StoreWALL panels are regularly compared to Pegboard solutions offered by many Hardware and even Homeware stores. To help you better understand the differences, I completed my own Pegboard Versus StoreWALL comparison.
Bunnings sells several Pegboard solutions, both MDF and in a metal finish. The metal finish Pegboard is from Pinnacle which also supplies a large range of shelving at Bunnings. I decided to buy a Pegboard as well as some accessories so that I could test drive storing a range of power tools.
The below video review takes a look at how the Pinnacle Pegboard is installed and how its PowerTool accessories work.
The video review also takes a look at StoreWALL and what is on offer in terms of PowerTool storage.
Pinnacle Pegboard
Pinnacle’s Pegboard comes in several sizes, the smaller 900mm x 450mm panel is about $39. I also purchased a packet of the Heavy Duty Tool Clips which includes 4 pieces for about $13.
The Pegboard is installed with a few screws using pre-drilled holes on the Pegboard. There are 8 holes in total (2 at each corner). You could drill additional holes if you needed to and in locations better suited to your wall. The Pinnacle Pegboard does not come with fasteners. So you will need to source these yourself.
I am a little concerned about how well 4 screws will go holding up the actual pegboard, particularly if the total weight of what is being stored starts to climb over 10kgs. The Bunnings website doesn’t seem to provide a weight rating for it.
The Pinnacle Pegboard looks sturdy, it is powder-coated black. Being a pegboard, the vast number of punctured holes allows you to add accessories anywhere on the wall.
If you read the reviews on the Bunnings website, they are generally positive. I think most people are just happy to find something they can install themselves and clean up their garage. There are concerns about the powder coating being easy to scratch. The biggest concerns however are that some users found the pegboard complicated to mount securely to their wall.
Pinnacle Heavy Duty Tool Clip
The Heavy Duty Tool Clip is a very lightweight accessory that is attached to the Pegboard with a couple of teeth at the back of the accessory. Two plastic screws are also provided to secure it to the Pegboard. I was able to install the screws and secure them to the Pegboard but screwing them all of the way was difficult. Reading the reviews on the Bunnings site, some people have commented with similar experiences.
The accessory itself is usable but it is stiff and you will need your Pegboard to be firmly fitted to your wall so that you can securely attach and remove your accessories. Whilst there is no max weight that each accessory can hold, it seems strong enough to support your typical impact drill set.
Pegboard Versus StoreWALL
In the video review, I also include a review of two of StoreWALL’s PowerTool Accessories. There are in fact many more which I will cover in a separate video. The two in the video include:
- PowerTool Hook
- 450mm PowerTool Storage Rack

When it comes to durability and fit for purpose, I don’t think you can really compare what StoreWALL offers to a Pegboard. Pegboards are OK for lightweight items, but as your requirements start to grow, the lightweight nature of the Pegboard solution starts to limit what you can use it for. Pegboard Versus StoreWALL is not a fair comparison.
StoreWALL’s panels are a lot thicker and sturdier than your Pegboard (both MDF and Metal). Our installation options using the StoreWALL installstrips provide for greater weight capacity and therefore the ability to store even your heaviest PowerTools ie Hammer Drills, Power Saws, and even bigger items such as Chain Saws.
Furthermore, the video clearly shows the difference in our range of accessories. Our Hooks are Industrial grade, built for heavy items. They will not leave your wall and last a lifetime.
The other key thing to remember with pegboards is that they aren’t designed for storing your larger items like ladders, chairs, hoses, bikes or anything that is actually more than 20cm in length/height. Your investment in a StoreWALL wall panel definitely is.
So what’s the catch? There is a price difference. $52 buys you a 900mm x 450mm Pegboard and 4 Heavy Duty Tool Clips. One StoreWALL panel will set you back about $66. The PowerTool Hook or Rack are about $40 each. Yes, there is a difference in the investment you will need to make with StoreWALL. However, this investment will last a lifetime.