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White Wall Panels

White Wall Panels

StoreWALL offers a great range of coloured slatwall panels. In Australia its White Wall Panels are fast becoming the most popular colour. There must be something about the white walls and how big and clean it makes a garage look.

This week we finally received our long awaited wall panel delivery and contacted a client who we had spoken too just prior to Christmas about the installation of StoreWALL in their garage.

Eliza lives in inner Melbourne in a relatively new home which has a double garage. One wall is made from plaster and the other is a brick wall. I have a picture below. The brick wall was the one that needed the attention. Whilst it has a nice ledge to sit things on, it was rather useless in everything else when it comes to storage. With a growing family Eliza was going to need storage.

White Wall Panels
White Brick Wall

White Wall Panels

The measurements of the 4 wall sections seen above are:

  • 1300w x 1840h
  • 1300w x 1840h
  • 1180w x 1840h
  • 1470w x 1840h

The wall was made from solid brick (more on this below). I am quite sure most of it red brick.

Eliza wanted to install slatwalls on all 4 sections covering all of the wall (or as much as possible). This would enable her to have significantly more storage capacity which could be used to hang things using hooks as well baskets and shelves.

With a white wall, the Brite White StoreWALL panels where a great colour match. The end result justifies the selection. Although I also think that some contrast with a Weathered Grey would also have worked well.

White Wall Panels


The most effective way to install StoreWALL panels on a brick wall is to use our InstallStrips. It not only strengthens the installation to allow you to hang more on your wall but also makes installation a lot quicker and easier.

These white rendered walls were made from solid red bricks. Not the grey brick blocks many modern homes are made from these days. Being solid meant that drilling right through required a hammer drill with the correct drill bits.

I actually needed reinforcements when trying to drill through these bricks and had my brother-in-law (Electrician) drop off his hammer drill because mine wasn’t cutting through the brick.


We placed the installStrips about 10cm in from the outer edge of each wall section and then added a 3rd installstrip in the middle of the section. Starting with my first InstallStrip, I checked it to ensure it was Vertically level. I then used a Mushroom Nail Anchor to fix it to the wall (see image below). These are hammered in. Once the first one is in you can complete the rest ensuring the InstallStrip remains (Vertically) level.

Wall Panels on a Garage Brick Wall

I then moved onto my 2nd InstallStrip (within the same section). I repeated the same process checking for Vertical Level, but this time I also checked for Horizontal Level. I used a standard Spirit level for this placing it across the two InstallStrips. Depending on the length of your wall, you can also check the Horizontal level using a White Wall Panel.

Brite White Storewall Panels

Cutting White SlatWall Panels

In the first three wall sections I used 3 InstallStrips at the bottom and 3 at the top for each section (total of 6). Once these were done, I then moved onto to cutting my panels.

We cut the panels for the first 2 sections at 1300mm. Once we had our first three panels on we then moved up to the top half of the section.

The gap between the bottom InstallStrip and the top one needs to be about 2mm. The process I use to get to the right spacing is to add my the 4th panel onto of the 3rd and to then loosely slip the InstallStrip behind it. (Ensure the panels are sitting on top of each other correctly.) I then adjust the tension until I know the 4th panel and its InstallStrip are firmly gripping each other. Once in place I use an anchor to fasten the InstallStrip to the wall.

White Wall Panels

This process is repeated for the remaining InstallStrips on the 2nd level. In this case there are 3 on the 1st level and 3 on the 2nd.

Trimming InstallStrips

You will notice above that the InstallStrips are touching the roof of the brick wall. Looks OK? Not really. With this wall we ran into trouble trying to fit the top panel. We had no clearance at the top nor from either side due to the brick piers. Notice below that the InstallStrips have been cut. We trimmed the top section of the InstallStrip with a grinder (you can also use metal cutting scissors).

White SlatWall Panels

With a shorter top InstallStrip we were also required ti trimmed our top panel. We decided to cut them horizontally using a circular saw and a guide. In this case we trimmed the top groove off allowing for 8mm clearance to the top of the wall. If the piers were not there we could have reduced the amount we cut and slid the top panel in from the side.

Finishing Off

White SlatWall Panels

The first three sections where very similar in size and so we were able to work through these pretty efficiently .

When we arrived at the final section which was the largest it got a little more complicated. In order to save the client some money and reduce wastage, we used the off cuts from the first 2 sections to complete the final wall.

Each of the first two sections had 6 panels each. Which resulted in 12 offcuts at 1100mm. The final section had a width of 1470mm. We installed a total of 8 installstrips (4 at the bottom and 4 at the top, see below) and two white wall panels for each row at about 735mm each.

Storewall installation on brick wall
Storewall i

Alternative Approach

An alternative way to have managed this installation was to have used 1200mm panels in each of the sections and just centred them. It would have meant a gap around the outer edge of each section but no cuts. In terms of cost, it would have also been slightly cheaper.

Personally I think what we went with worked the best and you have a fully covered wall with no gaps which can be used in many ways.

Final Outcome

The final result looks like this, which we were all very happy with.

White Wall Panels
White Wall Panels

The client has already started adding accessories to the wall and begun removing some of the “stuff” off the garage floor.

Being a garage so close to the road and left open for part of the day, I advised the client that dust would build up and with white slatwall panels the occasional hose down might be required and would be perfectly fine.

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To help our customers access the StoreWALL garage storage solution we have launched a new payment option through Afterpay.

Afterpay offers a very flexible payment plan service over 4 equal payments. Best of all, once you have ordered your StoreWALL equipment, it is sent to you straight away, unlike your traditional layby service.

Afterpay Payment Option

StoreWALL offers a great range of payment options, from your traditional credit card, to direct bank payment (attracts a 1% discount) and even Paypal. There is no additional cost for using any of these services and as noted above, we offer a small discount if you pay via a direct bank deposit.

Afterpay is no different. There is no additional cost in choosing to pay via this new payment option as long as you complete your payments as per your agreement.


How to Buy

The purchase process is very simple. Once you have filled your online shopping trolley with everything you need, Afterpay will appear as one of your payment options. It will also show you what the 4 equal payments will be. The 4 equal payments add up to the same value as your shopping trolley. There are no additional charges included.

Should you choose to use Afterpay, you will be directed to the their payment portal. This portal is hosted and managed by Afterpay. It will ask you to complete a short form requesting details from you. Once this is completed, our online store will be notified that the transaction has been finalised and we will process your order.

Afterpay actually pay us straight away (as quickly as a credit card payment). Therefore there will not be any delay in having your order packed and ready to be couriered to you. All discounts regarding shipping will still apply.

Notes on Afterpay

The key thing to remember however, is that you need to complete your payments as per the agreement. This will ensure you are not charged any penalties.

Note that StoreWALL does not receive any commission or incentive should you choose to use the service. It is not compulsory in any way. It is just another payment option in addition to the others we already offer making it easier for you to access our equipment when you need it.

Also note that any personal details you share with Afterpay are not shared with StoreWALL in any way.

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Old Slatwall System

Slatwalls have been around for years. StoreWALL itself has been around for over 10 years in the US and over 5yrs in Australia. All Slatwall systems evolve, both in terms of the panels they offer as well as their accessories. Some have evolved so much that newer accessories are no longer compatible with older wall panels. The material they are made from has changed along with the shape and style of the accessories. Maintaining an old slatwall system can be challenging.

Old Slatwall Systems

The other day I received a call from a client who had purchased a StorEase system from Bunnings several years ago (must have been 3-5 years ago). The panels were made from a plastic material which today are no longer offered by StorEase nor from Bunnings. His problem however was not the panel itself but the accessories he had purchased.

His StorEase accessories where made from plastic and used to hang brooms in his garage. The accessories had performed well for many years but one of them had recently cracked and couldn’t be used. When trying to remove one of the remaining hooks in order to examine it, he found that it fell apart when he took it off the panel. It actually disintegrated. This unfortunately left him with no working hooks for his brooms. His old slatwall system was no longer usable.

StorEase from Bunnings

He visited Bunnings to find new accessories and whilst Bunnings still sell StorEase, the accessories available and the panel to suit them have all changed. The entire StorEase system has moved on. Panels are now leaner aluminium rails and accessories are metallic. None of what was available was compatible with his old slatwall system.

StorEase Smart Rail
Source: Bunnings

The predicament for this client is to either find accessories which fit his existing panels or to replace the panels and start all over again.

L Shaped Lip

StoreWALL’s panels are very standard in their sizing. By this I mean the panels are designed for accessories with an L shaped lip. See the image below which shows how the accessories are fitted to the panel and how they are secured.

Each panel is about 300mm in height and has 4 slots. The number of grooves on each panel is 5 when you count the top of the panel. See image below.

old slatwall system
old slatwall system
StoreWALL Panel Size
Storewall groove

Each accessory secures itself to a panel at two points – the top and the bottom. The L at the top of each accessory is used to secure to the top of each slot and the CamLok is used for the bottom groove of each slot.

Below are the slot specifications for each Standard Duty panel. StoreWALL’s L-shape slots accept slat wall compatible accessories.

Slatwall Slots

garage slatwall measurements

Slot Specifications:

  • spacing: 76.2mm on center
  • groove height: 10mm
  • lip height: 10mm
  • opening: 10mm
  • CamLok position: sits 90mm from top of accessory

Whilst the dimensions of the panels, their slots and grooves are important, so are the dimensions of each accessory, specifically the backing plate with the L Shaped lip and locking mechanism.


The dimensions are as follows:

  • Size of the back plate: 103mm
  • Size of the lip: 12mm
slatwall hook plates

If you are in a similar predicament to this client and are looking for new accessories for your older slatwall systems, I would suggest you compare your panels and accessories to the dimensions listed above. If they look about right, I encourage you to send us an email with some pictures so that we can conform the sizes and shapes with you.

You can then decide to order a single accessory to try. We are happy for you to return it if it doesn’t fit.

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Cheap Pegboards

peggie cheap pegboards

Pegboards have long been a popular, budget-friendly solution for organizing tools and accessories in the garage, utilizing hooks inserted into pre-drilled holes for versatile storage. However, the market now offers a plethora of modern and stylish alternatives that elevate the traditional pegboard concept.

The appeal of pegboards lies in their simplicity: typically made from composite wood, they feature a grid of holes to accommodate hooks, which can be repositioned as needed for customizable storage.

The versatility of pegboards has expanded far beyond mere hooks. Today, they can be outfitted with a variety of accessories, including shelves, paper holders, storage bins, bags, and even roll holders, enhancing their functionality.

In our roundup, we’ve evaluated a selection of pegboards, ranging from economical options to more premium choices, all worthy of consideration for those seeking efficient garage organization solutions.

Ikea Skadi Pegboard

cheap pegboards
Ikea Cheap Pegboards

Ikea stocks the Skadis Pegboard and Accessories. The boards come in 2 colours, Wooden and  White. The size of the board is 76cm x 56cm.

This is how Ikea describe the Skadis Pegboard:

You can store things on both sides of the pegboard if you use it as a divider on a desk or in a freestanding ALGOT storage combination. Choose the accessories in the SKÅDIS series which suit your needs and create a personal storage combination.

ikea cheap pegboards
Ikea Cheap Pegboards

Peggie Cheap Pegboards

The Peggie System seems to be a lot more upmarket in terms of presentation.

Peggie Cheap Pegboards

“She is made of the good stuff with honest geometry and a material palette to match. Solid wood. Baked-on lacquer. A touch of brass. Peggie’s perforated grid system and dependable kit of parts create a framework for your ideas. You can count on Peggie to securely lock into place.”

The boards from the Peggie range come in a broad range of sizes. A couple of examples include:

  • 1190mm x 558mm
  • 890mm x 558mm

The boards are made from either Laminate or Wood. The colour range includes Natural Oak, White, Black and Ply. The range of accessories includes a hanging rail, prong, hook, cup, mirror, noteboard and clip.

Peggie Cheap Pegboards

Bunnings Cheap Pegboards

At the other end of the scale, you have the Bunnings Pegboard. In its most basic form, Bunnings sells its Masonite Cheap Pegboards for about $28 measuring 1220mm x 915mm x 4.8mm.

Bunnings Pegboard

Bunnings also sells the Pinnacle range of Pegboards. These are made of metal and come in both White and Black colours.

Both types of Pegboard include a good range of hook accessories which can be used for your garage items.

bunnings cheap pegboards
Bunnings Cheap Pegboards

Garage Slatwall Alternatives

The alternative to Cheap Pegboards is affordable but a lot more durable and versatile in what it can be used for.

cheap pegboards
StoreWALL Slatwall Wall Panels

Slatwall Garage Wall panels are a much better alternative than cheap pegboards. They look a lot nicer and cover your wall with a durable and water-resistant surface. They also come with a great range of accessories that no cheap pegboard supplier can match.

StoreWALL Garage Slatwalls are made from hardened PVC and come in a very broad range of colours. These include Brite White, Weathered Grey, Pine, Cedar, Graphite Steel, Barnwood, and Whitewood. Importantly, these colours are not a layer of paint on the outside of a board. The colour is blended into the PVC and runs through the depth of the panel.

StoreWALL’s panels can be used to cover all or part of an entire wall. All StoreWALL accessories come with the super secure CamLok locking mechanism which prevents your accessories from falling off the wall whenever you decide to use them. Watch the video below and compare the locking mechanism on your Pegboard’s accessories to that offered by StoreWALL.

Having experienced cheap pegboards myself in my garage, all I ever found was pegboard hooks lying on the ground. Most of my accessories were on the floor with the hooks. My masonite pegboard also warped in shape over time and was not water or moisture-proof.

Is StoreWALL cheap? What I can tell you is that it will last a lifetime and so will the accessories that support your stored items.

Below is a comparison of a standard sheet of pegboard from each of the suppliers this review has covered (pricing as of 11/2021).

IKEA Skadis Pegboard

  • 76cm x 56cm (.42sqm) – $25 each (other sizes are also available)


  • 89cm x 56cm (.49sqm) – $185 each

Bunnings MDF/Steel Pegboard

  • Masonite 122cm x 91cm (1.1sqm) – $34
  • Pinnacle 90cm x 45cmm Garage (.40sqm) – $39

StoreWALL Standard Duty Panel

  • 120cm x 30cm (.36sqm) – $69.99 + Optional Installstrips (2 for $38)
  • Access several rows upon which you can store multiple items. You can easily add to it to expand your storage. Check out our Garage Gallery for ideas on how many Australian garages have used StoreWALL.

StoreWALL Basic Duty Panel

  • 120cm x 30cm (.36sqm) – $62.99
  • Access several rows upon which you can store multiple items. You can easily add to it to expand your storage. Check out our Garage Gallery for ideas on how many Australian garages have used StoreWALL.
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Clear Storage Box with Lid

clear storage box with lid

Bins are a very popular accessory at StoreWALL. To give our customers even greater choice , this week we introduced a new Clear Storage Box with Lid. This is our first bin which comes with its own lid. The StoreWALL Clear Storage Box with Lid is a unique bin which is only available in Chrystal Clear and is shaped like the Cube Bin but comes with a very useful lid.

The Clear Box was designed for retail stores but it is also very useful at home particularly if you are using your StoreWALL as a work area for storing craft or even sewing materials.

Clear Storage Box with Lid

Clear Storage Box with Lid

The dimensions of the new Clear Box are: 230mm (L) x 150mm (W) x 150mm (H). The bin is made from a toughened polycarbonate finish, is very durable and can hold between 10 – 15 KG in weight.

The edges are rounded making it rather elegant in terms of appearance. This is why it is particularly suited for retail stores.

Chrystal Clear Bin for Retail

We originally came across this bin when a client who was opening a retail store in Alice Springs contacted us about bin options. Initially he had ordered 2 types of open bins, but following some additional enquiries we were able to access the Clear Box with Lid for him which was ideal for his retail store. He ordered 40 of these bins so they could hold party accessories and balloons.

The Chrystal Clear Bin comes with a lid so it securely holds all types of merchandise. From lollies to craft items to haberdashery. The Clear Box with Lid is the ideal accessory to your slatwall.

Slatwall Bins

The Bin has been designed for all types of slatwall not specifically for StoreWALL. Therefore, if you already have your wall covered at home or in a store, the Clear Bin can still work perfectly for you.

Whilst our latest order was specifically for this client, we are keen on your feedback and will stock the Bin as a regular item if we find customers need and want it.

StoreWALL offers a diverse range of bins for your slatwall panels. They come in various sizes and colours. In terms of price, our smallest and most popular bin is around $3. StoreWALL Bins are super easy to install and can be moved around as required.

Heavy Duty Storage Recycle Totes

This last month we also introduced a new range of Storage Totes. These are Heavy Duty Storage Recycle Totes and are great for storing large items in the garage. This item is perfect for recycling uses and can be hung with StoreWALL Heavy Duty 380mm Brackets (sold separately) or rested on any shelf.

The Heavy Duty Storage and Recycle Tote comes with a ventilated base is ideal for storing files and any valuables including food items.

  • Comes with an internal hanging rail designed for storage of hanging files
  • Ventilated base protects contents against sweating
  • Large 68 Litre Storage Capacity Security Crate
  • Weight capacity 70KG
  • Food Grade PP (Polypropylene) that has a very high melting point of approx 160 degrees which is very high compared to many other plastics,
  • Hot water used when washing will not cause container to warp
  • Strong and Durable Metal Rods hold hinging lids
  • Lid Lockable with Large Padlock or Security / Cable Ties Etc.
  • Also comes in a smaller 34L model.

We are experimenting with these new Storage Bins to see demand from customers. The wait on them is about 10 days but this is reduce as we get more orders and store a greater local quantity.

You can find all of our Storage Bin options in the StoreWALL online store.

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Garage Wall Hanging Hooks

Earlier this month I received a call from a client (Peter) in Melbourne looking for garage wall hanging hooks that could hold some serious weight. He had invested in a wall panel system recommended by his architect which turned out to be rather inferior. It looked great, but in terms of storage options it was really limited.

The range of garage wall hanging hooks offered by the system was limited to what is usually offered in a retail setup, basically long thin hooks and some baskets. The client tried ordering hooks from other garage wall systems including StorEase sold by Bunnings. Nothing really worked or didn’t lock in solidly in order to hold reasonable weight. The alternative hook options also had a very limited range of accessories.

Garage Wall Hanging Hooks

Discovering StoreWALL

Around a month ago, Peter called StoreWALL and we talked through what our garage wall panel solution offers. I explained how our wall panels are installed with InstallStrips for added strength. We also talked through our range of accessories including hooks.

We actually dropped off a StoreWALL hook to try with his existing panels just in case it could be secured. Unfortunately it didn’t work. The end result was that Peter decided to remove some of the wall panels from the previous supplier (not all) and replace them with StoreWALL garage panels. He also wanted panels installed on 3 additional walls.

The panel wall sizes were: 

  • 1st wall – 3170W x 2300H
  • 2nd wall – 2880W x 2300H
  • 3rd wall – 2520W x 2000H
  • 4th wall – 1900W x 2000H

Installing on Different Types of Walls

The interesting thing about this installation was the types of walls we had to work with. The home had been recently renovated (or should I say redeveloped). The walls where all in the basement/garage of the home and included a combination of Wooden studded walls and plastered brick walls with metallic battens.

We spent the first hour of the day working out was actually behind each wall so that we could install on it. Once this was completed, we worked out the spacing of the battens (which differed by wall) and then prepared each wall for the InstallStrips.

Some of the wall were brick combined with wooden studs or metallic battens. Drilling into the Metallic Battens did not create any problems. It was as secure as drilling into the wooden studs.

One of the walls had plaster and the metallic batten which was supported in sections by a wooden stud. Some sections however had no supporting stud so we had to use longer screws for the InstallStrips in order to grip the plaster, batten and the stud which sat several cm further back (basically supporting the other side of the wall).

I have included some pictures of the work we completed at this home. The panels in the picture above were removed and replaced with StoreWALL. You can see the difference below.

Garage Wall Hanging Hooks

One thing to note is that when making the cuts, we found it much easier to joint to cut pieces on an InstallStrip. This way both ends share half an InstallStrip rather than one or the other. It adds stability to both panels and made the wall look much nicer. You can see the example above.

Garage Wall Hanging Hooks

Most importantly however the client was able to purchase shelves and garage wall hanging hooks which worked on his wall and allowed him to store his belongings safely. This included our Heavy Duty Cradle Hooks, Tool Hook and some smaller single hooks.

They also added a 1.2m metal shelf pictured below. This is the bigger brother to the 80cm metal shelf.

Garage Wall Hanging Hooks
Garage Wall Hanging Hooks

The video below shows the process of preparing the wall, installing the InstallStrips and then adding multiple rows of wall panels in order to complete the installation.

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Metal Shed Wall Panels

Shed B Narrowly spaced studs

At StoreWALL this week we received a call from a client who lives in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. Most of the homes in his neighbourhood were built 40+ years ago and have a standalone garage. The garage that this gentleman has is basically a metal shed with a brick facade (my garage is very similar). In terms of size if fitted at least 2 cars and so offered plenty of room. Being a metal shed however, he was limited in how he could use his walls for better garage wall storage. He was wondering if we had any ideas for installing Metal Shed Wall Panels.

The construction of the shed was a metal frame and metal sheeting covering the outer layer. This structure had stood the test of time. It was strong and sturdy and hadn’t rusted. However, due to the external body being metal, he had been very restricted in adding any hanging storage using any form of metal shed wall panel.

Metal Shed Wall Panels

Shed B Narrowly spaced studs

The gentlemen was kind enough to send through an image of the garage shed or at least how the frame had been constructed. You can see that whilst there is plenty of frame supporting the garage, the vertical and horizontal posts were quite far apart. This made it rather hard to install any type of Metal Shed Wall Panel.

This scenario is not ideal for garage wall panels of any nature but it is not an impossible task for a solution like StoreWALL.

Take the picture of this shed below. I found this picture on the internet at (theshedcompany). You can see the frame in this image and you can also see the large gaps between the vertical posts. The gaps are well over 1 metre apart. There is nothing wrong with the frame in terms of supporting the shed. It however doesn’t assist our objective of adding wall panels to your metal shed.

Metal Shed Wall Panels
Shed A wide studs Source: Pinterest

Perfect Shed Frame

This second image (below) is from the same shed supplier (theshedcompany). Notice that the frame used in this case has many vertical studs that are narrowly spaced. This is a much better setup for supporting metal shed wall panels. Note that these are both great sheds just making the point about how they can support internal wall panels.

Metal Shed Wall Panels
Shed B Narrowly spaced studs

If you took your typical garage hanging storage solution like StorEase from Bunnings and tried to install it on Shed A it would not work. Not if you were just wanting to install it directly onto the frame. The StorEase panel is only 1.2m in length and these studs are too wide apart. One option would be to install some plywood panels onto the frame and then screw your garage wall panels onto this. You would in this case still be required to support the plywood via the metal frame.

Installing on Shed B would be a lot easier with the additional studs supporting the panel. You may still want to install the plywood first.

Extending Your Shed Frame

I have a similar shed at home to that of the customer. It also doubles as my garage. It has a similar frame except that mine is metal but also supported by hardwood rails running horizontally along the length of the wall. There are 3 of these. One at the top, middle, and the bottom. With my setup, I could overcome the problem by adding additional studs between the horizontal rails. As I have a partly wooden frame, these vertical studs would be screwed onto the wooden rails. Once these rails are installed, then I have much more frame to work with. I could then use these studs to support my StoreWALL installstrips.

If your frame was only metal you would need to do something similar. You could either use more metal to build vertical studs or add wooden studs to your frame. It really depends on the composition of your frame and how sturdy you think it is to support some vertical studs.

If your shed is new enough, you could look at whether the manufacturer sells additional frame parts that you can add. Alternatively, you might also want to consider TopHat battens such as the one pictured below. These TopHat Battens can be used to add additional vertical frame elements to your shed wall so that the Installstrips can be attached. TopHats are available from all major hardware stores.

Adding Plywood across your frame is also an option worth considering. If it is thick enough it could act as a suitable frame for the installation of the Installstrips.

StoreWALL InstallStrips

How much more frame do you need? For Metal Shed Wall Panels we would recommend a vertical stud every 400-500mm. This allows you to install your InstallStrip and provide 3 points of support to every 1.2m StoreWALL panel. Better still if the StoreWALL panels are 2.4m in length you would have 6 points of connection for each panel.

Your StoreWALL InstallStrip can be screwed or bolted onto your additional vertical frame. Once this step is complete it’s as easy as hanging the garage wall panels and attaching your new StoreWALL accessories to hang your storage items.

Metal Shed Installation

In early July a lady from Ghin Ghin in regional Victoria called me and wanted to see our panels. During her visit, she explained that she had a metal shed filled with gardening tools stored on the floor. Her goal was to have them all hanging on the wall using a garage wall storage system like StoreWALL.

The below picture is of the wall inside the shed. This will be covered with garage wall panels.

This is a picture of the other side of the same wall. You can see the limited studs. The client added additional studs and plywood sheets across the entire wall so that it could support the installation of the StoreWALL panels. Studs were added every 400mm.

The result is fantastic and a great addition to this home. Now all of the gardening tools have been hung on the wall including the wheelbarrow.

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Magnetic Garage Shelf

Magnetic Garage Shelf

One of the many latest editions to the StoreWALL range is the Magnetic Garage Shelf. Well its actually a Magnetic Bar but with its CamLok locking system. Once securely attached to your StoreWALL panels it in fact becomes a very handy shelf for you many tools.

Magnetic Garage Shelf

How is it made?

The 609mm Magnetic Garage Shelf is secured with 2 CamLok equipped backplates which once attached to your StoreWALL Garage Panels ensure it will never move or fall. The outer metal bars are made from durable nickel and inside the plates there are several magnets about 20mm in depth. The outside of the bar is powder coated a stone grey colour to match all other StoreWALL accessories.

Using Nickel bars to secure the magnets, the Magnetic Garage Shelf will resist chipping, dings and dents.

Being all metal and magnets, its actually a rather heavy accessory for its size weighing about 2KG.

Unique StoreWALL Magnetic Garage Shelf

Having invested some time searching the market for something similar, I am confident that there are not many other Magnetic Garage Shelfs or bars available today. I think you will struggle to find something similar from your local Bunnings, Mitre 10 or similar hardware store. It is quite a unique accessory. With the StoreWALL CamLok backplates, it is also one of the most secure on the market as well.

The last you would want is for the shelf to securely hold your tools using its strong magnets, but for the shelf itself to fall from the wall panel. StoreWALL’s CamLok prevents this and as you can see from the below video, there is no way it will come loose from the wall panels.

Magnetic Garage Shelf

Storage Options

StoreWALL’s Magnetic Garage Shelf can hold anything with metal in it. In the demonstration below, I have secured screw drivers, spanners, a hammer, measuring tape and a knife. They all sat securely on the magnetic bar and showed no signs of falling off.

The Shelf not only works on StoreWALL panels but will work on many other garage wall panel systems as well. You will even get CamLok working on your alternative wall.

Garage, WorkShop, Tool Shed

Garage, Workshop and Tool Shed are what immediately come to mind when I think about who will benefit from the Magnetic Bar. However it doesn’t need to be heavy tools that you attach to it. Think about smaller items that usually float around your benchtop. Items like Allen Keys, drill bits and tools, smaller spanners that are easy to misplace.

StoreWALL sells a great range of Garage Wall Panels

The Magnetic Garage Shelf will work on all StoreWALL panels, including our Heavy Duty, Standard Duty and Basic Duty.

We have prepared a short video below showing it being secure to the wall and several tools being added to it. I also show you all around the Shelf so you get a clear picture of our it is made and how durable it is.

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Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

If you are as old as I am you will remember a Castrol GTX Oil advertisement from the 80s where the main tag line was “Oils ain’t Oils”. Well “Slatwalls” also “ain’t Slatwalls” either. Today we are talking about Waterproof garage wall panels and why you should consider these over other types of panels.

    Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

    The real test is in the longevity of the panels and the fact that customers will return to StoreWALL for garage storage solutions for the 2nd and even 3rd home. We have had several customers in 2019 comes to us with a story of installing StoreWALL several years ago in their home, then selling their home and wanting it for their next home.

    There are lots of reasons why StoreWALL customers remain loyal. The durability of the panels is a key reason. StoreWALL’s panels are made from a hardened composite plastic. I have listed the product specifications below for you:

    Physical properties PVC StoreWALL

    • Density – Average 16 / cu ft
    • Decorative surface thickness .687″ (11/16′)
    • Modulus of rupture 27 mpa
    • Modulus of Elasticity – Average 29 mpa
    • Internal bond 100 psi
    • Water absorption – 0%
    • Linear expansion 0%
    • Thickness swell 0%
    • Moisture content – as shipped 0%
    • Groove dimensions
    • Groove .20″
    • Lip .25″
    • Back .25″
    • Opening .375″
    • Formaldehyde emission 0.00 ppm
    • Flame spread 45
    • Fire classification IIB
    • 100% Recyclable – Class 3 recyclable

    Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

    Note the water absorption is 0%. It stays this way forever. This means your StoreWALL wall can be washed down with a hose if necessary. So if you are likely to be giving your garage a regular wash down to clean the floor, your StoreWALL wall can be cleaned with it.

    Even if water gets to the back of the wall and touches your InstallStrips you will not have any issues. Our InstallStrips are made from rolled steel plated with 18 gauge Zinc for rust resistance. I have had two InstallStrips screwed to a wall outside for the past 12mths. They are exposed to the weather 24/7 and have not changed shape nor rusted. StoreWALL offers 100% Waterproof Garage Wall Panels.

    Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

    What about the Accessories?

    All StoreWALL accessories are made from steel. They are then powder coated to prevent them from rusting. Some elements of each accessory are also covered by a rubber coating for better grip and additional protection. This means that some water that is dried away will not affect your panels nor accessories.

    The powder coated finish is grade STW 10 Powder Coat Finish. The extra heavy coating is there to resist dings and protect against rust. The steel we use is industrial grade, engineered strong to hold your most valuable equipment.

    Waterproof Garage Wall Panels

    Slatwalls Ain’t Slatwalls

    Take a look at the image below which shows the relative weight capacity in pounds (2.2 pounds = 1KG) of StoreWALL’s panels to that of an MDF based wall panel.

    Our Standard Duty Wall Panels offer double the weight capacity of a standard MDF panel which is simply screwed to the wall.

    However its not just being PVC which makes StoreWALL standout. There are other PVC solutions on the market. Most of them require that you install directly onto the wall with screws. StoreWALL also offers the Basic Duty Panel which has this feature.

    When it comes to the Panels what distinguishes StoreWALL is the hook system which secures the panel to the InstallStrip. With the InstallStrip secure to your wall, your panels are then secured to the InstallStrips by the moulded hooks on the back. See image below.

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    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    StoreWALL provides the most extensive range of garage wall panels in Australia. All StoreWALL garage wall panels are made from a hardened thermoplastic and come in a range of sizes, grades and colours. We compare garage wall panels to help you pick the right wall panel for your garage.

    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    Below is a simple comparison table providing a detailed overview of each of the garage wall panel grades offered through StoreWALL. Each core features is listed down the far left column with details for each grade on the right.

    Most measures in the table are in US Imperial (ie inches and feet). To help you convert this to Metric (what we use in Australia), I have the following tips.

    • A 12” panel height is 300mm. A 15″ panel height is 380mm.
    • The equivalent of 8 square feet is .74 square meters. Similarly 10 square feet is .92 square meters.
    • 32′ (square feet) = 2.97 square meters and 40′ = 3.71 square meters.
    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    StoreWALL Australia gives you access to everything from StoreWALL in the US. To help you better understand what is on offer in Australia, and compare garage wall panels I have provided a more in-depth review of each grade of wall panel. StoreWALL offers three grades: Heavy Duty, Standard Duty and Basic Duty.

    Standard Duty Wall Panels

    StoreWALL’s Standard Duty is the leading product in Australia and the ideal product for your home. The Standard Duty Wall Panels are designed for your home, retail store or workshop. They are designed with a patented profile to accept the exclusive InstallStrip (sold separately) for easy installation and a beautiful fastener free appearance. Standard Duty panels are moulded, solid core, so the colour and finish goes throughout the panel.

    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    The Standard Duty profile shown above is used to lock in the panel to the InstallStrip. This ensures a secure panel as well as the strength to store and hang heavy items to your garage wall.

    StoreWALL Standard Duty Panels are sold in 1.2m lengths as separate panels or in a carton of 6. In Australia we currently stock the Weathered Grey colour in the 1.2m range. However if you are interested in other colours, these can be custom ordered for you.

    The more popular panel in the Standard Duty range is the 2.4m length. These are sold in cartons of 4 panels. Panels are available in your choice of 3 designer colours (Weathered Grey, Brite White and Dover White). Additional colours are available as a custom order.

    Each panel is 300mm in height and 16mm in thickness. These dimensions apply to both the 1.2m and the 2.4m option.

    Installation is via the StoreWALL InstallStrip (fastener free look) or using screws directly to the panel.

    Basic Duty Panels

    Launched in early 2019, this is the most recent addition to the range. The Basic Duty Panels are designed primarily for home and come in a narrower range of colours.

    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    Basic Duty panels are only available in 1.2m lengths as single panels or in a carton of 4. The other key dimensions are a thickness of 16mm and a height of 300mm.

    The Basic Duty colour range includes White and Grey. Both of these colours are stocked and available for order.

    Installation of the Basic Duty Panel is via direct screws to the panel using the grooved section. We recommend approx 20 screws per panel. Screws can be colour matched to disguise them.

    Heavy Duty Wall Panels

    The Heavy Duty Wall Panel range is the original StoreWALL panel designed for your home, retail store or workshop. They are also designed with a patented profile to accept the exclusive InstallStrip (sold separately) for easy installation and a beautiful fastener free appearance. Note that the Heavy Duty InstallStrip is not interchangeable with the Standard Duty InstallStrip (profiles are not the same). HeavyDuty panels are also moulded, solid core, so the colour and finish goes throughout the panel.

    Compare Garage Wall Panels

    StoreWALL HeavyDuty Panels are sold in both 1.2m and 2.4m lengths in cartons of 6 and 4 panels respectively. Panels are available in your choice of 7 designer colours and wood grains. Each panel is 380mm in height and 16mm in thickness.

    Heavy Duty Wall Panels are currently only available as a custom order in Australia. Please give us a call if you are interested in this panel range.

    StoreWALL Australia can help you decide which panel grade is best for your storage project. We can help you add to your existing StoreWALL installation and start a new one. Give us a call if you have any questions.