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Home Storage Solutions

home storage solutions

Clutter, clutter and more clutter, it just keeps building up. To give you some helpful ideas on how you can get on top of this challenge we have worked through some decorative home storage solutions that will go some way to creating a a clutter-free home.

If yours is an existing home or a you are building a new home from scratch, looking at custom home storage solutions can really help you better enjoy your home and its free space.

These idea apply equally for those renting a home. There are plenty of options that can be aesthetic and easily constructed as well as removed when you decide to move. Either way decorative storage solutions can help you enjoy your living areas a whole lot more.

From kitchen storage to decorative storage baskets, giving thought to how you will store and display your belongings is time well spent. Below we cover 9 home storage solutions ideas which can inspire you to look at how your space is used at home.

Home Storage Solutions – Storage Shelving

Storage shelves are a worthwhile addition for every kitchen, laundry, living room, bedroom and garage. They offer a great way to store books, picture frames, electrical goods like TVs, trophies and personal items. The range of shelve options includes different sizes, the material they are made of and how they are added to your wall. The easiest way to source your storage shelving is through a furniture store eg IKEA. Shelving ideas include the ability to create different compartments for different items. Alternatively shelves can be coupled with baskets which can look stylish as well as hide your belongings.

Furniture as Storage

I remember as kid my bed had two large drawers built into its bottom frame (the mattress siting on top). This style of bed is home storage solutionsprobably not so popular these days but the idea has merit. It provides a clean storage compartment within a single piece of furniture.

Bedhead storage makes a great place for all those winter blankets that normally clutter your linen warddrobes.

However it doesn’t need to be a bed, it can be a sofa or a console which has a storage areas built within it. Even if it doesn’t there are plenty of stylish baskets available today which can be added to any piece of furniture making it dual purpose.

Transform the area under your bed, where dust bunnies like the swirl, by using rolling boxes, drawers, or even shelving to create extra room.

Home Storage Solutions – Storage Containers

Storage containers and boxes are regularly used as streamlining vessels in pretty much every part of the house. Whether its the foyer area for keys and phones, the kitchen for utensils or the bathroom for soap and other accessories. The endless shapes and colours make them really attractive. They are also relatively inexpensive which makes them easy to chop and change.

Similarly trays are a great way to organise kitchen cupboards. Organise and store your packets and bottles on specific trays and keep them from falling over.

Closed Cabinets or Joinery

All houses need closed joinery to store those larger, bulkier items. This can include electrical goods and appliances. Most established houses will have these cabinets spread out all over the home. However they can be easily added with minimum cost through flat pack kits available at your local hardware store or even furniture store. A key thing to consider when buying or even building your joinery are the hinges and the opening mechanism.

There are some very modern finishes available today making the look very streamlined.

Open Cabinets and Joinery

The rising popularity of open joinery comes down to its ability to allow natural light to flow, remain decorative but also allow for home storage solutionsstorage. It is used regularly in modern kitchens, especially over benches, allowing for extra storage and freeing up valuable bench space. Consider having open cabinets custom built for your new home and kitchen as it can be a real winner.

Even in established homes, custom built open cabinets can be designed and built by your local kitchen or cabinet maker and then installed. Whether its painted or stained timber or even a veneer finish. Consider this for your laundry and dining areas.

Up High – Floor to Ceiling Storage

Most homes neglect to use the full hight of their home. This area is ideal for storage and can be cleverly designed to look stylish and a simple extension of your wall. Shelving over door frames or windows can provide a place to much loved books that are also in good condition. If you are looking at book cases, consider a custom built book case which goes floor to ceiling, rather then ending a foot short. This extra foot will be an un-used area.

Traditionally cabinet makers when designing kitchens gave you an option of building all the way to the ceiling or capping the kitchen about a foot short. This area is just a dust pool. Consider better uses for it in your kitchen so that you can get rid of clutter as well as kitchen-ware and appliances that are not used very often but still needed.

Attic Attack

Very popular in the 80s and 90s but not so much today, Attic conversions are a great way to make use of the roof area in your home storage solutionshouse. With easy access through ladders, an attic can be a fantastic addition which will add value to your home. You don’t need to have a high pitched roof for an attic, enclosed in air tight bags the roof area can be used to store seasonal items such as Christmas trees. Just remember that the temperature in the roof can be extremely warm in summer

Bathroom Bliss

Most houses make little use of the toilet for storage. Closed cupboards will allow you to not only store toilet related items but also those for the laundry and bathroom. Consider shelving that frames the toilet area, from floor to ceiling to give you much needed space.

Staircase Storage

Cupboards and shelving below the stairs is nothing new, but think outside the box and use the between your stairs to store all sorts of bits and bobs.

If you’re like most people, there’s never quite enough room in your house to put everything away. Create a place for everything and put everything in its place with these great storage ideas for your home.

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Wall to Wall Storage

wall to wall storage

If storage is at a premium in your home and there isn’t much room left for even a cupboard, a great alternative is to consider – Wall to Wall Storage. This week’s post offers some useful storage solutions so you can store, locate and use your favourite items when you need them.

Wall to wall storage focuses on solutions that use the height and width of your wall to store and manage your items. Rather than adding additional storage that sits in front of the wall reducing the overall space in your room, wall to wall storage is all about using the wall as the base and then adding accessories to manage your items.

The range of solutions is almost endless and best of all these ideas are not entirely about storing light weight items like shoes and kitchen accessories. Some of the options can hold over 20KGs in weight. Check them out you will be surprised.

Floating shelves

Floating shelves are a great idea for within the home. There are so many varieties today no matter your style of home. Use them in your kitchen to store those essential items, like spices and key everyday ingredients. Floating shelves can create the illusion of space and blend nicely with your walls. They are a simple wall to wall storage option that can be used anywhere within the home or even outdoors. Common styles include box (square) shelves as well as “U” shaped shelves (basically the box without the top cover).

Magnetic Strips

Magnetic strips can be a great storage solution for the kitchen as well as the garage. Use them to store kitchen accessories such as knives and scissors as well as metal measuring spoons. Go one step further and extend them to your garage. Depending on the strength of the strip you can hang tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, knifes and even spanners. Having them hang off the wall means they don’t clutter the bench nor hang around the floor. Magnetic strips come in all shapes and sizes (as well as colours). Some tapes are heavy duty with a Pull Force of 450 g/cm².


I am not the biggest fan of Pegboards but they are very affordable and can accommodate all sorts tools and items found in your garage. Used within the house they can hold keys, bills, reminders and most light weight items. This form of wall to wall storage is ideal of kraft rooms and art studios. Pegboards are very affordable and really easy to find. What I don’t like about them is that the hooks don’t lock in at all which makes them rather unreliable for heavier items.

Chunky hooks

Visit your local hardware store or storage retailer and you will find a large range of hooks. Hooks can be used to hang all sorts of tools and even ladders. They need to be fixed to a wall or something sturdy so that they can manage the weight. Hooks can be used in your bathroom and laundry for you towels and bags. They can also be used throughout your garage for pretty much anything light or heavy.

Used within the house, hooks can store your larger jackets, hats, scarves and school bags. A key part of using hooks is ensuring they are properly fixed to the wall so they can handle their specified weight.

Slatwalls (like StoreWALL)

wall to wall storage

We couldn’t go past wall to wall storage ideas without mentioning Slatwalls. Slatwalls can be cut to size and used anywhere within the home or the garage. The best thing about this horizontal storage solution is that it is fully customisable and can be kitted out with hooks, tubs, shelves, tote bags, brackets and baskets, depending on your needs. Once your needs or ideas change, simply take the accessories off and rearrange them. It takes minutes. StoreWALL slatwalls are PVC based and are water and dust proof.

Wall to Wall Storage – Wire baskets

One of the more popular slatwall accessories are wire baskets. Now you don’t necessarily need slatwalls for this idea but it can make moving them around really easy. Used in the kitchen, wall-mounted wire baskets can help you store fruit that doesn’t normally sit in the fridge or vegetables like onions, potatoes and garlic which or normally stored in the cupboard.

Wire baskets in the garage can store paint cans, boots, boxed items plus much much more. Once securely mounted, baskets provide visibility and ease of access. Being solidly built they can also store heavy items. The StoreWALL range of wired baskets can hold a maximum of 56KGs (see Heavy Duty Deep Basket).

Wire baskets come in a flat shallow form as well as at different depths.


A simpler alternative to slatwalls are Railings. Wall-hung rails are both practical as well as visually pleasing particularly when used to hang copper cookware or pots and pans in a traditional kitchen. This form of wall to wall storage is really simple to setup can generate considerable space in a very small area.

Hanging Rack for Your Boots

wall to wall storage

By far one of the biggest nuisances in every home are the loose shoes hanging around the doorway or in your clothing cupboard. Loose shoes are a major hazard and having them lie around can see them easily lost as well as damaged. Wall-mounted shoe storage systems will make your shoes easily accessible as well as allow the prettier ones to be out on display. An open-air storage system ensures your shoes are kept dry, mould and odour-free.

I hope our range of wall storage options have given you a few ideas so that you can make better use of spare wall areas whilst also cleaning up the mess beneath them.

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Garage Organisation Starter Kit

storewall small angle basket

As part of our year rate payment, our local Council also runs its yearly hard rubbish collection. This annual ritual (which is bi-annual for some suburbs) sets a range of household activities linked to better garage organisation. A few weeks prior to the annual collection, households receive a reminder that it is approaching and then week after week, surrounding suburbs begin to place their hard rubbish out for collection.

Garage Organisation

Whilst hard rubbish collection is not just about your garage and garage organisation, it seems to set off a string of spring cleaning activities within my household. Most of these activities have to do with inside the home but we eventually also end up outside in the garage, re-organising, cleaning up, and throwing out.

Garage shelves are emptied, tubs are opened, benches are cleared so that we can see exactly what we have stored since the garage organisationprevious clearance and what we no longer need nor want. As the family grows up its a lot easier to determine what needs to be kept for the kids. Certain furniture and toys are just no longer needed and better off with others. Seeing it all once again makes it easy to simply remove it and place it out for collection.

Easy Access

Much of our garage storage is made up of garage racks and shelves. They work a treat by holding lots and allowing lots to be buried away (out of site and mind). This is a problem in itself however. When you store tools and work related equipment on shelves, seeing what you have and finding it becomes really difficult. It uses up precious time and generates frustration. Having your tools hanging or stored via a slatwall rack can be a lot more practical.

Slatwall panels are a wall panel with grooves that allow accessories to securely hook into them. You can then use the accessories to hang and store your equipment on. What I like about slatwall panels is that they allow your tools to stay visible and most importantly accessible. This is unlike a racking or deep shelving system.

Garage Organisation Starter Kit

Hard rubbish collection in my neighbourhood isn’t until August but I have already begun to review what can and can’t go this year. To help you with the garage reorganisation part of your clean up project, StoreWALL has launched its StoreWALL Starter Kit. The idea behind the kit is to bundle a selection of accessories that inspire you to see what you can achieve with your garage as well as how StoreWALL can help you get organised.

To help you get started, StoreWALL offers a simple bundle of accessories which can be added to your StoreWALL slatwall panels.

The Starter Kit comes with these accessories:

  • 1 x StoreWALL Square Shallow Basket
  • 2 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Universal Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Crade Hook
  • 1 x StoreWALL Heavy Duty Utility Hook

You will obviously also need the slatwall panels and we make these available as single sheets as well as in packs of 6 or 4. The packs of 6 are 1.2m in length and the pack of 4 are 2.4m.

When you are ready to get started with your next garage organisation project, give us a call so we can help you with ideas and pricing on how our garage solutions can solve your storage problems.

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StoreWALL Tote Bags

small tote bag

The StoreWALL range of accessories extends itself to also include Tote Bags. Tote Bags aren’t just any ordinary bag that gets hungtote bags from a hook. Tote Bags made by StoreWALL are designed to stay open when hung so that their contents can be easily seen, and easily removed as required.

Why a Tote Bag

Tote Bags can be used to store pretty much anything that is light to medium weight. They are ideal for sporting gear as well as clothing and even summer gear such as toys for the beach, picnic rugs and anything that you might need to take with you including the bag itself.

In my case, I keep all of my son’s soccer gear in the one bag. We train 2 nights a week together, so I have everything he needs for each session in the one bag making it super simple to find everything but also take it all with us, including the bag itself.

StoreWALL Tote Bags

StoreWALL Tote Bags come in three sizes, Small, Medium and Large. The dimensions of the bag range is listed below. Each bag is made of heavy duty tear-resistant canvas. This ensures that the bags can go through considerable wear and tare. Each bag also features a mesh inner area so that contents can clearly seen. The mesh also allows air flow through the Tote Bag which can be handy if your bag includes worn boots or clothing.  


Our range comes in the following dimensions when bags are fully open.

  • Small – 279mm (W) x 457mm (D) x 304mm (H)
  • Medium – 279mm (W) x 457mm (D) x 457mm (H)
  • Large – 279mm (W) x 457mm (D) x 609mm (H)


StoreWALL sell over 25 different hooks. Our Tote Bags aren’t designed to just be hung from anyone of our hook range. To give you the maximum value from your Tote Bag, each bag is hung by two hooks, one on the left and one on the right. You will require two 300mm Universal Hooks with each bag. The hooks ensure that the bag is full extended when open so that all contents are clearly visible.

Grab and Go

Another great feature of our Tote Bag range are the draw strings at the top of each bag. If your child plays a winter sport like Soccer or Football, why not use a Tote Bag to store all of their gear in the one bag. This could include:

  • training boots
  • shin pads
  • training ball
  • training cones
  • ball pump

All of these item could easily be kept in the small Tote Bag. When you are ready to get going, there is no need to remove each item and place it into another bag. All you need to do is take the bag off the Universal Hooks, draw the strings and off you go. This is the the ideal Grab and Go scenario. With everything kept in the one bag, your items will not get lost so you don’t have to spend 15 mins prior running around looking for everything. One bag can hold it all together for you.

Our Youtube Channel will shortly feature the bags. You can find pricing for our StoreWALL Grab & Go bags in our online store.

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Heavy Duty Slatwall

heavy duty slatwall

StoreWALL is your premium heavy duty slatwall provider. Not all slatwall systems are the same and neither is the quality of the wall panels themselves.

Whilst most slatwall providers use natural fibres such as wood or a wood composite, StoreWALL is PVC based. StoreWALL is designed to be core coloured – its colour is distributed throughout the actual wall panel. The benefit is that its a heavy duty slatwall with unparalleled protection against scratching and damage.

Depth of colour

StoreWALL’s slatwall’s are the same colour deep inside as they are on the surface. Therefore any scratches, dints or chips are a lot harder to see and much easier to conceal. Being PVC based its also very durable, will not retain moisture, will not change shape nor will it generate mould. Our slatwall panels are also recyclable and easily cleaned.

Each Heavy Duty Slatwall has a thickness of 17.7mm.

Heavy Duty Slatwall

StoreWALL’s heavy duty slatwalls are really easy to install whether your are doing it yourself or using an installation specialist. The range of panels come in 4 colours including: Graphite Steel, Rustic Cedar, Global Pine, Weathered Grey and Brite White. Please note that our standard stock is Weathered Grey and any other colour will need to be a special order.

Perfect for Home or Workshop

Our Heavy Duty Slatwalls are designed to complement and enhance your stock if you are using them within your store. Used in conjunction with our hooks and shelves you display area will always look clean, tidy and attractive to browsing customers.

Equally at home in garages and children’s storage areas, StoreWALL is flexible enough to be used almost anywhere you require shelves, storage or displays.

Inferior Alternatives

Maybe inferior is a little harsh, but much of what is sold as slatwall panel is much less durable and usually lightly painted to provide a colour finish. Once scratched or dinted however, the internal grain shows up clearly and the slatwall finish and clean look is ruined.

StoreWALL’s flexibility and durability make it an excellent choice where materials such as MDF or wood products just will not last the distance. These surfaces are also quite likely to warp in shape, split, chip, or crack.


When you are looking for a Heavy Duty Slatwall you would expect to have to pay more than an inferior alternative. StoreWALL offer wholesale pricing to installers and clients that wish to purchase in bulk. Our prices are all displayed on our website so you can compare them yourself.

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Lawn Care Kit

lawn care kit

Ever wondered why it can be hard to get started on those weekend tasks like mowing the lawn and cleaning up the garden? It probably has something to do with having to get all of the tools ready (ie find them all), finding the energy to do the work, cleaning up afterwards and then putting all of the tools back again. Storewall’s Lawn Care Kit can help with most of these challenges and we are happy to throw in an energy bar to give you a boost of energy.

Technicians & Tools

If you have every watched a technician or handyman at work, one thing you will notice is how well they look after their tools. Theylawn care kit will carry a tool bag and each key tool will be in there, placed in the exact spot they need them in. Furthermore, once the job is done, each tool is cleaned (or dusted) and placed back in the spot it came from. Ever wondered why they are so meticulous about their tools? Firstly A grade tools are a big investment. Secondly if they lose their tools or just throw them all in the bag in whatever order, getting them out can sometimes be harder than completing the actual task at hand.

Mowing the Lawn

I hate mowing the lawn (especially in summer time) but I like the look of my home when its done. I also like the smell of freshly cut grass. By keeping all of my key gardening tools in one place it has made it a whole lot easier. The mower is near the gerry can of petrol. It’s also next to the wipper snipper and the plastic cord used to refill it. My gardening gloves are close by as are my range of gardening scissors.

It’s all in one place, easy to grab and go. Easy to get started!

Storewall is all about organising your garage and tool shed or workshop. Whether its wall panels you are after or hooks, we have them all. When it comes to gardening, we have made it easy to get started by creating our first Storewall bundle the Lawn Care Kit.

Our Storewall Lawn Care Kit includes the following items:

  • 6 – 1.2m Weathered Grey Standard Duty Wall Panels (dimensions are 1.2m width x 1.8m height)
  • 6 – InstallStrips
  • 1 – Angled Shelf
  • 2 – Large Wire Shelf
  • 1 – Heavy Duty Tool Hook
  • 1 – Long Hook
  • 2 – 127mm Single Hook

The combined slatwall panels will cover a total space of 2.16m squared. If you don’t have the height, you can remove one of the slatwall panels to make them five. Each slatwall panel is 1.2m in width (left to right) and 300mm in height (top to bottom). The Lawn Care Kit bundles includes a carton of 1.2m panels which holds 6 slatwall panels. Unfortunately we can’t break the 6 panel carton for you.

Please also note that the image on this page has 2 flat shelves and 1 wired angle shelf. We have replaced the 2 flat shelves with two flat wire shelves.

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Transform your Garage into a Home Gym

transform your garage into a home gym

The beginning of Autumn is the perfect time to join the gym except that it gets dark early and its getting colder each week. Gym’s can also be expensive, intimidating and overcrowded. An alternative is to transform your garage into a home gym.

Creating a home gym doesn’t need to be an expensive exercise and you can expand on it and the equipment as you build up your enthusiasm for exercise. Best of all its extremely convenient and it gives you an opportunity to finally clean up your garage space and make better use of that expensive realestate.

Transform your Garage into a Home Gym

Below I have outlines a few key steps in getting started with creating your home gym.

Determine what type of exercise you enjoy

We all know the benefits of exercise but let’s face it, it can be hard work. Finding a range of exercise that you enjoy is the key to getting started. This can be running, biking, weights, aerobics style exercise and even yoga. Its important to define what you enjoy and what you want to have in your home gym.

From here you need to begin your basic plan of what equipment you might need (or start with) and how you will likely lay it out and how much space it will take up.

Clean Up and Clean Out Your Garage

The next step is to clear out your garage and clean it up. The key principles with cleaning and reorganising your garage is to categories all of the items lying on the ground. This can include gardening tools, general tools, car related equipment, supplies etc.
Once everything that is on the floor is placed into piles you can then begin to work out where to store it all. Remember that you will need to allocate space for the actual gym itself.

Its not a matter of just shoving everything out of the way to make the necessary room, this is an opportunity to clean and reorganise your garage. You will be staring at it each time you use the gym, so don’t make the experience any more painful than it needs to be.

How much space do you need?

This all depends on the equipment you will likely utilise. In my case my garage gym is about 1.5m wide and 3m deep. I have a bench and free weights. I also have stool to hold by ez-curl barbel. I also have a small wall that holds my spare weights.
If you are going to invest in a running machine, you will probably need a little more room. Its not only the machinery that you need to think about, its also the air around it. Most garages are dirty, dusty, and sometimes mouldy. Therefore its important to clean the space regularly.

If you are keen on sit-ups and stretches, its important to have enough room for you mat as well.using slatwalls for home gym

Storing your equipment

When you transform your garage into a home gym you will end up with more items in your garage. Storing your gym equipment the right way will keep it easy to access as well as clean and protected. The last thing you want is additional hazards with dumbells all over the ground.

Storewall’s waterproof and highly durable slatwall panels make it super easy to store your gym equipment. Our broad range of hooks are locked into the slatwall with CamLok ensuring that weights are secure and don’t fall off the wall.

Combining our 2.4 slatwall panels with our brackets also means that larger barbels can be stored. You can also add our bins and brackets to store equipment such as medicine balls, skipping ropes and other smaller sporting equipment.

Storewall Gym Package

These are the items that we would recommend you consider from Storewall to when you decide to transform your garage into a home gym:

  • 1 case – 2.4m Standard Duty wall panels (4 panels/case)
  • 16 – InstallStrips (you can also screw the wall panels directly into your wall)
  • 5 – Cradle Hooks
  • 5 – Heavy Duty Cradle Hooks
  • 7 – Universal Hooks
  • 3 – 63mm Single Hooks
  • 3 – 127mm Single Hooks
  • 1 – 190mm Single Hook
  • 3 – Heavy Duty Utility Hooks
  • 2 – Small Angle Baskets
  • 2 – U Hooks
  • 1 – Six Prong Hook
  • 3 – Heavy Duty Universal Hooks
  • 2 – Angle Hooks

In conclusion, home gyms can be a great investment for your health but also your family’s health. Having exercise equipment around the home and having people actually use them means that even the younger generation can get motivated to exercise and try equipment even if it is just for fun.

The best advise I can provide in terms of exercise programs is to find the exercise you enjoy the most and begin with those. As you start to build strength and stamina you gradually begin varying the exercises so that you don’t get bored.

And finally remember a home gym in your garage does not need to cost you a lot. Its more about the exercise than what the room eventually looks like.

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Garage Storage Hooks

garage storage hooks - HD utility hooks

Garage storage hooks should form part of any garage make-over as they provide a clean and really easy way to lift anything from your garage floor and have it accessible via your garage wall. Today garage storage hooks come in lots of sizes and can be hang off any surface. Storewall goes one step further with its slatwall panels by also allowing you to move them around as you please as well as lock them in for safety.

Storewall Garage Storage Hooks

Storewall offer over 20 varieties of garage storage hooks which can be used to hang anything from bags to gardening equipment and even tools and wheel barrows. All storewall hooks are made of industrial steel and powder coated so that they stay looking professional for a very long time.

Our garage hook range includes:

  • Cradle Hook
  • Bike Hook
  • Heavy Duty Cradle Hook
  • Heavy Duty S Hook
  • Heavy Duty Tool Hook
  • Heavy Duty Universal Hook
  • Heavy Duty Utility Hook
  • Universal Hook
  • 63mm Single Hook
  • 127mm Single Hook
  • 190mm Single Hook
  • U Hook
  • Closed Loop Hook
  • Small Bungee Hook Set
  • Medium Bungee Hook Set
  • Large Bungee Hook Set
  • 300mm Universal Hook
  • Angled Pole Hook
  • Wide Hook
  • 6 Prong Hook
  • Heavy Duty Box Hook
  • Long Hook
  • Disc Hook

Let’s take a closer look at the Heavy Duty Utility Hook.

StoreWALL Heavy Duty Utility Hook is the ideal solution for hanging your ladder (more than one is possible), electrical power leads or hoses or even large pieces of timber. The Storewall Heavy Duty Utility Hook comes pre-installed with CamLok™ to ensure your items stay where you hang them and not on the floor because the hooks has come off the wall.

Sizing of the Utility Hook is 228mm off the wall x 178mm at the widest point x 140mm in height. In terms of weight, the Heavy Duty Utility Hook can hold 68KG where the slatwall panel has been installed and is supported with InstallStrips.

With such an extensive range of garage storage hooks how can you resist not cleaning up your messy garage and making room for you to easily and safely move around.


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Slatwall Panels

storewall heavy duty wall panels

Slatwall Panels are a popular way to dress up your garage and store most of the things you have lying around taking up floor space and causing a hazard. Storewall Australia brings superior wall mounted storage solutions to Australia to through a great range of hard wearing and secure wall panels that you can use in your garage, home, workshop and retail store.

Storewall Slatwall Panels

Storewall’s slatwall panels are much more than your ordinary slatwall. The range of colours includes the popular Weathered Grey, Rustic Cedar, Global Pine, Dover White, Brite White, and Graphite Steely. However it isn’t just the colour selection that makes them so unique. Our wall panels are significantly stronger and more substantial than conventional wall panels. They are also waterproof, recyclable and easily cleaned.

Storewall’s panels have a patented profile, designed to accept the exclusive InstallStrip for easy installation and a beautiful screw free appearance. HeavyDuty panels are molded, solid core, so the colour and finish goes throughout the panel. Panels carry a 10 year Warranty.

Installing Slatwall Panels

Most slatwall panels are installed using screws which fasten the panel directly to your plaster or concrete wall. In order to conceal the screws and offer a clean finish, colour screws are used. The challenge with going directly into the wall however is that the strength of the wall panel and what can hang off it eg hooks and shelves can be limited.

Storewall’s Slatwall Panels can be installed simply and easily with our Installstrip solution. Installstrips are metallic strips which sit behind the wall panels and are installed with screws directly on your wall. The wall panels are them clipped directly to the install strips. There are no unsightly visible screws or fasteners and the strips attach to any surface; wood, plasterboard, concrete or concrete block. You can add or change panels at any time. Installation couldn’t be easier or look better.

Range of Sizes

To make installation easy, Storewall panel’s come in two sizes, the 1.2m panels and the 2.4m panels. The dimension of each panel options are:

Standard Duty

  • 2.4m range – 2438.4mm x 304.8mm x 16.7mm (covers 0.74m squared)
  • 1.2m range – 1219mm x 304.8mm x 16.7mm (covers 0.37m squared)

Heavy Duty

  • 2.4m range – 2438.4mm x 381mm x 17.7mm (covers 0.92m squared)
  • 1.2m range – 1219mm x 381mm x 17.7mm (covers 0.46m squared)


Beyond the Slatwall Panel however, Storewall gives you the ability to add heavy duty accessories such a Hooks (over 12 sizes), baskets, brackets and shelves. Each of these accessories is not only hooked onto the wall panels but it is also locked in using CamLok, the unique locking mechanism that only Storewall offers.

There are plenty of slatwall system available in the marketplace but Storewall is not your ordinary slatwall panel.


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Organising your garage into Zones

rganize the Garage into Zones

Whether your garage is big enough to hold one or two cars, organising your garage is not easy and over time with more and more “stuff” filling it, the task seems almost impossible to start. Giving your garage an almighty clean and declutter is one thing, setting it up to stay organised means you need to create a garage organisation plan. The best way to get started is by organising your garage into zones.

A simple redesign of your garage can make all the difference.  Try assigning “zones” to each section of the garage.

First of all, what are storage zones?

Storage zones are areas in your garage where certain (similar) items should be stored. Sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised at how many garages just evolve over time with items all jumbled in together instead of being gathered together in certain designated areas.

Below I have listed a range of Zones or categories which comprise most of the items found in a typical garage. They will give you a head start to create your own Zones for the items that make up your garage.

Zone 1 – Household items

These are mainly items you will use at some stage within your home. You’ll want to store bulk items like laundry detergent, toilet paper, pet food, extra pantry supplies, brooms, mops and buckets, the vacuum and any other items you are likely to use inside your home in this area. Keeping these items close to the interior door leading to your garage allows you to grab them quickly and easily.

Zone 2 – Backyard tools and garden supplies

These are all outdoor items and will be needed when you are working in the backyard. This particular area should be kept toward the front of the garage since you’ll want these items to be handy while the front garage door is open and you’re working on the lawn.

Zone 3 – Workshop space

Keep your hammers, pliers, nuts, bolts and clamps in the area of your workbench. Keeping these items together will make any “fix it” project much easier to manage if all of your tools are all easy to find and access.

Zone 4 – Sports Equipment

Cricket bats, soccer balls, bike equipment, even a surfboard! Keep these items together for quick grab-and-go availability. Look at how high you want to store them so that even the kids can grab them on their own.

Zone 5 – Holiday Decorations

Plastic storage bins and bags are a great way to organise this type of stuff. These items are not accessed often, so can be stored on shelves up and out of the way. Be sure to clearly label all bins to make locating particular items an easy process.

Depending on the types of items you have and your particular interests and hobbies, you may have several more zones.

The single most important thing to remember is to group “like” items together.

Life works so much better when it’s organised!