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Tips for organising your children’s sports gear

organising your children’s sports gear

Everyone agrees that having your kids spend less time in front of a screen stuck inside the house and more time outside playing sport is a good thing. The challenge in an age where we want everything nice and tidy is keeping it all organised. Having the right kind of storage system for organising your children’s sports gear is more than half the battle. Below we have provided some simple rules and tips which you can use for better management of your family’s sporting equipment.

Cricket & Baseball Bats, Hockey Sticks and Tennis Racquets

Most people stick the bats in the corner leaning up against the wall. Over time more and more gets piled on top of them and when you want to pull the bat out, its impossible to grab without knocking everything over. You can avoid this hassle and mess by keeping bats, sticks and racquets pegged onto a slatwall or pegboard. Today’s slatwall solutions come with a great range of hooks allowing for bats, sticks and racquets to be securely attached but easily accessed. Most hooks are usually long enough to hold more than one item.


Whether they are larger balls like basketballs or soccer balls, or smaller tennis or cricket balls, they can easily be kept in buckets or tote bags. StoreWALL offers a great range of Tote Bags which cater for balls of all sizes. If you don’t want a bag, consider a deep basket or a bin for organising your Children’s sports gear. What you want to avoid is finding all the balls on the ground because the kids where looking for the tennis ball which was at the bottom of the basket. Consider a container for smaller balls and one for larger ones.

Protective Gear and Clothing

A great way to organise uniforms is to either colour cod them or to arrange them by sport or family member. This makes it easy for everyone to identify whose clothing it is or which sport it belongs to. For items like gloves or cricket pads, I suggest you keep them all together with the related clothing. This ensures they don’t get misplaced or moved away.

As an example, your cricket clothing, pads and gloves could be kept in one specific basket or tote bag. Once the kids are done with using them, putting them away is as simple as placing them all back into the ONE basket.

Sports Shoes

storewall large tote bag

The ideal way to protect your soccer and football boots is to clean them after use (both training and matches). Regular cleaning with a wet rag protects the synthetic surface from scratching and staining. It also ensures whatever dirt (soccer and football being winter sports) accumulates under the shoe is not transferred to all of the other shoes or the floor.

Most sports stores sell tote bags designed for shoes. They keep the shoes aired so that they can dry out but also in a protected bag so that pairs aren’t split up. Some suggest to use peg boards to hang your shoes but I don’t find this really practical. Dirty shoes are not the nicest accessory to have on show. Use a larger tote bag or deep basket to keep your sports shoes together. If you follow the concept of having a basket for each key sport played by your kids, then you can add sports shoes to that basket as well. Preferably once cleaned.

Organising your Children’s Sports Gear

We all want our kids to spend more time outdoors than they do today. Organising your children’s sporting gear needs to be a shared responsibility. Easier to say than do, but with some discipline it can be achieved. It’s important that children learn from an early age that we don’t do everything for them. Organising their sports gear independently is one of the many things they can learn early on.

Tips on grouping sports gear

When deciding where the sports gear will live, consider:

  • Size and numbers – how much space is it taking up and how many do you have
  • Seasonality – is the gear used throughout the year, or can it be moved to a different place when not used
  • Shape – some things take up a lot of space due to their shape (e.g. balls).
  • Ventilation – it’s better to keep shoes in a well-ventilated container and room.
  • Accessibility – make sure the children can access their gear without your help.
  • Dirtiness – how dirty is the equipment.

Get the Kids into the Routine

An important key to achieving some success with organising children’s sports gear is having a routine before and after sport activities. Kids should know what they need to take with them for training and matches. Clothing, drink bottle, boots, towel, hat etc. Help them get into the habit of gathering these items before each session. The routine applies equally after the session is done ie returning everything to where they found it.

Here’s an example

  • Soccer boots get returned to the garage.
  • Put them in the soccer basket.
  • Drinking bottle is returned to the kitchen sink.
  • Put sports bag away in the laundry (where it lives).
  • Get undressed and throw everything in the laundry bin or return it to the garage with the rest of the sporting gear.

Whilst I would love to say that my kids follow all of these rules, they don’t but I have found that keeping items organised and in specific locations helps everyone find them before the game or training. It also ensures we aren’t running around looking for them for half the morning.

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Storage Lessons

storage lessons

The internet is littered with information about storage options and ideas on organizing small spaces. Reading through much of this information myself on a daily basis I have accumulated a few key Storage Lessons that are worth considering as you review how to take on your next storage challenge.

Storage Lessons 1 – Make Better Use of Overhead Space

Look around your neighbourhood and you can’t miss the number of new homes being built. Not only are they popping up everywhere they are also much bigger than your average home (square feet) but they are also being built with higher ceilings. Higher ceilings makes your rooms look bigger, adds more light into each room but also gives you greater options for overhead storage. By thinking vertically, you can make much better use of this storage area. Think about your kitchen and laundry where storage is at a premium. Extend it to your garage. There are plenty of storage options built specifically for the garage ceiling.

Storage Lessons 2 – Bigger Storage Bins are Not Always Better

Picking the right range of storage containers can be challenging. Size, colour, shape and quality need to be considered. You would naturally think that bigger is better but this is not always the case. Bigger bins can sometimes cause more problems than they solve. Two medium bins can be carried by one person, while a huge bin requires two people. You need to keep weight in mind.  The last thing you need is to struggle and potentially spill the bin or worse still hurt yourself trying to access it.

Storage Lessons 3 – The less you use it, the less you should see it

Professional organisers talk about systems when it comes to working through your mess. A key principle they all abide by is “the less you use it, the less you should see it”. Items that you are likely to only use once a year or even less should be placed in rooms or locations that are harder to access. They should not be the first things you see when you enter your storage area. If you are using shelves, place them on the top shelf at the back. The flip side to this is regularly used items need to be close at hand and easy to grab. This applies equally to your garage storage and even kitchen. If your family likes to make smoothies for breakfast, why have the blender in the back of the cupboard.

Storage Lessons 4 – More on Setting Up Systems

Australian homes are typically high pitched with some storage capacity available in the roof. Most people however avoid the roof and simply don’t like going up there. When I look at the roof in my home I can easily stand in the middle section but I have never made any use of this area. Make better use of this area is not difficult nor should it be expensive. Yes it does get dusty but storage bags and containers of various sizes are available which can protect your items.

These areas can be set aside for very specific storage purposes that maybe you won’t need for several years. Placing them in the roof means you know exactly where they are when you need them. An example could be your wedding dress or specific clothing items you have set aside for your children. It might be years between visits but having a specific place for these items makes it easy to remember where they have been placed.

Storage Lessons 5 – Space Saving Ideas

Every inch counts and so when you are looking at storage solutions you need to place and measure your area carefully. If you are using shelves, ensure they are placed close together. Having adjustable shelves also allows you to ensure that all space is used up. If you have 40 or 50mm above the tallest item on each of your shelves, then that is wasted space. Multiply this by 3 or 4 shelves and that is 120 to 160mm of unused space.

Storage Lessons 6 – Storing Food

Whilst Australians don’t generally purchase food in bulk it can make sense with regular items that you don’t want to have to visit your local supermarket for mid week. If our regular breakfast cereals are on sale I will usually purchase 4 or 5 of them and store them in the garage so they are available. Same applies to pasta, flour, canned and bottled sauces, laundry detergent and other cleaning items.

The biggest challenge with storing food however is ensuring you are eating the older items first. It’s important to rotate older food to the front if you’re buying and storing in bulk. Get into the habit of sorting your food by expiration dates.

Storage Lessons 7 – Store less stuff

Your yearly hard rubbish collection is a great time to review your storage options and what you have stored. If there are items you have kept specifically in the hope that the kids might play with it again, it might be time to give them away. Another tip is if you have forgotten that you even had one of “those” that is another trigger to probably consider giving it away. If you don’t even want to remember you have it in your home, it’s probably time to re-home it.

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StorEase Vs StoreWALL

storease vs storewall

In this week’s post, I spent some time investigating if StoreWALL accessories can be used on alternate slatwall panels. The verdict when checked with the StorEase panels (sold by Bunnings) was YES. Today’s post focuses on StorEase Vs StoreWALL accessories to demonstrate the differences in specifications and price.

For some background, StorEase is a garage storage system sold exclusively by Bunnings. StoreWALL is sold exclusively by StoreWALL Australia.

Rather than compare every accessory offered by both StorEase and StoreWALL what I have decided to do is compare one key and popular accessory as well as the standard wall panel from both systems. The comparison focuses on specifications and total cost, with detailed images of both as well as some video.

StorEase Vs StoreWALL

I have selected a hook that both systems offer. In the case of StorEase it is the Double Hook (photo on the right). For StorewALL, it is the Heavy Duty Universal Hook, photo on the left.

StorEase Key Features

  • Name: StorEase 20cm Double Hook
  • Material: Powder-Coated Steel with Rubber Coating
  • Dimensions: W:75mm H:130mm L:220mm
  • Weight .200 kg
  • Holding weight: NA
  • Price: $15.92
  • Locking mechanism: main body case comes with two teeth on the front lower side and one larger one in the rear. The rear tooth fits into the slat groove whilst the two front teeth hug the outside of the groove to create tension and prevent the hook from moving around. Watch the below video on how it works.
  • Wall panel: StorEase wall panels are made from aluminium with dimensions being: W:1200mm H:150mm L:30mm. One panel covers 0.18 square meters. Each panel allows for one row of accessories. Assume you can comfortably fit 4 hook-style accessories per panel. The cost of the panel is $38. Combined with the hook the total cost is $53.92.

StoreWALL Key Features

  • Name: StoreWALL Heavy Duty Universal Hook
  • Material: Powder-Coated Steel with Rubber Coating
  • Dimensions: W: 63 mm H: 114 mm L: 228 mm
  • Weight .450kg
  • Holding weight: 68KG
  • Price: $33.99
  • Locking mechanism: CamLok provides a secure locking mechanism that is controlled from the front of the hook and moves a hook inside the groove to lock it in place. CamLok is best demonstrated in the below video.
  • Wall panel: StoreWALL wall panels come in 1.2m and 2.4m lengths. They can be installed by screws directly onto the wall or with InstallStrips to provide a clean and secure connection to the wall. StoreWALL wall panels are made from dense PVC and are mold resistant. The colour range includes Weathered Grey, Brite White, and many others.
  • The Dimensions of a 1.2m panel are W: 1219mm x H: 304.8mm x L: 16.7mm (thickness). One panel covers .371 square meters. Each panel has 4 grooves and can comfortably handle two rows of accessories. The cost of a single panel is about $69.99. Combined with the hook the total cost is $100.98.

StorEase Vs StoreWALL Hooks side by side

There is very little difference between the two hooks in terms of their size and look/feel. They are both rather heavy-duty looking and sturdy enough. I have two shots below showing you the front and back of both.

Also included (top of page) is a photo of the two panels and their profiles side by side. Again you can clearly see the differences between them.

The StoreWALL panel is much ticker in structure and because of its width (twice the size of StorEase) it offers a much better option if you are looking to cover a larger section of your wall area.

Cost Comparison

StorEase seems to be about 50% cheaper than StoreWALL, however, you need to also factor in that the StoreWALL panel covers twice the amount of wall space compared to the StorEase panel. Therefore when we add all of this together we end up with StorEase at $91.92 and StoreWALL at $100.98. The StoreWALL pricing assumes that you are installing directly onto the wall with screws and not using IntallStrips.

Key Differences StorEase Vs StoreWALL

Here is a summary of what I found:


  • In terms of durability, both the Aluminium finish of StorEase and the Dense PVC from StoreWALL ensures your wall panels will not warp or attract mold. Both are hard-wearing and water-resistant.
  • In terms of hooks, the StoreWALL HD Universal Hook weighs twice that of the StorEase equivalent. This shows the amount of steel used to make the hook and justifies that it will likely hold a lot more weight as well.
  • When installed with InstallStrips, the Standard Duty StoreWALL panel can hold 52kgs at 10cm from the panel surface & 113kg at panel surface.

Locking Mechanism

  • The locking mechanism from StorEase is very sturdy but it also makes it really difficult to remove the accessories and move them around. Having added and removed the hook a few times as part of the video, it had already marked the panel with both paint and scratches. It might have come down to the hook I selected because in last week’s video which I completed at the Bunnings store, the hook came off a lot quicker and easier. Too easy in fact.
  • The locking mechanism of both systems is different. When installed correctly both will be just as secure. The real difference comes down to being able to move the accessories around. StoreWALL is really simple, with no damage done to the panel. StorEase on the other hand was really difficult and the pressure required to unhook the “hook” quickly scratched the panel surface.
  • You might also be interested in this video sent in by a client on some of the challenges he found with StorEase. 


  • If you wanted to cover a whole wall or most of it, using StoreWALL will be a lot easier and probably cheaper as panels come in both 1.2m and 2.4m lengths. The 2.4m carton comes with 4 pieces, whilst the 1.2m carton comes with 4 panels. The look will also be nicer with the panels as they are designed to cover larger areas whereas the StorEase system is focused on smaller areas with a single panel.
  • StoreWALL also offers a broader range of colours including Weathered Grey, Brite White, Black, and several others.


  • Both systems offer a broad range of accessories, but StoreWALL has over 25 hooks alone. The range of baskets and brackets is also a lot larger.

Where to Buy

  • Distributed via Bunnings, StorEase is available in stores all over Australia. It is now also available directly online.
  • StoreWALL can only be ordered from our website. Pickup and delivery options are available. Give us a call on 0411280646 to find out more or email us at

In conclusion, my StorEase Vs StoreWALL review shows that both systems are good but if you want greater flexibility and a more useable and durable panel, then StoreWALL delivers on this.

My focus is on ensuring every customer that visits our website can make an informed decision as to whether our equipment suits them and offers them value for money. We already know how great our garage solutions are, but we also want to ensure that you feel the same way when you decide to invest your money with us.

StoreWALL accessories on StorEase Panels
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StorEase Storage Solutions

storease storage solutions
StoreWALL accessories on StorEase

Bunnings, Australia’s leading home hardware retailer, offers an exclusive range of home storage solutions, including the StorEase brand. With its extensive reach, StorEase storage solutions are readily accessible to countless Australian households.

A common query we get is whether StoreWALL’s versatile accessories, such as hooks, baskets, brackets, shelves, bins, bags, and totes, are compatible with other slatwall systems. It’s clear why this is a top concern—many Australians already have a wall panel system in place and recognize the benefits of StoreWALL’s superior accessories. For those looking to enhance their current setup without the need for a complete overhaul, integrating StoreWALL accessories offers a convenient and cost-effective solution.

Yes, StoreWALL accessories are indeed compatible with other panels, and we’ve put this to the test with an experiment at a local Bunnings store. We explored the StorEase range to confirm that StoreWALL’s range of accessories can be seamlessly integrated with StorEase wall panels.

StorEase Storage Solutions

StorEase panels, featuring an aluminum finish, measure 1200mm in width, 150mm in height, and 30mm in length. To utilize an array of hooks or baskets, you’ll need to stack multiple panels vertically. In our hands-on experiment, we tested the compatibility using our standard StoreWALL Cradle Hook, each equipped with our proprietary CamLok secure locking system.

We examined how StorEase hooks engage with their panels, noting the locking mechanism comprises two front teeth and a larger rear tooth. Our video demonstration reveals that while hooks secure firmly, insufficient depth during installation can result in looseness. Our testing indicated variability, with some hooks fitting tightly and others less so.

Attaching the StoreWALL Cradle Hook to the StorEase panel is straightforward, although some play is noted, which varies by hook as demonstrated in our video. Unlike StorEase hooks, which can come loose, the StoreWALL CamLok system ensures the hook remains attached despite any slack. This means that while the fit may not be perfect, it’s functional. Therefore, if you have StorEase installed at home, rest assured that integrating StoreWALL accessories will be compatible and efficient.

Alternate Wall Panels

StoreWALL accessories, with their CamLok system, are designed for slatwall grooves spaced at 74mm apart, ensuring a secure fit even if there is some slack. While we cannot guarantee compatibility with every panel on the market, it’s likely that many slatwalls with similar groove spacing will accommodate StoreWALL products effectively. If your slatwall features wider groove spacing, such as 100mm, you can still use StoreWALL’s accessories by simply removing the CamLok mechanism. This adaptability makes StoreWALL a versatile choice for enhancing your storage system.

StoreWALL CamLok

The CamLok system is a standout feature for any slatwall accessory, be it hooks, baskets, shelves, or bags, especially for enhancing existing slatwall setups. Demonstrated effectively with the StorEase Storage Solutions panel, CamLok securely locks in the accessory, ensuring it stays firmly in place even under pressure. This level of security is not commonly found in most slatwall systems, setting StoreWALL accessories apart as a reliable and robust choice for your storage needs.

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Garage Organisation Starter Kit

storewall small angle basket

As part of our year rate payment, our local Council also runs its yearly hard rubbish collection. This annual ritual (which is bi-annual for some suburbs) sets a range of household activities linked to better garage organisation. A few weeks prior to the annual collection, households receive a reminder that it is approaching and then week after week, surrounding suburbs begin to place their hard rubbish out for collection.

Garage Organisation

Whilst hard rubbish collection is not just about your garage and garage organisation, it seems to set off a string of spring cleaning activities within my household. Most of these activities have to do with inside the home but we eventually also end up outside in the garage, re-organising, cleaning up, and throwing out.

Garage shelves are emptied, tubs are opened, benches are cleared so that we can see exactly what we have stored since the garage organisationprevious clearance and what we no longer need nor want. As the family grows up its a lot easier to determine what needs to be kept for the kids. Certain furniture and toys are just no longer needed and better off with others. Seeing it all once again makes it easy to simply remove it and place it out for collection.

Easy Access

Much of our garage storage is made up of garage racks and shelves. They work a treat by holding lots and allowing lots to be buried away (out of site and mind). This is a problem in itself however. When you store tools and work related equipment on shelves, seeing what you have and finding it becomes really difficult. It uses up precious time and generates frustration. Having your tools hanging or stored via a slatwall rack can be a lot more practical.

Slatwall panels are a wall panel with grooves that allow accessories to securely hook into them. You can then use the accessories to hang and store your equipment on. What I like about slatwall panels is that they allow your tools to stay visible and most importantly accessible. This is unlike a racking or deep shelving system.

Garage Organisation Starter Kit

Hard rubbish collection in my neighbourhood isn’t until August but I have already begun to review what can and can’t go this year. To help you with the garage reorganisation part of your clean up project, StoreWALL has launched its StoreWALL Starter Kit. The idea behind the kit is to bundle a selection of accessories that inspire you to see what you can achieve with your garage as well as how StoreWALL can help you get organised.

To help you get started, StoreWALL offers a simple bundle of accessories which can be added to your StoreWALL slatwall panels.

The Starter Kit comes with these accessories:

  • 1 x StoreWALL Square Shallow Basket
  • 2 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Universal Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Crade Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Utility Hook

You will obviously also need the slatwall panels and we make these available as single sheets as well as in packs of 6 or 4. The packs of 6 are 1.2m in length and the pack of 4 are 2.4m.

When you are ready to get started with your next garage organisation project, give us a call so we can help you with ideas and pricing on how our garage solutions can solve your storage problems.

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Simple Bike Rack for your Garage Wall


Space is a premium in most homes and garages so finding an effective way to store your bike(s) is really important for most households. Add to this that leaving your bike outside is not a great option if you want it to last a few years (the rust will build up real soon). Finding a simple bike rack for your garage wall shouldn’t be that difficult and thankfully these days there are plenty of options to choose from. StoreWALL gives you 2 easy to setup options which ensure your bikes are no longer lying on the floor or up against the car.

We have 5 bikes in our household and they take up far too much room in the garage given the amount of use they receive. My kids love bike riding but getting them motivated to start the ride can be a challenge. Once its done they are quick to dump the bikes on the garage floor and run inside for a refreshment. It’s then up to me to set them all up again and get them out of the way.

Simple Bike Rack for your Garage Wall

Simple Bike Rack for your Garage Wall

StoreWALL has two easy to setup options enabling you to either hang your bike vertically from the wall or to have it hang horizontally. Both options are safe and secure and the choice is determined by the amount of room you have.

StoreWALL Bike Hook

The first method utilises the StoreWALL J Hook (also known as the Bike Hook). The StoreWALL Bike Hook needs to be added to your wall via the use of a slatwall panel. The slatwall panel needs to be placed at a height which allows the bike to stand on its back wheel. Ideally allow the bike to hang a foot or so off the floor. To lock the bike onto the hook all you need to do is place the rim or wheel inside the hook. Using the spokes to support your bike, it will be locked in. By hanging the bike vertically, you can actually hang several bikes in a very small area.

StoreWALL Bike Brackets

The second method has the bike hanging horizontally. Combining a StoreWALL slatwall panel and two Heavy Duty 381mm Bike Brackets, the bike frame is placed over the brackets so that it is held in position. An effective way of positioning the brackets is to place them one slat groove apart. The bracket on the left can be the higher of the two. 

Simple Bike Rack for your Garage Wall

On each bracket add some anti-slip padding so that the brackets don’t scratch the frame of the bike. Coming 381mm off the wall, there is plenty of room for the bike frame to be rested on the brackets.

The advantage of this option is that the bikes only hang a maximum 381mm off the wall (the size of the brackets). This will allow you to fit several bikes (smaller bikes sitting higher) and allows plenty of room for the actual vehicle.

Slatwall Panels

The added advantage of slatwall panels is that the panelled wall can also be used to store other items which are bike related. This includes tyre pumps, spare tyres, sporting clothes and helmets. Even if you don’t have a huge amount of room our smaller 1.2m panel can do an effective job for you. See our bundle below as an example.

StoreWALL Bike Bundle

To get you started with a simple bike rack for your garage wall we have prepared two combination StoreWALL packages that incorporate either bike hanging method mentioned above plus much more. Note this is not just a one bike solution, it will cover pretty much everything you need related to bike.

What’s included:

  • 3 – 1.2m Standard Duty wall panels
  • 3 – InstallStrips
  • 2 – 381mm Bike Brackets (with non skid padding) or 2 x J Hooks
  • 1 – S Hook
  • 1 – Disc Hook
  • 2 – 63mm Single Hooks
  • 1 – Small Angle Basket

Total cost of the bundle is around $300 depending on the hanging options you select.

Installed Dimensions: 1143mm in height and 1219 in width.

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Transform Your Garage into a Multi-use Room


Your garage is often the most neglected room in your home. It gets dumped with everything from garden tools, to sports gear as well as everything to do with the car.  In many cases it gets so full there is hardly any room for the actual vehicle itself. If you could transform your garage into a multi-use room you could end up with a room which is high functioning and accessible for all of the family.

Below we will take a look at examples of high functioning rooms which I hope will inspire you to begin your garage weekend make-over.

Sports Hub

For most young families, keeping the kids active is really important. The garage will usually store all of the equipment needed to enjoy an adventure-packed lifestyle. This can include sports bikes, roller skates and blades, skate boards, tennis racquets, surf and boogie boards as well as balls and bats from all codes.

garage studios

A great way to manage most of these sporting items is by hanging them off the walls. It frees up the premium floor space but is also very practical in terms of accessibility. Rather than having bikes piled one on to of the other, having them hung off the wall keeps them secure and easy to access when required.

StoreWALL offers a bike ready hook which can be used to hang pretty much any bike, big or small. We also offer larger brackets which are ideal for your surfing, skiing and general water sport equipment.

By using the full length of the wall through the use of slatwalls, you can avoid shelving taking up all of the space. Shelving has its place but it is also a bulky storage system which isn’t easy to relocate. It can also begun challenging when needing to access smaller items that fall to the back of a shelf.

Manage Your Space with Zones

A great way to manage your space is through the use of Zones. It makes items easy to find but also access and return. Grouping your sporting goods together will give your kids ideas next time they are in the garage. The same applies to your camping or water gear. Having the range of equipment visible can motivate kids to put them on and get active. Roller blades are a great example. Stuffed inside a box, means they are forgotten and hardly used. On a bright sunny day, they could be a Sunday afternoon full of action.

Transform Your Garage into a Multi-use Room

Shelving is an important storage component for all garages. It gives you the ability to crate layers of storage as well as protect your goods by having them kept within containers.

Bottom Shelf – The bottom tiers (closest to the ground) of a shelving unit should be used for storing large, heavy items which are harder to lift and move around. Everyday items that are used regularly should ideally be stored on the middle shelves so that adults as well as kids can access them when required. If you are using containers, clear labelling can assist with keeping everything neat and in place. The less used and seasonal items should be stored up high so they are out of the way. The same applies to valuable or dangerous items like power tools and chemicals. Ideally this type of equipment or material should be locked away so that it can’t be spilled nor tampered with and dropped or damaged.

Your Creative Space

Sports equipment and power tools aren’t the only way to make great use of your garage space. If you are creative, a room the size of a garage could be converted into your very own visual studio.

By covering the walls with plaster or even slatwall you can keep the room insulated and moisture free. Some carpet or a rubbery tile on the floor will keep it warmer and cleaner.

By adding windows or even sliding doors rather than your traditional roller door you can also bring in much needed natural light and ventilation.

Remove the clutter and chaos and you have a room which can inspire you and the family to create works of art or simply just works that you can enjoy creating.

Once again slatwalls can provide the perfect solution for making great use of your walls. Small and large hooks can assist with hanging material and equipment. Baskets and shelves can hold paints, brushes, canvases, materials and samples. Off the floor and within easy reach makes working easy and a lot more enjoyable than keeping it all tucked away in boxes or containers.

For those bits and bobs StoreWALL offers a great range of slotboxes and bins. Small, medium and large sizes are a perfect way to separate smaller materials which otherwise could be thrown together into an impractical mess.

StoreWALL has chrystal clear bins so that you can actually see what is stored inside. Alternatively labels can also be added. Bins can be easily arranged high and low on the wall for easy reach.

Build to a Budget

Deciding to transform your garage into a multi-use room doesn’t need to be an expensive exercise. For under $1000 you can begin by transforming several walls of your garage with slatwall, shelving, bins and baskets. Once you have started you will be the envy of your neighbours.

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Organising your garage into Zones

rganize the Garage into Zones

Whether your garage is big enough to hold one or two cars, organising your garage is not easy and over time with more and more “stuff” filling it, the task seems almost impossible to start. Giving your garage an almighty clean and declutter is one thing, setting it up to stay organised means you need to create a garage organisation plan. The best way to get started is by organising your garage into zones.

A simple redesign of your garage can make all the difference.  Try assigning “zones” to each section of the garage.

First of all, what are storage zones?

Storage zones are areas in your garage where certain (similar) items should be stored. Sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised at how many garages just evolve over time with items all jumbled in together instead of being gathered together in certain designated areas.

Below I have listed a range of Zones or categories which comprise most of the items found in a typical garage. They will give you a head start to create your own Zones for the items that make up your garage.

Zone 1 – Household items

These are mainly items you will use at some stage within your home. You’ll want to store bulk items like laundry detergent, toilet paper, pet food, extra pantry supplies, brooms, mops and buckets, the vacuum and any other items you are likely to use inside your home in this area. Keeping these items close to the interior door leading to your garage allows you to grab them quickly and easily.

Zone 2 – Backyard tools and garden supplies

These are all outdoor items and will be needed when you are working in the backyard. This particular area should be kept toward the front of the garage since you’ll want these items to be handy while the front garage door is open and you’re working on the lawn.

Zone 3 – Workshop space

Keep your hammers, pliers, nuts, bolts and clamps in the area of your workbench. Keeping these items together will make any “fix it” project much easier to manage if all of your tools are all easy to find and access.

Zone 4 – Sports Equipment

Cricket bats, soccer balls, bike equipment, even a surfboard! Keep these items together for quick grab-and-go availability. Look at how high you want to store them so that even the kids can grab them on their own.

Zone 5 – Holiday Decorations

Plastic storage bins and bags are a great way to organise this type of stuff. These items are not accessed often, so can be stored on shelves up and out of the way. Be sure to clearly label all bins to make locating particular items an easy process.

Depending on the types of items you have and your particular interests and hobbies, you may have several more zones.

The single most important thing to remember is to group “like” items together.

Life works so much better when it’s organised!

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Save Space with Garage Storage

garage solutions

Surprisingly even with so much new building going on, space for your car(s) and storage for everything we need to just put away is actually getting smaller. With garage storage at a premium, we need to think smarter about how we organise and declutter.

Your garage is not just a place to park your car, it stores so much of what we can’t fit or don’t want in the house. The demand for smarter storage solutions for the garage is growing.

Better Use of Your Walls
Garage walls offer significant potential in a garage and are often under utilised.  Your wall storage can include adjustable shelving, dedicated racks for those bulky items like bikes and tools and adjustable hooks for your tools. These garage wall solutions can then be complimented with wall-mounted cabinets and multilevel shelving.

Get the Expert or DIY
Search online and there are plenty of garage storage solution experts who will review your space, your clutter and design the perfect layout for you. They will also recommend the garage storage solution you need and build and install it. This can cost you between upwards of $5000. You can also Do It Yourself for much less. For around $1000, you can fit out an entire wall with StoreWALL panels and a great range of adjustable shelves, brackets and hooks. All of StoreWALL’s equipment can be easily installed and then maintained.

A popular addon for your Garage is ceiling-mounted storage. This is shelving that sits above the bonnet of the vehicle.

How to get Started

  • Step 1 is to declutter. Pull everything out and divide into three piles: everyday, occasional and deep archive. Throw out what you don’t need.
  • Store frequently used items at hand height, occasionally used ones at shoulder height or above, and heavy items down low.
  • Keep the lawnmower and bikes near the garage door so they don’t track in dirt.
  • Drawers are great for small, similar items. You can use the cabinet top as a work surface.
  • Create a ‘clutter trap’ near the door to the house to prevent mess entering – think coat hooks, boot storage, and generous baskets.
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April is Organisation Month

slatwall messy garage

April is organisation month and we are focusing on organising your garage so that it can be everything it can be. A real slatwall messy garageopportunity to take the project on, and to see it through and reclaim your garage.

One month from today, you could have a garage that is actually a pleasure to spend time in. A place where you can easily find what you need. A place where you can accomplish things: fixing something old, building something new, finding your inner peace, etc. Times change, seasons change and ideas change, so what we store and how we store it should change accordingly. Having a flexible organisation system is very important.

StoreWALL can be the foundation of every wall storage and organisation project in your garage, workshop, gym or laundry. Tough enough to perform in any environment, our panels are waterproof, mould and mildew resistant and performance guaranteed. Plus, storeWALL panels are resistant to nicks, scratches and chipping! Storage and organisation at your finger tips! Further more, StoreWALL is easy to install with installSTRIPS, which attach easily to any surface.

And accessories, let’s not fail to mention the storeWALL accessories! Accessories that are built rugged and look great; the storeWALL hooks, baskets and shelves are the perfect storage solution for all of your garage storage and home organisation needs. The exclusive camlok keeps the accessory, and your stuff, in place yet allows for easy repositioning.

Get Organised

This includes dusting, wiping, sweeping, mopping, etc. And speaking of “organised” – take the time to organise your items. Group items together according to tools, lawn and garden equipment, sports and recreational equipment, automotive, seasonal decor, etc. Trash, donate or recycle items that are broken or haven’t been used in quite a awhile. Doing this step now will make the last step much easier.


Measure your space! It’s important to know the exact measurements and the layout of the space that you’re going to utilise. Now is also the time to choose the desired colour of your wall panels and some accessories to at least get you started.


Whether you’re a DIYer or you’re going to have a local installer/contractor install the panels for you, they need to be secured to the wall. We recommend InstallSTRIPS.


Now for the real fun! Arrange your hooks, baskets and shelves on the wall panels and then organise your stuff on the accessories. storeWALL accessories are so simple to use that you can move them, change them or reposition them in seconds, yet they lock in place with the twist of the camlok.

So, there you have it, getting organised in organisation month can be pretty easy. storeWALL can easily and quickly bring your garage to order based on your needs and personal style. So go ahead and tackle this project, storeWALL will certainly exceed your expectations.

Oh, here’s one last important tip for after the project is complete in order to keep your garage organized and de-cluttered. Remember to put things where they belong after you’re done using them! A place for everything and everything in its place!

storeWALL…Walls That Work!