Over the past fortnight, I have been receiving calls from customers looking for accessories for their StorEase Slimline Smart Rail. The StorEase Slimline Smart Rail Wall Bracket is sold by Bunnings and allows you to clip on a broad range of accessories for your garage, sporting gear or workshop.
StoreWALL is not StorEase
StoreWALL is not StorEase. Whilst most of our accessories might work on the StorEase range of Wall Brackets, it is not the same product nor quality. I’d like to think StoreWALL is a much better solution, but I will let you be the judge of that.
About a year ago, I did an in-depth review of the StoreEase Aluminium Smart Wall Panel and one of its more popular accessories. The review includes several videos and has proven to be rather popular. The Smart Wall Panel is very similar to the StorEase Slimline Smart Rail but it is a slightly wider wall panel and raw aluminium in colour. The StorEase Slimline Smart Rail is painted Black.
StorEase Smart Wall Panel

StorEase Slimline Smart Rail

StorEase Slimline Smart Rail Compared
Some of the key difference between the two StorEase panels is that the Wall Track Slimline is a different Colour, a different Width and has a different groove for locking the accessory. In fact, several of the calls I have received have actually been specifically about the StorEase Slimline Smart Rail locking mechanism.
The price of the StorEase Slimline Smart Rail is about $30.82 and its dimensions are: W:105 H:10 L:1200. The Smart Wall panel is priced similarly but its dimensions are: W:158 H:5 L:1200. About 50mm wider. In fact, it now seems (2023) that the Wall Panel can only be purchased directly from StorEase as it is no longer featured on the Bunnings website.
StorEase Slimline Smart Rail Review
So I ventured down to my local Bunnings Store to see for myself what the StorEase Slimline Smart Rail looked like and how it worked. I had the opportunity to test it with one of the StorEase hooks and I have included some photos and video below.
It didn’t take long to work out where the confusion and calls were coming from. I honestly didn’t find the StorEase Slimline Smart Rail very intuitive. As you can see from the video, trying to secure the hook to the rail was not easy and I wouldn’t be confident hanging heavy items from it.

This is in contrast to what I found with the Smart Wall Panel in my review. It secured the hook a lot better (probably a little too well). The StorEase Slimline Smart Rail looks nicer with its powder-coated black colour. It is also slimmer which makes it less visible on the wall. It just didn’t quite do the job when it comes to holding the accessories. This is supported by some of the reviews on the Bunnings website.

Comparing StoreWALL
StoreWALL’s wall panel system is in many ways similar to what is offered by StorEase but also quite different. For one, StoreWALL is not a rail, it is a wall panel, designed to cover your wall area. You can cover as much as you need to. Also, each wall panel is double the width of the StorEase product. The width of the panel is about 300mm (30cm) as opposed to the StorEase panel being 150mm (15cm). Being wider it has room for two rows of grooves and can therefore fit more accessories. You would need to join two StorEase panels together to get the same result.
Price wise the 1.2m StoreWALL panel is $69.99 sold separately and slightly cheaper purchased in a carton of 4. The cost of two StorEase Slimline Smart Rails is about $61.64.
Another key difference is the accessory range. StoreWALL’s accessories are designed to be attached to the panel and then locked in. There is no threat of the accessory falling off the panel. The CamLok locking mechanism eliminates this. See the below video on how it works.
StoreWALL Accessories
StoreWALL’s accessories are priced a little higher than the equivalent from StorEase but as noted the quality and locking mechanism are different. The panels are also not aluminium but hardened thermoplastic which will not change shape, or attract rust or mold. They also come in several colours so you can match them to your wall colour or other cabinetry in the garage.
Having tested the StorEase Smart Wall Panel (wider panel), I can confirm that you can use the StoreWALL accessories on your StorEase Smart Wall Panel.
Below is an example of what one client did in Melbourne. They had a StorEase rail in the garage and added 2 StoreWALL U Hooks to hang this dart board.

Give us a call should you want to know more about the differences.