 Trends:

  • Adjustable Designs: Height-adjustable surfaces for ergonomic comfort.
  • Built-In Power Supplies: Integrated power outlets and charging stations.

Maximizing space and flexibility

The best garage storage solutions for 2024 is one that maximizes space, offers flexibility, and caters to the specific needs of the homeowner. Smart modular systems, overhead storage, wall-mounted solutions, high-density cabinets, mobile units, eco-friendly options, and integrated workbenches are all leading the way in garage organization. As garages continue to evolve in their use and function, these storage solutions are adapting to meet the demands of modern homeowners, combining practicality with technological advancements.

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Using low-cost Pegboards in Garage Organization

Pinnacle Pegboard

Garage organization is crucial for homeowners looking to maximize space and maintain order. One common solution for tool storage and organization is the use of pegboards. Pegboards can be purchased from all major hardware stores. However, while cheap pegboards may seem like an economical choice, they come with several weaknesses that can compromise their effectiveness and durability. This article explores the drawbacks of using low-cost pegboards in your garage.

Compromised Durability

Low-cost pegboards are often made from lower-quality materials like thin-pressed wood, metal, or low-grade plastic. These materials are prone to warping, cracking, and breaking, especially under the weight of heavier tools. This fragility limits the type and amount of equipment you can safely store. Over time, the wear and tear from regular use can render these boards unusable, leading to the need for frequent replacements.

If a lot of cases, where MDF is used and has been painted. Regular use can cause chips and scratches that are difficult to repair.

Limited Weight Capacity

One of the most significant drawbacks of inexpensive pegboards is their limited weight capacity. They are often unable to support heavier tools and equipment, which is a critical consideration in a garage setting. This limitation not only restricts what you can store but also poses a safety hazard if the board or hooks give way under too much weight.

Poor Aesthetic and Fit

Low-cost pegboards usually offer limited options in terms of size, color, and design. This lack of variety can make it challenging to find a board that fits well with the aesthetics of your garage or home. Additionally, cut-rate boards might not fit properly against the wall, leaving gaps that reduce stability and visual appeal.

Lack of Customization

Higher-quality garage wall storage systems often come with a range of accessories and customization options, allowing you to create a storage solution tailored to your specific needs. Cheap pegboards lack this versatility, offering only basic hooks and limited arrangement options. This restriction can lead to inefficient use of space and difficulty accessing frequently used tools.

Combined with a limited range of accessories, cheap pegboards can quickly turn into a throw-away solution.

Environmental Impact

Lower-quality materials often have a higher environmental impact, both in terms of manufacturing processes and the need for frequent replacements. Investing in a more durable garage wall storage system made from sustainable materials can reduce your environmental footprint while providing better long-term value.

Better Garage Storage Options

While the initial low cost of cheap pegboards can be appealing, their weaknesses in durability, weight capacity, aesthetics, customization, and environmental impact make them a less desirable choice for effective garage organization. Homeowners are better served in the long run by investing in higher-quality, more durable storage solutions that can reliably hold their tools and withstand the demands of a garage environment.

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Best Slatwall Accessories

Maximize Your MDF Slatwall with StoreWALL’s High-Quality Accessories

Explore the Best Slatwall Accessories for Your Home Garage

Recently, we’ve noticed a surge in enquiries from homeowners looking for superior slatwall accessories to enhance their MDF Slatwall Wall Panels. Common in retail settings, MDF slatwalls, characterized by 100mm spaced grooves and metal trim, are now finding their way into household garages.

Understanding MDF Slatwalls:

Design: MDF slatwalls are budget-friendly and popular in retail stores. However, their accessory range is primarily retail-focused and may not suit home garage needs.

Slatwall Accessory Options:

Online Availability: A search on platforms like eBay for ‘Slatwall Accessories’ reveals various hooks, shelves, and baskets. While adequate for light items like dustpans, they may lack versatility for diverse storage needs.

Why Choose StoreWALL’s Accessories:

  • Robust Construction: Our accessories are crafted from steel and finished with powder coating, ensuring durability and longevity. They also feature rubber tips for item protection.
  • Extensive Range: Offering over 35 hook types, 15+ metal shelves, 8 basket styles, 4 bracket sizes, 15+ bins in various colors, and 4 Tote Bags, our range caters to a broad spectrum of storage needs.
  • Global Recognition: StoreWALL’s accessories are recognized as some of the best in Australia and internationally.
slatwall accessories

Adapting StoreWALL Accessories for MDF Slatwalls:

  • CamLok Removal: To fit our accessories onto MDF Slatwalls, we simply remove the CamLok. This modification allows the “L” shaped lip to fit into your MDF wall, supporting various items.
  • Result: While CamLok’s extra security is absent, our range offers greater depth and versatility. Exercise caution when handling stored items.
best slatwall accessories

Elevate Your Storage Game:

Transform your MDF Slatwall with StoreWALL’s wide array of accessories. Whether you’re storing garden tools, sports equipment, or household items, our solutions offer unmatched functionality and style for your home garage.

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White Garage Wall Storage Panels

Over the weekend we completed our latest installation of White Garage Wall Storage Panels. After several months of discussion with Stephen in Chelsea, we organised the installation of StoreWALL Brite White Wall panels across the back wall of his double garage.

The back wall of Stephen’s garage was 8m wide (which included a door) and 2.4m high. It was a plastered wall backing onto a rear Hebel wall (most likely formed part of his backyard.

White Garage Wall Storage Panels

White Garage Wall Storage Panels – Garage Wall Design

Based on pictures sent through by Stephen, we designed a StoreWALL installation with 3 Brite White panels across the length of the wall to cover the 7000mm plastered area. With a 2.4m total height, we used 7 Standard Duty panels to reach a height of 2150mm.

Finding the Studs

I use two different battery-powered Stud Finders. They both deliver different results. They are both wrong a lot of the time. It is always easier to drill a few holes and then use 450mm or 600mm spacing to test if the next stud is where you expect it. You usually need to drill a few more holes to ensure you find the actual outer edges of the studs.

With Stephens garage, the studs were 550 or so apart but there were some different spacings as well.

Garage Wall Vertical Spacing

Stephen’s garage was about 2.4m in height. The wall had a 150mm skirting board. This left us a total wall height of about 250mm. We split this allowing about 125mm at the top and the same above the skirting board. This is where we started our first Installstrip.

With just over 7000mm in length we marked out where each wall panel would start and end, ie 0, 2438, 2439, 4876, 4877, 7000mm. The first and second panel landed in between two installstrips so they didn’t require any additional support. The third (last panel) started a little too far from its closest Installstrip. In this case, we added an additional installstrip using metal screw-in fasteners.

Stacked Wall Panel Formation

For most Installations I have completed for customers, I have opted for the brickwork design. I have always thought it looked the nicest. It does however come with some challenges when joining wall panels. The issue is that the joins show. Some just have a thin line, others have a heavier one. This can come from the cut that was made to the panel (factory or manual). It can also be due to an uneven wall.

For Stephen’s installation, I opted to try the Stacked Wall formation. We used a Wide Trim at either end of the wall and a smaller joining trim along the wall at the two points where the panels would join.

I can say that using the stacked wall formation is easier than making the brick pattern and the look is just as good. I think having the joining trims on either side of each panel also gives them a little more support.

The joining trim we used was about 3m in thickness. We allowed for this when laying out our panels.

Power Outlets

Stephen’s wall had two power outlets. One was a power switch beside the door, at the beginning of the first panel. The second was a 4-gang PowerPoint at the beginning of the 3rd and final panel along the wall.

You can manage power outlets in 2 ways.

  • You can screw the outlet over the panel. To do this, you can cut a hole in the panel at the location of the outlet. The hole needs to be large enough to pass the power outlet through it.  Once you pass it through the hole, you can use longer screws to screw it back into its original bracket in the wall.
  • You can cut around the power outlet. Using a multi-tool or a jigsaw, you can cut a hole large enough so that it fits around the power outlet. This means you don’t need to unscrew it. You might want to use the joining trims to create a border around it.

For Stephen’s wall, we cut around the power outlet and added trim on the top and bottom of the hole we cut so that it framed it.

Labour Effort

In total, we installed 21 panels for this wall. It took two of us (myself and 15y/o child) about 7-8 hrs to complete the wall. We installed over 32 installstrip, each with 12 screws.