Our StoreWALL Frequently Asked Questions are based on the most common questions we receive from customers. These FAQs will be updated regularly. If you don’t find the answer you need below, please send us an email via Contact Us.
Yes you can access our latest catalog from here. Our range of products is however available via our online store. The online store will always be the most up to date catalogue.
StoreWALL focuses on delivering the best in Garage Wall Panels and Garage Wall Accessories. Our focus is your garage walls.
We consider StoreWALL Wall Panels to be the strongest and best-engineered panels in the market. Combined with our Installstrips, there is no better solution on the market.
We also believe that our range of accessories, their design, protection, and locking mechanism (CamLok) offer you the best in long-term value.
Depending on your location we can suggest providers of garage furniture such as cupboards and benches as well as garage floor re-surfacing. Note that these are not services that we directly offer.
Are StoreWALL accessories compatible with my TidyWall Wall Panels? Based on feedback from several customers, TidyWall panels use a similar groove spacing to StoreWALL Panels. This means that the spacing between grooves that will hold the accessory is the same at 75mm.
Therefore, you can confidently purchase StoreWALL accessories and use them on your TidyWall wall panels. Conversely, if you own StoreWALL wall panels, your TidyWall accessories will work on your panels.
StoreWALL’s wall panel solution is deisgned around allowing you to hang almost anything in your garage on your wall. This includes the longest and the more heaviest items.
In order to do this, we put a lot of work in the design of our equipment, both the wall panels and the accessories.
The strength of our wall panels system is distributed across both our panels and our accessories. Our panels are supported by our Metal Installstrips which are screwed to your wall and hold the panels. 12 screws are used for each SD Installstrip and 14 screws for each HD Installstrip.
This is backed up by the strength of our accessories. They are all made from heavy duty metal and they all (90%) of themcoe with CamLok our superior and patented locking mechanism. This locking mechanism secures the accessory to the wall and ensures it does not move no matter how many times you add or remove your item from the wall.
Not only does it protect the item hangin on your wall, it also protects your car and anything else standing below it.
Unlike most other accessory styles on the market, CamLok does not use claws to grab and hold onto the panel. Our swivel lock is made from metal and with a simple twist of your screw driver locks that accessory in place for you.
No other solution on the market offers something close to this.
You can read more about CamLok here.