Clutter, clutter and more clutter, it just keeps building up. To give you some helpful ideas on how you can get on top of this challenge we have worked through some decorative home storage solutions that will go some way to creating a a clutter-free home.
If yours is an existing home or a you are building a new home from scratch, looking at custom home storage solutions can really help you better enjoy your home and its free space.
These idea apply equally for those renting a home. There are plenty of options that can be aesthetic and easily constructed as well as removed when you decide to move. Either way decorative storage solutions can help you enjoy your living areas a whole lot more.
From kitchen storage to decorative storage baskets, giving thought to how you will store and display your belongings is time well spent. Below we cover 9 home storage solutions ideas which can inspire you to look at how your space is used at home.
Home Storage Solutions – Storage Shelving
Storage shelves are a worthwhile addition for every kitchen, laundry, living room, bedroom and garage. They offer a great way to store books, picture frames, electrical goods like TVs, trophies and personal items. The range of shelve options includes different sizes, the material they are made of and how they are added to your wall. The easiest way to source your storage shelving is through a furniture store eg IKEA. Shelving ideas include the ability to create different compartments for different items. Alternatively shelves can be coupled with baskets which can look stylish as well as hide your belongings.
Furniture as Storage
I remember as kid my bed had two large drawers built into its bottom frame (the mattress siting on top). This style of bed is probably not so popular these days but the idea has merit. It provides a clean storage compartment within a single piece of furniture.
Bedhead storage makes a great place for all those winter blankets that normally clutter your linen warddrobes.
However it doesn’t need to be a bed, it can be a sofa or a console which has a storage areas built within it. Even if it doesn’t there are plenty of stylish baskets available today which can be added to any piece of furniture making it dual purpose.
Transform the area under your bed, where dust bunnies like the swirl, by using rolling boxes, drawers, or even shelving to create extra room.
Home Storage Solutions – Storage Containers
Storage containers and boxes are regularly used as streamlining vessels in pretty much every part of the house. Whether its the foyer area for keys and phones, the kitchen for utensils or the bathroom for soap and other accessories. The endless shapes and colours make them really attractive. They are also relatively inexpensive which makes them easy to chop and change.
Similarly trays are a great way to organise kitchen cupboards. Organise and store your packets and bottles on specific trays and keep them from falling over.
Closed Cabinets or Joinery
All houses need closed joinery to store those larger, bulkier items. This can include electrical goods and appliances. Most established houses will have these cabinets spread out all over the home. However they can be easily added with minimum cost through flat pack kits available at your local hardware store or even furniture store. A key thing to consider when buying or even building your joinery are the hinges and the opening mechanism.
There are some very modern finishes available today making the look very streamlined.
Open Cabinets and Joinery
The rising popularity of open joinery comes down to its ability to allow natural light to flow, remain decorative but also allow for storage. It is used regularly in modern kitchens, especially over benches, allowing for extra storage and freeing up valuable bench space. Consider having open cabinets custom built for your new home and kitchen as it can be a real winner.
Even in established homes, custom built open cabinets can be designed and built by your local kitchen or cabinet maker and then installed. Whether its painted or stained timber or even a veneer finish. Consider this for your laundry and dining areas.
Up High – Floor to Ceiling Storage
Most homes neglect to use the full hight of their home. This area is ideal for storage and can be cleverly designed to look stylish and a simple extension of your wall. Shelving over door frames or windows can provide a place to much loved books that are also in good condition. If you are looking at book cases, consider a custom built book case which goes floor to ceiling, rather then ending a foot short. This extra foot will be an un-used area.
Traditionally cabinet makers when designing kitchens gave you an option of building all the way to the ceiling or capping the kitchen about a foot short. This area is just a dust pool. Consider better uses for it in your kitchen so that you can get rid of clutter as well as kitchen-ware and appliances that are not used very often but still needed.
Attic Attack
Very popular in the 80s and 90s but not so much today, Attic conversions are a great way to make use of the roof area in your house. With easy access through ladders, an attic can be a fantastic addition which will add value to your home. You don’t need to have a high pitched roof for an attic, enclosed in air tight bags the roof area can be used to store seasonal items such as Christmas trees. Just remember that the temperature in the roof can be extremely warm in summer
Bathroom Bliss
Most houses make little use of the toilet for storage. Closed cupboards will allow you to not only store toilet related items but also those for the laundry and bathroom. Consider shelving that frames the toilet area, from floor to ceiling to give you much needed space.
Staircase Storage
Cupboards and shelving below the stairs is nothing new, but think outside the box and use the between your stairs to store all sorts of bits and bobs.
If you’re like most people, there’s never quite enough room in your house to put everything away. Create a place for everything and put everything in its place with these great storage ideas for your home.