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Garage Wall Panel Colours

garage wall panels colours

Revitalize Your Garage with StoreWALL’s Diverse Range of Garage Wall Panel Colors

Explore Premium Wall Storage Solutions in Australia

Embark on your garage makeover this spring with StoreWALL, offering an exceptional range of garage wall panels, known for their unique shape, strength, and vibrant color options. StoreWALL is committed to providing top-notch wall storage solutions in Australia, catering to various preferences and needs.

Discover StoreWALL’s Three Grades of Garage Wall Panels:

  • Heavy Duty Panels: StoreWALL’s premium offering, these panels boast the highest weight capacity. Available colors include Brite White, Weathered Grey, and Global Pine, perfect for a robust and stylish setup.
  • Standard Duty Panels: Our most popular range, chosen by 90% of our customers for its excellent value in weight capacity and color variety. Colors include Brite White, Weathered Grey, Barnwood Grey, Whitewood, Rustic Cedar, Graphite Steel, and Black.
  • Basic Duty Panels: An affordable option for those on a budget, available in White and Grey.

You can compare our Garage Wall Panel range here using this comparison chart.

The StoreWALL Garage Gallery provides photos of many garages using StoreWALL Garage Wall Panels. It also offers many great examples of homes that have undertaken a garage makeover.

Success Story Spotlight – Mike’s Garage Makeover in Brisbane:

Mike’s project in Brisbane showcases the Standard Duty range, combining various lengths and two colors (Weathered Grey and Brite White) for a striking effect. Coupled with thoughtful paint choices and custom cupboards, Mike’s garage is a testament to the transformative power of StoreWALL’s solutions. The custom floor covering complements the wall panels, creating a cohesive and visually appealing space.

Elevate Your Garage with StoreWALL:

Whether you’re inspired by successful projects like Mike’s or have your unique vision, StoreWALL’s Garage Wall Panels offer the versatility and quality you need for a stunning garage transformation. Choose StoreWALL for a harmonious blend of strength, style, and functionality.

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White Garage Wall Storage Panels

Over the weekend we completed our latest installation of White Garage Wall Storage Panels. After several months of discussion with Stephen in Chelsea, we organised the installation of StoreWALL Brite White Wall panels across the back wall of his double garage.

The back wall of Stephen’s garage was 8m wide (which included a door) and 2.4m high. It was a plastered wall backing onto a rear Hebel wall (most likely formed part of his backyard.

White Garage Wall Storage Panels

White Garage Wall Storage Panels – Garage Wall Design

Based on pictures sent through by Stephen, we designed a StoreWALL installation with 3 Brite White panels across the length of the wall to cover the 7000mm plastered area. With a 2.4m total height, we used 7 Standard Duty panels to reach a height of 2150mm.

Finding the Studs

I use two different battery-powered Stud Finders. They both deliver different results. They are both wrong a lot of the time. It is always easier to drill a few holes and then use 450mm or 600mm spacing to test if the next stud is where you expect it. You usually need to drill a few more holes to ensure you find the actual outer edges of the studs.

With Stephens garage, the studs were 550 or so apart but there were some different spacings as well.

Garage Wall Vertical Spacing

Stephen’s garage was about 2.4m in height. The wall had a 150mm skirting board. This left us a total wall height of about 250mm. We split this allowing about 125mm at the top and the same above the skirting board. This is where we started our first Installstrip.

With just over 7000mm in length we marked out where each wall panel would start and end, ie 0, 2438, 2439, 4876, 4877, 7000mm. The first and second panel landed in between two installstrips so they didn’t require any additional support. The third (last panel) started a little too far from its closest Installstrip. In this case, we added an additional installstrip using metal screw-in fasteners.

Stacked Wall Panel Formation

For most Installations I have completed for customers, I have opted for the brickwork design. I have always thought it looked the nicest. It does however come with some challenges when joining wall panels. The issue is that the joins show. Some just have a thin line, others have a heavier one. This can come from the cut that was made to the panel (factory or manual). It can also be due to an uneven wall.

For Stephen’s installation, I opted to try the Stacked Wall formation. We used a Wide Trim at either end of the wall and a smaller joining trim along the wall at the two points where the panels would join.

I can say that using the stacked wall formation is easier than making the brick pattern and the look is just as good. I think having the joining trims on either side of each panel also gives them a little more support.

The joining trim we used was about 3m in thickness. We allowed for this when laying out our panels.

Power Outlets

Stephen’s wall had two power outlets. One was a power switch beside the door, at the beginning of the first panel. The second was a 4-gang PowerPoint at the beginning of the 3rd and final panel along the wall.

You can manage power outlets in 2 ways.

  • You can screw the outlet over the panel. To do this, you can cut a hole in the panel at the location of the outlet. The hole needs to be large enough to pass the power outlet through it.  Once you pass it through the hole, you can use longer screws to screw it back into its original bracket in the wall.
  • You can cut around the power outlet. Using a multi-tool or a jigsaw, you can cut a hole large enough so that it fits around the power outlet. This means you don’t need to unscrew it. You might want to use the joining trims to create a border around it.

For Stephen’s wall, we cut around the power outlet and added trim on the top and bottom of the hole we cut so that it framed it.

Labour Effort

In total, we installed 21 panels for this wall. It took two of us (myself and 15y/o child) about 7-8 hrs to complete the wall. We installed over 32 installstrip, each with 12 screws.

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Solid Red Brick Walls

Our latest installation in the suburb of Toorak (Melbourne) was in an old garage made from solid red brick walls.

The garage had a couple of really old StorEase panels and some accessories. They were screwed straight into the wall. We removed these. The owner of this house was in the middle of undertaking some renovations and we were asked to install StoreWALL on both sides of the garage.

The first wall area measured 4m in length and 2.1m in height. On the opposite side, we installed a smaller section of 2m x 2.1m.

Wall 1 – 4m Solid Red Brick Walls

For Wall 1, we used 1 x 2.4m panel plus a second 1.5m panel. This gave us our 4m. We also used the smaller off-cuts in the wall in order to reduce waste. To reach the 2.1m height we used 7 x Standard Duty Slatwall Panels.

I have installed lots of brick wall garages. Old and new. Many older homes have sold red brick walls. These are tough bricks to drill into. The other challenging feature of these garage walls was just how irregular they were. To cover this up they had semi-rendered the walls and painted them so they looked smooth (kind of).

Solid Red Brick Walls

You can also see that above the wall at about 2.1m we also had a bracket which held the garage door.

We started the installation about 245mm from the garage floor. The drilling was tough and we had to pack behind some of the installstrips in order to keep them flat. To fasten the installstrips we used Nail Anchors which we sell on our website but so do all hardware stores. We used 5mm anchors and a 5mm 4-cut drill bit. To be fair, I used several drill bits on this job as the walls chewed them up.

Each installstrip has 12 holes for anchoring to the wall. I hammered a minimum of 9 anchors for each one.

Solid Red Brick Walls

In order to hang the 7 rows of Standard Duty Slatwall Panels, we used 2 rows of installstrips and then a 3rd row of just a single installstrip section. Our installstrips were spaced about 600mm apart and we positioned them so that they sat behind any joins. Having two joining panels share an installstrip delivers a nicer, smoother join. This took a little measuring.


I am always learning with these installations as no walls are alike and brick walls, specifically Sold Red Brick Walls are the most challenging.

In order to save the customer on waste, we used the smaller offcuts on the wall. It meant more joins. If I was to do this wall again, I would have just used two panels along the wall. 1 x 2438mm + 1562mm. It would have saved a lot of effort in positioning the installstrips in the right location for the joins. The result is more waste.

My second tip relates to the 3rd row of installstrips for the 7th row of panels. Rather than using a single section of the installstrip for this top row, it can be easier to use two sections. In this case, you add the lower section on row 6 and the top section on row 7. This makes it easier when trying to align the installstrips for that top row.

Garage Door Bracket

I had to cut around the bracket in order to fit the 7th row. It was fiddly work as the bracket covered two panels. I used a jigsaw for the cut. The 6th panel was cut at the top, the 7th panel was cut from the bottom.

Grey Slatwall Panels

Wall 2 – 2m x 2.1m Solid Red Brick Walls

The second wall was covered with 1 panel cut to 2m. As per wall one, we had 2 rows of 3 section installstrips to support the first 6 panels. The top row used just one section of the installstrip.

As there were no joins on this wall, it was must quicker to panel. The biggest challenge we had were the bricks. A section of wall 700mm x 700mm was made from much harder bricks and so the drilling took longer.

Solid Red Brick Walls


The red bricks were hard work. This job took 1.5 people (junior support) about 7hrs to complete. I drilled over 120 holes. The outcome is a garage storage solution that will last for years and allow the owner to hang almost anything they store in their garage.

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StoreWALL Shipping Options

StoreWALL Shipping Options

Covid has done a real number on the transportation industry. Not only are they now so much busier, but they are also suffering from a lack of staff. This has resulted in many of them significantly lifting their rates and reducing the type of parcels they are willing to collect.

Parcels over 2m long have been severely impacted. Over the past 6 months, we have seen courier rates for our 2.4m cartons almost double with several couriers such as Startrack who deliver pretty much everywhere, pull out altogether. This means that we are no longer able to use Startrack as a courier for our longer cartons.

StoreWALL Shipping Options

Reduced courier options and higher rates have resulted in StoreWALL removing our free shipping offer which was super popular. It has also resulted in us having to regularly review and adjust our shipping rates.

Real Cost of Shipping

To give you an example, the cost to ship a 2.5m carton weighing 20kg from Melbourne to Sydney is now about $100. This is approx 20% of the value of the item. We are currently charging approx $75 for this on our shopping cart. And it doesn’t get much cheaper if you have 2 or 3 of them. 3 cartons are about $220. It is madness!

No one likes to pay for shipping. I understand this. The challenge we have at StoreWALL is that we are a small (and growing) business but we don’t have distribution centres in other states to ship directly to you. Everything ships from Melbourne. The other challenge is that we ship large and long cartons to residential addresses. Couriers don’t really like these combinations and now charge a lot more for the service.

Quote Me Separately

To make your shopping experience quick and transparent, we have all of our pricing listed on our website including shipping. This has enabled you to see exactly what your garage storage project will cost you should you choose StoreWALL. This hasn’t changed. We are still showing you shipping rates even for larger and longer items (they are just much higher than last year). However, in order to help reduce your shipping costs, we have introduced a “Quote Me Separately” Shipping option when you add items longer than 2m to your shopping cart.

Quote Me Separately is optional, but it enables you to create your shopping cart and then contact us via email so that we can manually quote you for shipping. Once we receive this request, we can contact a few couriers to try and generate a sharper shipping charge for you.

You are under no obligation to accept our automated nor manually quoted shipping charges. Please note that no order will leave until full payment of both materials and shipping is made.

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Black Slatwall Panels

Black Slatwall Panels

Over the next month (June/July 2022) we hope to introduce our latest slatwall colour – Black Slatwall Panels.

StoreWALL panels in black are a highly sought-after colour, especially from retailers fitting out their stores. StoreWALL in the US recently introduced Black Slatwall Panels in the Standard Duty range.

Ensuring our Australian customers are always able to access everything StoreWALL in the US offers plus more, we are now also stocking Black Slatwall Panels in Australia.

Black Slatwall Panels – 1219mm and 2438mm

Both 1219mm and 2438mm cartons in Black are now in stock in Australia. The Black range is currently only available in the Standard Duty. At this stage, there is no additional information if it will also be made available in the Heavy Duty range.


These panels will be priced the same as our Brite White and Weathered Grey panels which are also available in the 1219mm length.

Panels will only be available in cartons of 4 panels. They will not be sold as individual panels at this stage.


Interestingly, most Australian garages are painted white. Therefore most StoreWALL Australia customers purchase Brite White panels to match their white walls. Second in line is our Weathered Grey colour. I definitely think that many customers who want a contrasting colour in their garage, workshop or office will consider Black.

When you couple the Black panels with our Grey accessories, I believe you will end up with a very complementary colour combination for your storage area.

We will be sure to share some photos once our first customers start using the new Black Slatwall colour.

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Heavy Duty Garage Storage

Heavy Duty Garage Storage

StoreWALL is so confident about the quality of its Heavy Duty Garage Storage Solution that it decided to put it to the test by hanging its own staff on the wall.

I can’t say I have ever seen a Slatwall Garage Storage System supplier go to such extreme lengths to prove the overall strength of its solution.

Heavy Duty Garage Storage

Both these gentlemen from StoreWALL in the US would weigh about 80kg each. They are both sharing a 762mm Heavy Duty Metal Shelf. The wall panels they have installed on this wall are the StoreWALL Brite White Heavy Duty Panels.

However, the test didn’t stop there. This guy decided to do a workout by using two Heavy Duty Cradle Hooks to do chin ups.

Strongest Wall Panels
Chin Ups on your Wall Panels

StoreWALL’s range of wall panels allow you to store pretty anything and everything on your walls. Our range includes the Basic Duty, Standard Duty and the Heavy Duty. The key differences between the three include:

Basic Duty

Our entry level panel, installed by screwing directly into the panel and onto your wall. Colour range is limited to White and Grey. Panels sizes are 304.8mm (H) x 1219mm (L). All StoreWALL accessories will work with this panel. Max holding weight per 2438mm panel is 75lbs or 34kgs.

Ideal for your home garage storing everything from gardening tools to bikes.

Standard Duty

Eighty percent (80%) of our customers in Australia purchase Standard Duty. Installed with Standard Duty Metal Installstrips to provide you with a stronger wall and a much cleaner finish (no drill holes in your panels). Panel sizes include 304.8mm (H) x 1219mm (L) and 304.8mm (H) x 2438mm (L). Panel thickness is 16.7mm. Big range of colours, from Whites to Dark Greys and even timber looking finishes. All StoreWALL accessories will work with this panel. Our entry level panel, installed by screwing directly into the panel and onto your wall. Colour range is limited to White and Grey. Panels sizes are 304.8mm (H) x 1219mm (L). All StoreWALL accessories will work with this panel. Max holding weight per 2438mm panel is 250lbs or 113kgs.

Ideal for your home garage storing everything from gardening tools to bikes and heavier shelving needs.

Heavy Duty

This is our premium wall panel. Installed with Heavy Duty Metal Installstrips to provide you with a stronger wall and a much cleaner finish. Panel sizes include 381mm (H) x 1219mm (L). Colour range includes Brite White, Weathered Grey and Global Pine. The Heavy Duty panel is slightly taller than the Standard Duty equivalent, it is also slightly thicker (17.7mm). The Metal Installstrips are slightly wider. Combined, these differences allow it to hold more weight than both the Basic and Standard Duty Panels. All StoreWALL accessories will work with this panel. Our entry level panel, installed by screwing directly into the panel and onto your wall. Colour range is limited to White and Grey. Panels sizes are 304.8mm (H) x 1219mm (L). All StoreWALL accessories will work with this panel. Max holding weight per 2438mm panel is 300lbs or 136kgs.

Ideal for your home garage storing everything from gardening tools to bikes and heavier shelving needs. This is also our recommended option if you are looking to build a home gym and want to store weights or heavy balls on your wall.

Wall Panel Performance

The table below provides a great summary of the panel range and its overall strength. Note that the holding capacity is per 8 foot or 2438mm panel. It also assumes that the weight is spread across the panel with a number of accessories.

Heavy Duty Garage Storage
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Garage Works Tailored Storage Solutions

garage works

Garage Works was a Melbourne based business which used to sell the StoreWALL Garage Wall Panels System. This week, I received a call from a client needing hooks and shelves for a new home he had just moved into. Unknown to him, the garage walls of his home were fitted with StoreWALL.

The client visited his local Bunnings and purchased a range of accessories thinking they could be fitted to the wall. Unfortunately this was not the case.

Garage Works

The business operated out of the Northern suburbs of Melbourne (80 Enterprise Way, Sunshine VIC 3020). Unfortunately (from what I understand) this business ceased trading several years ago.

StoreWALL garage storage solutions is now exclusively distributed in Australia by StoreWALL Australia. We are an Australian business.

Over the past 3 years I have met many customers serviced by this business. Many are now either looking for additional garage wall panels or additional garage wall storage accessories.

Wall Panels

If you are one of these customers and want to know if we can help you, all you need to do is send us a photo of your garage wall panels (like the photo I have below) and we can confirm this for you.

garage works
Garage Works installation

Whilst much of what this business sold was the StoreWALL Heavy Duty Wall Panel range, StoreWALL Australia actually stocks the full StoreWALL Wall Panel range. This includes Basic, Standard and Heavy Duty Garage Wall Panels.

All StoreWALL Accessories will work across the the full StoreWALL panel range.

To be clear, StoreWALL Australia did not purchase this business nor are we affiliated with it in any way. If you need assistance with your existing StoreWALL solution give us a call (0411280646) or email us.

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Investing in Your Garage

investing in your garage

Consider the improvement to your home’s value if your garage was more functional offering easy to use storage options from the first day the new buyer moves in. Investing in your garage is like investing in your garden, it is something you can enjoy whilst living at the home but can make a huge impression on any new prospective buyer.

The garage is usually the last room you turn your attention to when you are building a new home or renovating an existing home to live in or even flip. Even so, investing in your garage may be that point of difference you are looking for that could deliver a higher final sale price.

investing in your garage

Consider that a higher proportion of customers who call StoreWALL looking for ideas and pricing to improve their garage are women. A tidy and organised garage doesn’t just appeal to the male buyer. It can motivate both parties to see your home as a worthwhile purchase.

New Home Design

Home design in Australia has moved the garage from the back of the property to the front. For many, it is also their main point of entry into the main living quarters of the home. However walk past most new homes and you will notice that their double garage usually only fits one vehicle, with the remaining free space taken up by stuff usually parked on the ground or on shelves against the wall.

Unfortunately it does not make for the prettiest site and confirms that garages still don’t get enough attention and that garage sizing by many home builders is not meeting people’s needs.

If you are prepared to invest in your garden so that it improves the overall look and value of your home, why wouldn’t you also invest in the garage? Consider how you will feel each time you enter and can easily find that tool or that beach chair or piece of sporting equipment. Whilst we don’t build our homes for our neighbours, they too will compliment you on the complete package you now have.

We recently completed some work on a lovely new home (about 18mths old) in a Melbourne beach side suburb which had a combination of brick and plastered garage walls that were not really helping this owner.

investing in your garage

Following their investment in StoreWALL, the owners now had a lot more options on how to tidy up their garage (they also did some work on the covering the concrete floor). The owner started hanging items on the wall before we could collect our tools to leave.

investing in your garage
New garage storage solution Melbourne

Home Renovator’s Missing Piece

If you are in the game of renovating old homes to rent or sell, I doubt the garage would receive any attention outside of a quick sweep prior to inspections or auction day.

If prospective buyers see value in a well designed garden that is easy to maintain, what would they think of a kitted up garage with an easy to use storage solution that is ready and waiting for them?

Investing in Your garage

If you are looking to landscape part of your home including new lawn and plants, a budget of $2000 would be the minimum (that is probably just for the lawn) you would need to start with.

A garage wall area of about 5-6m in width and 2m in height with wall panels and a bunch of accessories like looks and baskets would require an investment of about $2500. With this investment, the garage and storage options offered would be complete and ready to use. To a prospective buyer, your $2500 may be worth a lot more.

A Garage for Life

You might not be planning on staying in the same home for the rest of your life but a garage kitted up with StoreWALL is an investment for the life of the home. It will outlast many generations of owners and they will all be thanking you for it.

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StoreWALL Bunnings

storease vs storewall

We receive this question regularly. Can you purchase StoreWALL from your local Bunnings, Mitre 10, Home Hardware, or any other hardware store?

StoreWALL Bunnings

StoreWALL Bunnings?

StoreWALL Australia is a local Melbourne business. We are the exclusive distributor of the StoreWALL range of garage storage solutions which has been sold in the US for over 10 years. Our Garage Storage Solutions are sold online only at the moment via our website. You can also find some of the garage wall panels and accessories on eBay.

Free Delivery

storewall free delivery

We offer a combination of discounted and even free delivery based on your purchase value, what you purchase, and where you live. We ship Australia-wide.

Free Returns

We also offer free returns, should you order an item and then find it not as useful as you thought. You will need to pay to ship the product back to us.

Bunnings StorEase

Bunnings sell its own garage wall storage system called StorEase. We have reviewed it several times on this website comparing the StorEase panel and rail to StoreWALL.

The reviews can be found here and here.

There are several fundamental differences between what StoreWALL offers and that of StorEase. Firstly, we don’t sell a rail, we sell panels that are 304mm in height and either 1219mm or 2438mm in length. Our panels are made from a hardened thermoplastic which is water and mould-resistant. StorEase slat panels are only 150mm in height, 1200mm in length and made from aluminium. These panels are not designed to cover your wall, rather they are placed along your wall at a certain required height.

The second key difference is that our range of accessories is made from steel and then powder coated. They are heavier and more durable than those from StorEase.

StoreWALL CamLok

The locking mechanism used by our accessories is also quite different. StoreWALL uses a unique CamLok system to secure the accessory to the panel. We do not use claws or teeth. This makes StoreWALL significantly more secure when attached to the wall panel. It also makes it easier to remove and then move around. This ensures that your panels are not marked or scratched in the process.

If you like our accessories but already have StorEase rails, then you can actually use our accessories with StorEase. The CamLok system will also secure our accessory to your StorEase rail. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE WALL TRACK SLIMLINE (BLACK RAIL).

StoreWALL Showroom

StoreWALL does not offer a showroom in Melbourne. However, if you are happy to visit our home office we are happy to show you what we offer and how StoreWALL will transform your garage. Call (0411280646) or email us ( to organise a visit.

We can also help you with quotes on how many panels you may need as well as installation.

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The Organised Garage

slatwall messy garage

2020 is a year many of us will never forget. COVID-19 has locked a lot of us in our homes with plenty of time on our hands to look around and want to mend. The organised garage is something that has been talked about in many households when I consider the amount of enquiries we have received since the lockdown began.

We have covered how to organise your garage in several previous articles on our website, but I thought a top 10 (or 11) list of how to start and what to do would be useful.

The Organised Garage

the organised garage

Whilst there are plenty of extreme garage photos out there, your typical garage will have some order about it. However, what then tends to happen is larger items start to take up space, the shelves you purchased fill up or don’t fit larger items (anymore) and things start to accumulate on the floor. Before you know it, you start to use the floor more and more until it’s impossible to move around and find anything quickly or safely.

Step 1 – Empty it out

The best way to start re-organising your garage is to clean it all out. Everything off the walls, the floor and the ceiling needs to come out. Start in the morning so you have the day ahead of you and begin the clean-out.

Step 2 – Group it

When its all out on the garden lawn or driveway, start to group it. One of the keys to attaining the organised garage is the organising bit.

When I look at what is inside my garage I have the following categories:

  • Tools
  • Sports Gear
  • Bikes
  • Food (cans/packets and excess food I store)
  • Xmas tree and decorations
  • Beach gear (boogie boards)
  • Party gear (decorations, plastic cups and plates)
  • Old kids furniture
  • Bins of books
  • Old clothes
  • Keep sake items

Step 3 – Sweep it out

Give your garage a good clean out. This includes sweeping and even hosing it down. Get all of the dust and dirt that has accumulated in the corners out. You will need to remove all the furniture to do this.

You should also look at the walls and ceiling and wipe it all down. Either by hand or with a broom. Get all of the cob webs down.

Step 4 – Keep, Dump, Not Sure

Once your sorting is done, you need to go through everything and decide to either keep it because you will use it or it has some sentimental value. Dump it because you will never use it and you know someone else will get better value from it. Or, put it into the “Not sure” list to be decided upon over the coming days.

What you decide to get rid of could go to a Salvation Army store for them to sell (and make a few dollars from). It could also be sold on Ebay or Gumtree if you have the patience. Alternatively, you could give it away to a friend/family. Finally, when hard rubbish comes around you could throw it out then.

The items that you are not sure about, should be put to the side to be looked at over the coming weeks and decided upon. Don’t add them to the Keep list unless you are certain that is where they belong.

Step 5 – Floor Plan

The floor plan is really important because it offers a way to design your layout and use of the space you have. Consider the furniture you have, its size and potential use.

Think about how you use your garage. Is it just for storage or do you do work in there. As an example, I exercise in my garage, so a certain area needs to be dedicated to my training equipment.

What about your car? Do you need to park your car in the garage? If you have bikes, think about where they can be parked or hung.

If you use the space as a workshop, consider what you will use as your bench or table.

You don’t need special software for this, a few pieces of paper will do it. However spend time thinking about the space, the objects and how you want to use it all. Think about your doorways and how you access the garage (main garage door, side door, back door).

Consider the location of the items you will keep but only use a year and those that you want to access regularly. If you have little ones accessing bikes or sporting gear, think about how they can safely move in and out of the garage.

Step 5 – Group it (part 2)

The second part of grouping relates to organising your items in tune with the garage floor plan you have designed. If you read through the many blogs on organising and watch the videos, there are tons of tips on the best approach.

With any space you are working on within your home you need to prioritise based on what you want to use the space for. If part of the space is for working, then making enough room to work is key, so is using the right furniture like a desk or bench.

Bikes, if you are regularly in and out of the garage to get a bike(s), then having these placed in an easy access area even when the car is in the garage is important. You don’t want to have to move the car to get the bikes each time.

Tools, if you are using tools or a regular basis then having your tools visible and accessible is key. This can include your smaller hand tools and all types of power tools.

power tool storage

Items which are regularly used should be easy to access. For you and the rest of your family members. Items which are used once a year (xmas tree) should be out of the way. These items can be stored high and in a harder place to access.

Remember that this step is not a once-off. Organising and re-organising happens all of the time within the house. It should be the same in the garage. The organised garage is not born overnight.

Step 6 – Using Walls

Whether your garage space is small or large using your wall space is important. Most people confuse shelving with maximising use of walls space. Sticking a few shelves on the wall is a start, it’s not the end.

Having open spare wall space in a garage is wasted space. Solutions like StoreWALL give you the ability to use your wall and change its use as needs change. Unlike a shelf which is large and can’t be easily moved around, Garage Wall Storage can change a wall from shelving to holding power tools in a matter of minutes. Accessories are unlocked and moved around as needed.

the organised garage

Use wall storage around shelving, cupboards and other furniture.

Step 7 – Use the height of your room

Use the height of your space to store larger items that you seldom use. It gets them out of the way and the lower easy to access areas are used for more frequent use items. Wall storage allows you to create shelving across the top of your wall.

However there are other garage storage options which create shelving across the ceiling of your garage.

Step 8 – Re-use old furniture

If you have furniture that can be re-used for storage, it makes sense to give it a second life. Why buy another piece of furniture if you can change its look with some paint and move it into the garage. This isn’t always practical but it can work. An old desk in the study can become a useful workbench in the garage.

Step 9 – Labelled Bins & Tubs

We all have them, coloured or clear plastic tubs with lots of stuff in them. They should be organised and clearly labelled. Some clear information on the outside of the tub will save a lot of time sifting through them all looking for that old book.

Ensure your tubs have lids and they are shut tight so that contents don’t collect dust.

Step 10 – By the Door

Keep your frequently used items by the garage door. This is the main garage door you use.

In my garage, the frequently used items are my tools, food and my gym equipment. They are all by the back door to the garage.

Step 11 – It’s not a once off

Just like any other room in your garage, it may take you a few goes to get it right. Over this time you will likely throw more stuff out and learn more about how you want to use the space you have.

Your version of “the organised garage” doesn’t need to look like what is in some of pretty staged pictures of garages. It needs to work for you, your stuff and the room you have.

If in 6 mths your needs or items may change, so should your garage.