I am always keen to explore how StoreWALL compares to other Garage Storage Solutions available in the market. This week, as part of this post Gladiator Vs StoreWALL, I decided to take a look at Gladiator® Garage Storage Solutions. Specifically the Gladiator® Gear Track Channel.
Originally, I wanted to purchase and review the GearWall® Panel which I think is most similar to StoreWALL and which I had featured in a Slatwall comparison I had completed some months ago. However, I found that this panel is no longer available on their website and when I called them, they advised that they didn’t have plans on more coming into Australia (any time soon).
Gladiator Garage Solutions is made by Whirlpool.
GearTrack® Channels

The GearTrack® Channel is made from a thick hardened plastic. The dimensions of each channel are 1212mm(w) x 152mm(h). I purchased the 2 Pack Kit which just came with the Channels. The screws and the end covers are optional extras.
In terms of storage approach, these channels share many similarities with the StorEase Panel and Rail (sold by Bunnings). You have a Track/Channel (152mm) with 2 grooves which fit custom designed accessories. They are designed to be placed along the length of your garage but NOT to actually cover your garage wall. Although you can stack them on top of each (with some spacing in between).
The Channels I received where very thick and sturdy. They each weigh 1.7kg. The thickness of the channel is 18mm. One thing I noted however is that the Channel does not come predrilled with holes. Compared to the StorEase Channels/Rails this is a much stronger and sturdier unit.
Whilst the thickness of the Channel or Panel does not mean it can handle more weight it does mean that it can handle knocks better.
As part of this Gladiator Vs StoreWALL review I had also included a comparison with StorEase.
Below I have included the dimensions of the Gladiator product as well as the two options from StorEase and StoreWALL’s entry level Basic Duty panel.
- GearTrack – 1212mm (w) x 152mm (h) x 18mm (d) (1.7kg)
- StorEase Rail – 1200mm (w) x 100mm(h) x 10mm (d) (.95kg)
- StorEase Panel – 1200mm (w) x 150mm(h) x 10mm (d) (1.05kg)
- StoreWALL Panel – 1219mm (w) x 304.8mm(h) x 16.7mm(d) (1.9kg)
GearTrack® Accessories
GearTrack® has a huge range of accessories that fit the Channel but also veer into cupboards and many other garage needs. I decided to just purchase one accessory the Cradle Hook.
GearTrack® Hooks have a 3 part locking mechanism. (See picture below) There is lip which fits into the upper groove of the channel, then a shoulder which also fits into the upper groove and finally a lip at the bottom which fits into the lower groove. It seems to fit the track well enough. However, I do find that any a medium to heavy knock upwards does dislodge the accessory from the channel.
To be clear, if the accessory has weight hanging off it, this weight naturally pushes it downwards and makes it harder to move or dislodge.
I am biased in saying that the StoreWALL CamLok system is the best I have seen. It prevents any slight movement of the accessory with or without the weight hanging off it.

The other comment around the accessory is the quality of the accessory itself. I only purchased the one accessory. In this case it’s the Cradle Hook. When you compare the metal/alloy used to make this accessory to that of either StorEase or StoreWALL it looks a lot lighter. Again, you can’t directly correlate thickness to strength but it does feel a lot less sturdier.
All three accessories come with rubber padding to prevent damage to the items you are storing.
I have photos of all three items below so that you can see for yourself.
Gladiator Vs StoreWALL Pricing
The Geartrack Channel 1.2m 2 Pack costs $49.95 but excludes the coloured matched screws and the end caps. Combined they are another $16.90. The accessory I purchased is the Cradle Hook and this costs $9.95.
In terms of pricing this pretty good value.
Compared to StorEase, the StorEase Aluminium Smart Wall Panel is $25.97 for a single panel. If you purchased two of these then the overall difference is a couple of dollars. The equivalent Cradle Hook from StorEase is $9.47.
With StoreWALL you would need just the one panel. As both Gladiator and StorEase are screwed directly onto the wall, you could use the StoreWALL Basic Duty Panel which has the dimensions of 1219mm width and 304.8mm height. This is equivalent to 2 x Gladiator or StorEase channels/panels. A Basic Duty Panel costs $48.99.

A couple of key difference to note. With the StoreWALL Panel you automatically have the two sets of grooves setup one on top of the other. Whereas with both Gladiator and StorEase you can stack them on top of each other or you can have them side by side horizontally. To have them side by side horizontally with StoreWALL, you would need to purchase 2 panels (you would also then have double the grooves).
When it comes to the StoreWALL Cradle Hook, our pricing is triple at $30.99. However, you also get the CamLok locking mechanism and a much heavier duty accessory compared to both Gladiator and StorEase.
Gladiator Vs StoreWALL Accessory Performance
In the below video I have compared all 4 Garage Storage solutions. I show you how each channel or panel and its complimenting accessory work together to delivery a storage option for your shed of garage.
They all seem to work well. Probably the weaker of the four solutions is the StorEase slimline Rail (not the panel). I found that the StorEase accessory fell off this rail really easily as it isn’t given enough to grip onto. The StorEase panel performs a lot better.
I also have a video comparing StoreWALL to StorEase and it also shows how StoreWALL’s accessories will work on the StorEase panel.
StoreWALL’s accessories are the only ones which can be used on an alternative panel. You can’t use the Gladiator accessory on StorEase nor StoreWALL. You can’t use StoreWALL on Gladiator either.
Gladiator Vs StoreWALL Weight Specification
So far, we have talked about the weight of the actual panel. The key weight however that we are all interested in is how much weight the panel and combined accessory can hold on your wall.
With Gladiator, based on its specifications (Maximum weight limit is 75 lbs (34 kg) per linear ft (30.48 cm) it can theoretically hold 120kg of weight. Installation requires 2 screws per stud and a total of 6 per channel.
StorEase states that each 1.2m Panel (wider of the two) can hold 150kg. The Smart Rail on the other hand can hold 100kg. Installation for both of these is 6 screws per panel or rail.
With StoreWALL’s Basic Duty Panels our specified weight capacity is 34kg per panel. Installation is 20 screws per panel. Note that our panel is made up of 2 rows. If you upgraded to the Standard Duty Panel however and installed with InstallStrips, weight capacity is more in line with the Gladiator system. You can read more about this here where we explain the different weight capacity of our range.
My feeling is that 150kg being held by 6 screws is not realistic. I am sure Gladiator has tested this thoroughly, however it is a lot of weight to be hanging over your car and hoping the hook and the channel does not give way. Given the design of these channel systems, two screws per stud is all you can actually do.
Gladiator Vs StoreWALL Summary
As a consumer you are spoilt for choice when it comes to garage storage options. More Australian’s are investing in cleaning up their garages which is great. Just in my own neighbourhood many of my neighbours seem to have a StorEase solution on their wall holding up gardening tools (shows they all shop at the local Bunnings).
If you only need to store a few gardening tools then a Gladiator or StorEase product will work fine for you. It also ends up being a cheaper investment when you account for the accessories. However, when you have a large amount to store and a garage wall which is not really doing much, StoreWALL is a better investment. It will provide you with unlimited options on how to use that entire wall using hooks, baskets, bins or shelves. You can have them all and move them around as you need to. Plus your entire wall is covered so you are using 100% of it.