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Tackling Garage Hoarding

garage hoarding

Is your garage bursting at the seams with items you haven’t used in years? You’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with garage hoarding, turning a valuable space into a cluttered, chaotic storage area. This guide will help you understand the root of garage hoarding, provide practical steps to declutter, and offer tips to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

Understanding Garage Hoarding

Hoarding is more than just a tendency to collect things; it’s a complex issue often rooted in emotional and psychological factors. Garages are prime candidates for hoarding because they serve as convenient storage spaces for items we’re unsure about. From old tools and sports equipment to seasonal decorations and unused furniture, it’s easy for things to pile up.

garage hoarding

The Impact of Garage Hoarding

  1. Safety Hazards: Piles of clutter can become fire hazards or create obstacles that increase the risk of tripping and falling.
  2. Reduced Functionality: A cluttered garage loses its primary function. Instead of being a place to park your car or work on projects, it becomes a stressful, unusable space.
  3. Mental Strain: The clutter can lead to stress and anxiety, affecting your overall well-being.

Steps to Declutter Your Garage

  1. Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve. Do you want to park your car in the garage again? Create a workshop? Having clear goals will keep you motivated.
  2. Create a Sorting System: Divide your items into categories: Keep, Donate, Sell, Recycle, and Trash. This system will help you make decisions more efficiently.
  3. Start Small: Begin with a small section of your garage. This approach makes the task more manageable and less overwhelming.
  4. Use the Four-Box Method: As you sort through items, place them in one of four boxes: Keep, Donate, Sell, or Trash. This method helps in making quick decisions.
  5. Evaluate Each Item: Ask yourself if you’ve used the item in the last year. If not, it’s likely you won’t use it again.
  6. Organize What’s Left: Once you’ve sorted through everything, organize the items you’re keeping. Use shelves, cabinets, and pegboards to maximize space.
  7. Dispose of the Rest: Properly dispose of items you’re not keeping. Donate usable items to charities, sell valuable items online, and recycle or trash the rest.

Preventing Future Hoarding

  1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular cleanouts to keep clutter from accumulating. Even spending a few hours every couple of months can make a big difference.
  2. Adopt a One-In, One-Out Policy: For every new item you bring into your garage, get rid of an old one. This helps maintain a balance.
  3. Create Zones: Designate specific areas in your garage for different categories of items. For example, create a sports equipment zone, a tool zone, and a gardening zone.
  4. Invest in Storage Solutions: Utilize shelves, cabinets, and pegboards to keep items organized and off the floor.
  5. Be Mindful of Purchases: Before buying new items, consider if you truly need them and where you’ll store them.
garage hoarding

DIY Garage Storage Solutions

  1. Overhead Storage Racks: Perfect for storing seasonal items like holiday decorations.
  2. Wall-Mounted Shelves: Great for keeping frequently used items within easy reach.
  3. Slatwall Panels: Ideal for organizing tools and small items.
  4. Cabinets: Useful for hiding away items and keeping the garage looking tidy.
  5. Storage Bins: Use clear bins for easy visibility or label opaque bins to keep similar items together.


Dealing with garage hoarding may seem daunting, but with a structured approach and a bit of determination, you can reclaim your space. Remember, the key is to start small, stay organized, and maintain your garage regularly. By transforming your cluttered garage into a functional, organized area, you’ll improve not only the aesthetics of your home but also your peace of mind.